Persuasive Normative Messages: The Influence of Injunctive and
Persuasive Normative Messages: The Influence of Injunctive and
Personal Norms on Using Free Plastic Bags
de Groot, J. I., Abrahamse, W., & Jones, K.
(2013). Persuasive normative messages: The influence of injunctive and personal
norms on using free plastic bags. Sustainability, 5(5), 1829-1844.
Please reference to
source, this paper for note only
Abstract: In this exploratory field-study, we examined how
normative messages (i.e., activating an injunctive norm, personal norm,
or both) could encourage shoppers to use fewer free plastic bags for their
shopping in addition to the supermarket‘s standard environmental message aimed
at reducing plastic bags. In a one-way subjects-design (N = 200) at a
local supermarket, we showed that shoppers used significantly fewer free plastic
bags in the injunctive, personal and combined normative message condition than
in the condition where only an environmental message was present. The combined
normative message did result in the smallest uptake of free plastic bags
compared to the injunctive and personal normative-only message, although these
differences were not significant. Our findings imply that re-wording the
supermarket‘s environmental message by including normative information could be
a promising way to reduce the use of free plastic bags, which will ultimately
benefit the environment.
Keywords: normative influence; norms; injunctive norms; personal norms; message framing; sustainable behavior
1. Introduction
The production of plastic bags uses natural resources such as oil, and releases carbon emissions into the atmosphere. Plastic bags account for a large part of our waste in landfills, and they are one of the most frequently discarded items of litter in forests and on beaches. A large number of plastic bags end up in seas and oceans and as a result about 1 billion seabirds and mammals die every year because they mistake the bags for food. In addition, plastic bags can take up to 1,000 years to decompose [1]. So with over 8 billion plastic bags used in the UK alone every year [2], plastic bags are a very real threat to the environment. This threat is well recognized by conservation professionals: “Plastic bags exceed what you would anticipate would be their pollution impact, because they‘re so much more mobile than other types of litter,” (Samantha Fanshawe, Director of Conservation, UK Marine Conservation Society, cited in [3]). It is therefore important to try and reduce the amount of plastic bags that are used on a day to day basis. The present study explores how shops can reduce the use of free plastic bags by normative message framing.
1.1. Normative Influence and Pro-Environmental Behavior
Pro-environmental behaviors, such as decreasing
the use of plastic bags, can be defined as behaviors which benefit the
environment by changing the availability of materials or energy from the environment
or altering the structure and dynamics of ecosystems in a positive way [4,5].
Acting pro-environmentally entails that other people or the environment may benefit,
whereas often, no direct individual benefits are received by engaging in these
behaviors. Pro-environmental behavior often implies acting on a normative
basis, that is, acting on considerations of what is the right or wrong thing to
do for the community and the environment according to oneself and important
others [6,7]. A lot of models focus on such normative considerations by
including social or personal norms for explaining pro-environmental behaviors
(e.g., [8–13]). Hence, a potentially effective way to decrease the use of free
plastic bags in shops is the use of persuasive normative messages.
1.2. Persuasive Normative Messages: Using Social Norms to Promote Pro-Environmental Behavior
Social norms are customary rules of behavior that
guide our interactions with others [14]; they are thought to be beliefs about
what are common and accepted behaviors for specific situations [15]. Research
on social norms and pro-environmental behavior shows that social norms can be
an important determinant for explaining these actions [16–20]: a stronger
social norm is more strongly related to behavior that is in congruence with
this norm.
The focus theory of normative conduct [21,22]
states that social norms can mobilize decision making processes, especially
when they are made salient, or focal, in a specific situation (see also [23]). One
way to increase the saliency of norms is by persuasive normative messages [24].
For example, Goldstein et al. [25] worked with a local hotel on a
program to encourage guests to reuse towels to save on water and electricity.
