
Menampilkan postingan dari Juli, 2013


Emotion and Religion

Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality / edited by Raymond F. Paloutzian, Crystal L. Park.  (p.235-252) *************************************************************************** 13 Emotion and Religion ROBERTA. EMMONS Given the rapid growth in the psychology of religion (Emmons & Paloutzian, 2003) and the psychology of emotion (Lewis & Haviland-Jones, 2000) in recent years, one would expect to see considerable scholarship directed toward the interface of these two fields. While a literature search using the PsychINFO database for the period 1988–2002 returned 2,875 citations for the termreligionand 5,116 for the termemotion, a scant five citations include both terms! The range of emotional phenomena is vast, and I cannot attempt to do justice to this vastness within a single chapter. Because of the recent emergence of the scientific study of positive emotions, I will emphasize the role of religion in the generation and regulation...

Religion’s Role in Marriage and Parenting in Daily Life and during Family Crises

Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality / edited by Raymond F. Paloutzian, Crystal L. Park.  (p.177-195) *************************************************************************** 10 Religion’s Role in Marriage and Parenting in Daily Life and during Family Crises ANNETTE MAHONEY NALINITA RAKESHWAR In a 1995 Gallup poll of U.S. families, 65% of mothers and 57% of fathers said that religion was “extremely” or “very” important in their lives (Mahoney et al., 1999). About 90% of the U.S. population desire religious training for their children (Gallup & Castelli, 1989) and 55% of married individuals (Heaton & Pratt, 1990) attend religious services at least several times a year. Thus, a vast audience in the United States is presumably receptive to messages that can be drawn from religion about family relationships. In turn, empirical studies from past decades indicate that religion is an important factor linked to marital and parental func...

Gerontology and the Psychology of Religion

Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality / edited by Raymond F. Paloutzian, Crystal L. Park.  (p.21-42) *************************************************************************** 9 Points of Connection: Gerontology and the Psychology of Religion SUSAN H. MC FADDEN In a footnote to the first chapter of The Varieties of Religious Experience, William James pronounced old age “the religious age par excellence” (1902/1961, pp. 28–29). When he wrote that at the beginning of the 20th century, the average life expectancy in the United States was 47 years and persons 65 and older represented about 3.1% of the U.S. population. By 2030, demographers expect that 70 million people in the United States—about 20% of the total population—will be 65 and older (Administration on Aging, 2003). This “longevity revolution” represents an unprecedented change in the age structure of human societies and has significant implications for the practice and the study of ...

Religious and Spiritual Development in Childhood

Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality / edited by Raymond F. Paloutzian, Crystal L. Park.  (p.21-42) *************************************************************************** Religious and Spiritual Development in Childhood CHRIS J. BOYATZIS This chapter addresses aspects of children's religious development. The discussion is restricted to childhood, as adolescent development is discussed elsewhere (Levenson, Aldwin, & D'Mello, Chapter 8, this volume). This chapter has several major goals: (1) to examine psychologists' historical neglect and recent interest in religious and spiritual development (hereafter RSD); (2) to provide a selective review of advances in research; (3) to examine the hegemony of two paradigms in RSD: (a) cognitive-developmentalism's focus on how children think about religion, and (b) socialization models presuming that children are socialized religiously via unilateral parent?child "transmission"; (4...

Religiousness and Spirituality

Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality / edited by Raymond F. Paloutzian, Crystal L. Park.  (p.21-42) *************************************************************************** Religiousness and Spirituality BRIAN J. ZINNBAUER KENNETH I. PARGAMENT Religiousness and spirituality have been a part of human experience throughout the length and breadth of human history. Crossing every category of human endeavor, they have been the subject and object of art, music, poetry, culture, warfare, inspiration, aspiration, sacrifice, morality, devotion, contemplation, conflict, and multitudes of other human activities. For the past 100 years these phenomena have been examined though the lens of social science. Early inquiries within the field of psychology were undertaken byscholars such as William James (1902/1961), Edwin Starbuck (1899), G. Stanley Hall (1904, 1917), and George Coe (1900). And despite a lull in such research during the mid-20th cen...

Religion, Attitudes, and Social Behavior (Ind)

Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality / edited by Raymond F. Paloutzian, Crystal L. Park.  (p.274-291) *************************************************************************** 15 Agama, Sikap, dan Perilaku Sosial MICHAEL J. Donahue MICHAEL E. NIELSEN Bagi banyak orang, topik ini merupakan pusat penelitian ilmu sosial agama. Sudahlah mana agama berasal, bagaimana mengembangkan, atau bahkan bagaimana mengukurnya, apakah itu "bekerja"? Apakah orang-orang religius "lebih baik" daripada yang lain? Bab ini membahas temuan tentang hubungan antara religiusitas dan berbagai sikap dan perilaku interpersonal: prasangka, altruisme dan perilaku prososial, kejujuran, seksualitas, hubungan keluarga, kejahatan dan kenakalan, dan politik dan perdamaian. PSIKOLOGI. . . APA?