Different messages urging guests to reuse their towels were used. The findings
indicated that an environmental message which made a descriptive social norm
salient (i.e., “Join your fellow citizens in helping to save the
environment”) was more successful in motivating guests to reuse their towels compared to
a standard environmental message. This persuasive normative message encouraged
44% of guests to reuse their towels, as opposed to only 31% when the cards used
a generic environmental protection message (Study 1). Specifying that 75% of
the guests who had stayed in the same room had reused their towels further
increased towel reuse to 49%.
The studies that have focused on normative
message framing and pro-environmental behavior have mostly focused on reducing
littering [22], reusing towels (e.g., [24–26]) or reducing energy consumption (e.g.,
[27,28]). As far as we are aware, there are no studies that have examined the effect
of normative message framing on the use of free plastic bags in a supermarket
setting. As such, this study aims to examine whether the effectiveness of
normative message framing can be replicated in the context of this different
type of pro-environmental behavior and field-study behavioral context (i.e.,
a large supermarket, open 24/7, with a focus on reducing the use of free
plastic bags).
Cialdini et al. [21] state that there are
two distinct types of social norms; that is, descriptive and injunctive social
norms. Descriptive social norms refer to what is commonly done, for example: “80%
of people in the UK reuse their plastic bags on a regular basis”. Injunctive social norms refer to what is commonly approved or disapproved
of, such as “80% of people in the UK believe (i.e., approve of) that
reusing plastic bags is important”.
Both descriptive and injunctive social norms can
be used in persuasive normative messages to encourage pro environmental
behaviors (e.g., [24–29]). The study of Jacobson et al. [30] showed that
there was no significant difference between an injunctive or descriptive
normative message on prosocial behavior. They showed that both the injunctive (“most
students indicated that participants should be willing to stay for the full
hour and complete extra surveys”) and the descriptive (“most students have chosen to stay for the full
hour and complete extra surveys”) normative message were equally effective in terms of helping
behavior among students. That is, when students were asked to help the
researcher to complete extra surveys, both messages resulted in a similar
number of students offering to help out, indicating an equal strength of both
messages when influencing behavior.
However, there is some evidence indicating that
focusing on descriptive norms is ineffective in promoting pro-environmental
behaviors in situations characterized by high levels of undesirable conduct
[26,31]; and, in some instances can even result in the inhibition of the
influence of salient injunctive norms (in favor of the desired behavior) that
are in place [32,33]. For example, Cialdini et al. [26] showed that a
strong injunctive normative message (“Please don‘t remove the petrified wood
from the park”) resulted in less theft of petrified wood in a nature reserve (1.67%) than a
message emphasizing the descriptive norm about the severity of the problem (“Many
visitors have removed the petrified wood from the park, changing the state of
the Petrified Forest”) (7.92%). Only 2.92% of the visitors stole petrified wood
when no sign was present, indicating that emphasizing an undesirable
descriptive norm can even result in a boomerang-effect. Therefore, scholars
have emphasized the importance of focusing on the injunctive norm instead of
the descriptive norm when most people are showing the undesired behavior
[24,26,31 ,34,35]. According to the supermarket‘s figures in our study, 88% of
the customers only use free plastic bags rather than recycled bags. So, a large
majority of customers do not show the desired behavior. This study therefore
examines whether behavior change can be encouraged by means of normative
message framing with a focus on the
injunctive norm, rather than the descriptive norm.
injunctive norm, rather than the descriptive norm.
Persuasive Normative Messages: Using Personal Norms to Promote Pro-Environmental
An additional factor which may be used in
persuasive normative messages to encourage pro-environmental behaviors is
personal norms. Personal norms refer to an individual‘s belief about their
moral obligation to engage in a specific behavior [36]. Thus, personal norms
are specific standards for one‘s own behavior instead of one‘s beliefs about
what other people think or do [37].
Personal norms have been shown to strongly
predict a diversity of pro-environmental intentions and behaviors, including
(reducing) car use (e.g., [38,39]), buying environmentally-friendly products
[40–42], and the adoption of alternative fuelled vehicles [43]. These studies indicate
that the stronger one‘s personal norm to act pro-environmentally, the more
someone is inclined to make pro-environmental choices and act
As proposed in the focus theory of normative
conduct [21], we assume that personal norms should also be made salient to be
able to exert an effect on behavior. This assumption is also emphasized by the
norm activation model [44], which proposes that behavior is guided mainly by an
activated personal norm. Although there have been various empirical studies that
focused on how social norms can be framed in messages to change behavior,
personal norms have hardly been used in research related to persuasive
normative messages. Therefore, we will also explore how personal normative messages
can potentially be used to promote reducing the use of plastic bags in the
current study.
An example of how to activate someone‘s personal
norms by persuasive normative messages is provided by the work of Bolderdijk et
al. [45,46]. They made personal norms salient by explicitly linking personal
pronouns to a moral message. It is assumed that all people have to some extent personal
norms in favor of the environment. Personal pronouns allow people to link these
beliefs about what would actually be “the right thing to do” to their moral self-concept hereby activating these internalized norms, and,
consequently, that person may act more in line with these norms. Bolderdijk and
colleagues [46] showed in a field-experimental observational study on free tire
checks at a gas station that a moral appeal on a sign placed at a gas station (“Do
you care for the environment? Get a free tire check”) resulted in significantly more coupon uptakes for free tire
checks than the economic (“Do you care about your finances? Get a free tire check”) or control appeal (“Get a free tire check”)
when personal pronouns were linked with the moral message (Study 3). In other
words, linking moral messages to one‘s self-concept will activate or make
salient an already existing personal norm towards the pro-environmental
behavior. Therefore, we will use this strategy to activate one‘s personal norms
towards reusing plastic bags (and consequently reduce the use of free plastic
To conclude, social as well as personal norms
seem to be effective triggers for encouraging pro-environmental behaviors. The
present study will use normative persuasive messages to make social and
personal norms salient. First, we will try to replicate the aforementioned
field studies in another pro-environmental behavioral domain (i.e., reducing
the uptake of free plastic bags) to see whether indeed an injunctive normative
message will decrease the uptake. Based on the literature review above, we
expect that:
H1—Customers will use significantly fewer free
plastic bags when an injunctive normative message in favor of reusing bags is
made salient compared to the environmental-only condition in which only ‗caring for the environment‘ is made salient.
Second, this study is one of the first to further
explore how personal norms can be activated by normative persuasive messages.
Based on the literature on the relationships between personal norms and
pro-environmental behaviors (e.g., [38–43]), and the focus theory of normative
conduct [21], we hypothesize that:
H2—Customers will use significantly fewer free
plastic bags when a personal normative message in favor of reusing bags (i.e.,
linking personal pronouns to the message of helping the environment) is made
salient compared to the environmental-only condition.
Persuasive Normative Messages: Combined Injunctive and Personal Normative
Research on normative message framing assumes
that it is important that normative messages should be aligned to exert the
strongest influence on environmental behaviors [15,24]. However, there is a
lack of empirical studies that have investigated the relative influence of
aligned normative messages, especially in relation to combining an injunctive
with a personal normative message. Our study further seeks to identify whether
combined normative messages (i.e., making both social injunctive norms and
personal norms salient) will be more powerful in decreasing the use of plastic bags
in a local supermarket compared to the persuasive normative messages
There is some support that normative messages
exert a stronger influence on behavior when norms are aligned. For example, in
an intervention study on the effect of normative messages and the reuse of bath
towels among hotel guests, Schultz et al. [24] found that 62% of guests who
received an aligned message that made the desired behavior (i.e., reusing your
towel) salient by a combination of a descriptive and injunctive normative
message reused their bath towel at least once during their stay. This
percentage was significantly higher than the 57% of the hotel guests that
reused their towels in the control condition, in which the guests only received
a message about the environmental benefits of reusing towels.
In another study, Smith and Louis [47] showed an
interaction effect between the injunctive and descriptive norms: the impact of
a salient injunctive norm to sign a petition against full-fee places for domestic
undergraduate students was stronger when the descriptive norm to support this
signing was salient as well. Finally, in three large scale surveys, Thøgersen
[48] consistently found that the effect of the injunctive and descriptive norms
combined were stronger than their additive effects for explaining a diversity
of self-reported pro-environmental behaviors. In other words, it seems that if both
injunctive and descriptive normative messages are supportive towards behavior,
their combined effect may be further facilitating this behavior (see also
[49]). Based on these studies, we would expect that a combined injunctive and
personal normative message in favor of the desired behavior may also result in
the least use of free plastic bags. However, our study focuses on a combination
of injunctive and personal normative messages rather than descriptive and
injunctive normative messages. Descriptive norms are different from personal
norms as they tap into different underlying motivational aspects (see e.g.,
[50]). Thus, could the sum of activating injunctive and personal norms combined
be more than their individual contribution on behavior change?
Based on theories in social psychology, we would
expect so. For example, psychologists [50,51] have suggested that social norms
are processed in a different way than personal norms. They argue that social
norms influence behavior on a more subconscious level because they tend to be
mainly associated with affective beliefs [50]; while personal norms can
motivate someone to act in a more conscious way as well because they tend to be
associated more strongly with cognitive beliefs [50]. Thus, a message that
activates an injunctive and a personal norm may ultimately result in
influencing more people because they can process the message in the way that
fits them best personally. Therefore, the combination of making salient
injunctive and personal norms is expected to result in the most persuasive
normative message.
To the authors‘ knowledge, there is no research
that investigates the combined effects of various types of normative messages
(social norms and personal norms) on pro-environmental behavior. This study
will be one of the first that explores such effects. Based on the assumption that
aligned messages assert the strongest influence on one‘s behavior (e.g.,
[15,24,47]) and a combined message can activate both norms depending on which
norm is most important for the person to act upon in first instance [49], we
expect that:
H3—Customers will use significantly fewer free
plastic bags when a social and personal normative message in favor of reusing
bags are both made salient compared to either of the messages alone and the
environmental-only condition.
2. Method
2.1. Design
The design used in the study was a one-way
between-subjects design. The supermarket was part of a large multi-national
corporate organization, which uses the same national signs and messages in all shops
across the UK. Consequently, we could not remove present signs and messages
from the experimental setting. The independent variable (i.e., type of
normative message) therefore always included the original signs of the
supermarket as well. The independent variable consisted of four levels: (1) an
injunctive normative message with the environmental message of the supermarket,
(2) a personal normative message combined with the environmental message of the
supermarket, (3) a combined injunctive and personal normative message with the
environmental message of the supermarket, and, (4) the environmental message
only (i.e., the messages as presently used in the supermarket). The dependent
variable was the number of free plastic bags customers used when doing their
Participants consisted of customers shopping at a
local 24/7 supermarket in Bournemouth (UK) who paid for their shopping at the
till which was being observed. Every third customer was observed and recorded
to make it a systematic random sample. Customers who already brought their own reusable
bags were deleted from data collection, because they could not be affected by
the normative messages at present. The next customer was observed instead.
Statistical power analyses to calculate an
accurate sample size prior the study was not used because we did not have such
statistics available yet for the specific context in which this study took
place (i.e., reducing free plastic bags, with two specific types of injunctive
and personal normative messages, 24/7 shop in UK context). The sample sizes
were therefore estimated based on a rule of thumb (i.e., two to three times the amount of
participants in each condition compared to a similar study that would have been
conducted in a fully-controlled lab-setting). Therefore, fifty participants for
each of the four conditions were observed and recorded (N = 200; 59% Males).
The group that participants were shopping in was
also recorded (14% Family; 27% Couple; 59% Single). If the participants were
not alone, the sex of the participant was determined by the member of the group
that paid for the shopping. The size of the shopping was also reported by
observing whether the participants had their shopping in a large trolley
(reported as “large shopping”; 8%), a small trolley (reported as “medium shopping”; 54%), or a basket (reported as “small shopping”; 38%). Unfortunately we were not allowed to randomly allocate customers
to the different message conditions (e.g., changing the messages on an hourly
basis; having several observation times for each condition). The management
indicated this would be too distracting for the customers and members of staff.
Therefore, this study should be regarded as a field-study rather than a
field-experimental study.
2.3. Pilot
First, we examined what kind of message would be
best for the social normative message at the supermarket. The supermarket
provided current figures, which showed that on average 12% of transactions
during a typical week involved reusing bags. Based on this information, we
concluded that the majority of customers conducted the undesired behavior of
using free plastic bags. This meant that the use of an injunctive normative
message would be more appropriate than highlighting a descriptive social norm.
As outlined earlier, the reasoning behind this is that injunctive norms ban or
discourage the undesired behavior, whereas descriptive norms using free plastic
bags would only set a standard that acts as a magnet for behaving in an
undesired way [26,28].
Next, we recruited 20 customers at the
supermarket to fill in a questionnaire about the reuse of shopping bags to
determine the appropriate injunctive norm regarding the reuse of shopping bags
and decreasing the use of free plastic bags. We assumed that the majority of
shoppers would approve of reusing shopping bags instead of using free plastic
bags because it is an easy behavior, which benefits the environment. The
results of the questionnaire indeed confirmed this: all 20 customers believed
that re-using shopping bags was at least “somewhat important” in helping the environment. This gave reason to use the
injunctive norm regarding plastic bag use as a means of discouraging the use of
free plastic bags (i.e., “Shoppers in this store believe that re-using shopping
bags is a useful way to help the environment. Please continue to re-use your
The study took place at a local 24/7 supermarket.
Data was recorded through observation in a naturalistic setting (the
supermarket) by one and the same observer. The observer had a good view over
the observed till so there were no problems encountered with counting the
numbers of free plastic bags used. The observer was positioned in such a way
that it was highly unlikely the customer noticed the observer. It was decided
that data collection would take place over a short period of time to account
for weekly customers, and to decrease the chance that the same customers would
be included in the different conditions. Therefore, data collection took place
over one weekend (Saturday between 8 am and 8 pm and Sunday between 10 am and 4
pm) outside any specific holiday periods. The supermarket‘s manager indicated
that there could be differences between weekly and weekend shoppers, but she
did not observe any obvious differences between shoppers that either shopped on
a Saturday or Sunday (in the morning or afternoon), hereby limiting the chance
that the customers were significantly different on potentially confounding
variables because of the non-randomized design.
Most well-known 24/7 supermarkets in the United
Kingdom still have a policy to offer free plastic bags to customers next to
offering more durable re-usable bags for a certain amount of money. The specific
store where we conducted our study had this policy as well. The person behind
the till always put free plastic bags in the bagging area at the till, but the
customer also had the opportunity to buy re-usable bags (the cheapest “plastic” reusable bags were 10 pence apiece); this remained constant across all four
conditions during the experiment. The customer did not get any help while
bagging their shopping. Therefore, all customers had the opportunity to take as
many free plastic bags or alternative re-usable bags as they found sufficient,
and there was nobody (no “baggers”) who interfered with them bagging their groceries.
Signs were placed in the supermarket, which
displayed messages to make the injunctive social norms, personal norms, and
combined injunctive and personal norms salient (see Figure 1). For the control
condition, no signs other than the supermarket‘s original signs were displayed,
which stated “Caring for the environment. Reuse your bags”. For each of the manipulation conditions, one A1 sized sign, two A3 sized signs
and six A4 sized signs were displayed alongside these original signs.
It could be argued that a normative message about
re-using bags in general may not influence the use of free plastic bags
specifically. However, empirical studies suggest otherwise. Apparently, using a
normative message does more than just make someone focus on a specific type of
behavior (e.g., re-using bags). A normative message may activate one‘s normative
goals towards acting in desirable and appropriate ways in a situational context
as a whole (see e.g., [33]). Thus, a normative message will put someone‘s “normative
goals” in the foreground which will activate other relevant behaviors, such
as decreasing the use of plastic bags, in the context as well. Furthermore,
bringing reusable bags is something that is often already decided prior the
shopping. What customers can do “immediately” to act upon the message is to at least use as few free
plastic bags as possible, by either buying reusable bags, packing more efficiently,
or just carrying (some of) their shopping without a bag. So free plastic bag
use was the most robust variable on an interval level that we could take as a measure
for how customers responded to the different messages.
On the first day of data collection, no
additional signs were displayed to make this the environmental-only condition.
Every 3rd customer was observed, and data recorded on a selected till which
remained the same for the duration of the data collection. The observed till
was chosen as it was a busy till and it faced a blank wall which was convenient
for displaying the larger signs. Then, signs with the high injunctive normative
message were put up opposite and alongside the till area that was being
observed, and again every 3rd customer was observed, until data on 50 customers
had been collected. The observer did not record whether the participants
actually saw the sign, because it was not possible to do this unobtrusively. To
correct for this, we made sure the sample sizes of each condition (n = 50) were
large to strengthen the study‘s power. Thirty minutes were left between putting
up signs and the beginning of new observations, as putting up the signs could
draw extra attention to the signs. This procedure was then repeated for the
high personal norm condition and the combined high injunctive norms and high
personal norm condition.
Please continue to re-use your bags
(a) Injunctive Normative Message.
(b) Personal Normative Message.
(c) Combined Normative Message.
3. Results
The descriptive statistics (see Table 1) suggest that on average, fewer free plastic bags were used during the experimental conditions compared to the standard environmental-only condition (M = 3.12).
The means of the combined condition of injunctive
and personal normative messages suggest that this condition resulted in the
smallest amount of plastic bag use (M = 1.86). And, although the mean of the injunctive
normative message (M = 2.04) was somewhat smaller than the personal normative
message condition (M = 2.44), these differences seemed rather small and the 95%
C.I. overlapped largely.
Table 1. Descriptive Results
for the Number of Plastic Bags Used for each Condition
95% CI
= 50)
to 3.75
normative message(n = 50)
to 2.44
normative message (n = 50)
to 2.92
(n = 50)
to 2.24
Combined = both injunctive and personal normative message provided in this
independent one-way ANOVA indicated that the number of plastic bags used
differed significantly according to the normative messages, F(3, 196) = 5.427,
p < 0.001 . Simple contrast analyses revealed that participants used
significantly fewer free plastic bags in the injunctive normative message
condition (t(198) = 3.15, p < 0.01, Cohen‘s d = 0.58) and in the combined injunctive
and personal normative message condition (t(198) = 3.71, p < 0.001, Cohen‘s
d = 0.69) than in the condition where there was only an environmental message,
confirming Hypothesis 1 and part of Hypothesis 3. There was also a clear trend
in that the personal normative message condition resulted in using fewer free
plastic bags than in the control condition (Hypothesis 2). These effects were
of medium strength (t(198) = 1.96, p = 0.052, Cohen‘s d = 0.35). The combined
normative message did not significantly result in using fewer plastic bags than
the personal (t(197) = 1.62, p = 0.107, Cohen‘s d = 0.38) or injunctive
normative (t(197) = −0.03, p = 0.717, Cohen‘s d = 0.13) message only, rejecting
part of Hypothesis 3.We conducted the same analysis controlled for the size of
the shopping.
The results of the ANOVA remained largely the
same (F(3, 195) = 5.480, p < 0.001), indicating that the influence of the
normative messages on the difference in the use of free plastic bags was not
dependent on size of the shopping.
4. Discussion and Conclusions
The current field study revealed that the use of
persuasive normative messages in addition to standard environmental messages
can encourage people to reduce their use of free plastic bags in a supermarket.
As expected, customers used fewer free plastic bags when they received an
injunctive normative message combined with the standard environmental message
compared to the standard environmental message that merely emphasized the
environmental benefits of reusing plastic bags only (Hypothesis 1). As
suggested by the focus theory of normative conduct [21], emphasizing an injunctive
norm in a message will make more salient what we would expect from someone in a
specific situation, which accordingly promotes this behavior. These results are
in line with earlier studies that focused on the influence of salient
injunctive norms (in combination with salient descriptive norms) on other types
of pro-environmental behaviors, such as removing petrified wood in nature
reserves [26], littering [22,32], reusing towels [24], and conserving energy in
households [28].
Thus, making an injunctive norm salient in a
setting where a descriptive norm favors the undesired behavior, may be an
effective way to promote a variety of environmental behaviors.
In our study, the majority of customers did not
behave in line with the desired behavior (i.e., they used free plastic bags
instead of reusing plastic bags), which could have resulted in customers perceiving
a descriptive norm that was not in favor of the desired behavior (i.e.,
customers saw a majority of other customers using free plastic bags and not
reusing plastic bags). Even though this undesired behavior was in place, using
an injunctive normative message encouraged people to use fewer bags. This
finding has important practical implications: a lot of pro-environmental
behaviors include actions that are not done by the majority of people, but are
regarded as morally correct. Thus, although it will be difficult to activate a
descriptive normative message because the majority of people do not show the
desired behavior as yet, most people hold an injunctive norm in favor of the
desired (pro-environmental) behavior. Based on these findings, it would appear
that changing pro-environmental behavior by focusing on injunctive normative
messages is promising in encouraging behavior change. If the majority of people
start performing the desired behavior, the descriptive norm will further
support the injunctive norms until “stable” pro-environmental behaviors can be developed (cf.,
Customers were less inclined to use free plastic
bags when a message emphasized personal norms towards the environment by
reusing bags compared to the environmental message-only condition lending
support to Hypothesis 2. These results coincide with the suggestion that it is
important to make personal norms salient, in a similar way as injunctive and
descriptive norms (e.g., [21]), so as to encourage pro-environmental behavior.
This assumption is also emphasized in the norm activation model [44], which
specifically focuses on the influence of personal norms on pro-social (and pro-environmental)
behavior and how these norms should be activated to guide pro-social and pro-environmental
actions. Although personal norms have been regarded as important predictors for
a diversity of pro-social and pro-environmental behaviors (e.g., [40–43]), none
of these studies have focused on how we can manipulate the saliency of personal
norms by normative message framing.
This is one of the first studies that
experimentally examined how personal normative messages could be used in encouraging
pro-environmental behaviors in real-life settings. Our findings indicate that making
personal norms salient may be an effective way to discourage the use of free
plastic bags, and could therefore be used more often in interventions aimed to
encourage pro-environmental behaviors.
We assume that the effect of our personal
normative message could have been stronger had we changed the personal pronouns
in our message. For example, Bolderdijk and colleagues [45,46] framed the
personal normative message as: “Do you care about the environment? Check your
tire pressure”, which was significantly more effective in promoting
pro-environmental behavior. In the present study, the personal normative message
might have had a stronger effect if framed as: “Show that you care about the
environment. Re-use your bags today!” or: “Do you care about the environment? Re-use your bags today”. However, the supermarket management expressed the concern that such messages
would be too personal and invasive for customers. As a result, we changed the framing
of the personal normative message into: “We thank you for helping the
environment by continuing to re-use your bags”. Despite the fact our message could have been worded
more strongly, this manipulation still resulted in the use of fewer free
plastic bags with a similar or higher effect size (i.e., Cohen‘s d = 0.35) than
other behavior change intervention studies in the environmental domain.
With a stronger personal normative message, the
effectiveness of such messages on behavior change might increase even further,
which is promising for future studies focusing on rendering personal norms
salient. Future studies should systematically examine the effect of different
types of personal normative messages on a variety of pro-environmental
behaviors, and scrutinize to what extent variouswordings in such messages may
activate one‘s personal norm.
One important contribution of this study was that
we were able to explore the combined effects of social and personal normative
message framing. As expected and in line with studies that have investigated
aligned normative injunctive and descriptive normative messages (i.e.,
[24,47]), a normative message emphasizing both one‘s injunctive and personal
norms resulted in the lowest uptake of free plastic bags. Although the combined
normative message showed the largest change in use of plastic bags, the
difference was significant compared to the standard environmental message only
and not compared to the injunctive or personal normative message only. The
difference between the use of free plastic bags in the combined normative
message and the personal normative message showed a medium effect size (Cohen‘s
d = 0.39), indicating a clear trend and promising results towards the
facilitating effect of aligned injunctive and personal normative messages on
reducing the intake of free plastic bags. Hence, our results provide partial
support for Hypothesis 3. It could be that the separate normative messages,
especially the injunctive normative message, were already strong enough to
optimally promote decreasing the use of free plastic bags; or, that a stronger
personal normative message (see above) could have further strengthened the
contribution of the combined message on the decrease of the use of free plastic
bags. Based on the present results, we cannot exclude these explanations.
The present study did not include a control
condition in which no message about reusing plastic bags could be provided, or,
in which we also included a “neutral” environmental message (i.e., “Caring for the environment.
Reuse your bags”) on the signs used in our experiment. The lack of a
control group
makes it somewhat difficult to assess the contribution of the individual
normative components of the messages. Confounding variables, such as the amount
of words or the amount of signs used in the study could have contributed to the
differences in plastic bag use instead of the message itself. As in other
studies in this area of research (e.g., [25]), the field set-up of this study
did not allow us to include a control group by removing existing signs from the
setting. The results of this study suggest that the use of an extra normative
message in addition to the existing environmental message in this supermarket
was effective in reducing their use of free plastic bags. Future studies could
replicate our results in more controlled lab studies in which similar words and
signs for each of the conditions and a control group could be used, and, in
which the effect of injunctive and personal normative messages on one‘s social
and personal norms could be measured as well.
Keizer and colleagues [33] have shown that making
norms in a specific context salient, by for example using normative messages,
may activate one‘s normative goals towards acting in desirable and appropriate
ways in a situational context as a whole; and, consequently, one will act
pro-environmentally in other behavioral domains as well. Based on this
assumption, we chose to measure the use of free plastic bags rather than
re-using plastic bags, which was the focus in the normative messages and control
condition. Our results seem to provide support for Keizer et al.‘s assumption.
That is, even though the normative messages were all focused on re-using
plastic bags, we still found an effect of the normative messages on a slightly
different type of pro-environmental behavior. Thus, instead of activating
social and personal norms towards re-using bags only, our messages may have
activated social and personal norms towards a diversity of pro-environmental
behaviors (e.g., purchasing organic products, buying less meat), including the
use of free plastic bags. It would be useful for future studies to measure a
range of pro-environmental behaviors to examine this assumption in more detail.
The easiest way to decrease plastic bag use would
be to not provide free plastic bags. Such a change in context will force a norm
not to use free plastic bags without any messages. Unfortunately, such structural
changes still seem to be difficult to implement in UK stores; most supermarkets
throughout the UK are still offering free plastic bags to customers for their
shopping [52]. Although supermarkets provide different (environmental) messages
trying to encourage a reduction in the uptake of these free plastic bags, they
still largely fail to decrease this uptake. The results of our study clearly
indicate that some small changes in re-wording their messages by including
normative information could result in customers acting more in line with their
existing “pro-environmental” norms which eventually leads in the uptake of fewer
free plastic bags. More specifically, our findings suggest that a specific behavioral
focus of a message may be less relevant than the extent to which the message is
normatively focused-hence, will activate normative goals. This flexibility
towards using any behavioral focus as long as it is normatively framed makes it
possible to tailor normative messages in such a way that it is still in line
with the needs and opportunities of a specific shop. This will ultimately be an
advantage in finance and convenience for supermarkets and beneficial in terms
of environmental quality.
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