Religion, Attitudes, and Social Behavior

Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality / edited by Raymond F. Paloutzian, Crystal L. Park. (p.274-291) *************************************************************************** 15 Religion, Attitudes, and Social Behavior MICHAEL J. DONAHUE MICHAEL E. NIELSEN For many, this topic is central to the social-scientific study of religion. Never mind where religion came from, how it develops, or even how to measure it, does it “work” ? Are religious people “better” than others? This chapter considers findings concerning the relation between religiousness and a variety of interpersonal attitudes and behaviors: prejudice, altruism and prosocial behavior, honesty, sexuality, family relations, crime and delinquency, and politics and peace. THE PSYCHOLOGY OF . . . WHAT? But first we offer some thoughts about definitions. What is “religion”? While generally some variant of “the perceived relation between an individual and a powerful supernatural a...

Cognitive Approaches to Religion

Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality / edited by Raymond F. Paloutzian, Crystal L. Park. (p.216-234) *************************************************************************** 12 Cognitive Approaches to Religion Elizabeth Weiss Ozorak In the lead essay for the 2001 issue of theAnnual Review of Psychology, Albert Bandura noted that a paradigm shift has occurred in the field in the past few decades. Psychology no longer views human behavior only as a set of predetermined responses to environment, or as the output of a complexly programmed computer; instead, people are recognized as agents capable of performing intentional acts with a view toward achieving goals that are congruent with a particular set of beliefs. In this view, belief systems are pivotal, as they provide people with a working model of the world that helps them make behavioral choices. Under this paradigm, research on all aspects of cognition has flourished and a number of intri...

Religious and Spiritual Struggles (Ind)

Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality / edited by Raymond F. Paloutzian, Crystal L. Park. (p.315-330) *************************************************************************** 17 Perjuangan Keagamaan dan Spiritual JULIE JUOLA Exline EPHRAIM ROSE Setiap dimensi inti eksistensi manusia memiliki kekuatan untuk menghasilkan baik suka dan duka, dan sisi spiritual dari kehidupan tidak terkecuali. Agama dan spiritualitas menyediakan sumber ampuh kenyamanan, arah, dan makna bagi banyak orang, tetapi mereka juga bisa menjadi sumber ketegangan dan perjuangan. Individu kadang-kadang merasa marah terhadap Allah, atau mereka merasa terampuni oleh Allah. Mereka menderita sakit dari sesama orang percaya atau saksi kemunafikan di antara para pemimpin mereka. Mereka berusaha untuk mengembangkan kebajikan sesuai dengan keyakinan mereka, tetapi kadang-kadang sistem kepercayaan yang sama mendorong mereka untuk mengutuk diri mereka sendiri ...

Religious and Spiritual Struggles

Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality / edited by Raymond F. Paloutzian, Crystal L. Park. (p.315-330) *************************************************************************** 17 Religious and Spiritual Struggles JULIE JUOLA EXLINE EPHRAIM ROSE Any core dimension of human existence has the power to yield both joy and sorrow, and the spiritual side of life is no exception. Religion and spirituality provide potent sources of comfort, direction, and meaning for many people, but they can also be sources of strain and struggle. Individuals sometimes feel angry toward God, or they feel unforgiven by God. They suffer hurts from fellow believers or witness hypocrisy among their leaders. They strive to cultivate virtue in accordance with their beliefs, but sometimes these same belief systems prompt them to condemn themselves when they fall short. Some believers see themselves as victims of supernatural attack. The idea of religious and spiritual strain...

Religiousness and Spirituality (Ind)

HANDBOOK OF THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY--- RAYMONDF. PALOUTZIAN CRYSTALL. PARK (p.21-42) ************************************************************ Religiousness and Spirituality BRIAN J. ZINNBAUER KENNETH I. PARGAMENT Religiusitas dan spiritualitas telah menjadi bagian dari pengalaman manusia di seluruh pelosok sejarah manusia. Crossing setiap kategori usaha manusia, mereka telah menjadi subyek dan obyek seni, musik, puisi, budaya, peperangan, inspirasi, aspirasi, pengorbanan, moralitas, pengabdian, kontemplasi, konflik, dan banyak sekali kegiatan manusia lainnya.  Selama 100 tahun terakhir fenomena ini telah diperiksa melalui lensa ilmu sosial . Pertanyaan awal dalam bidang psikologi yang dilakukan by scholars seperti William James (1902/1961), Edwin Starbuck (1899), G. Stanley Hall (1904, 1917), dan George Coe (1900). Dan meskipun jeda dalam penelitian tersebut selama pertengahan abad 20 (Hill et al., 2000), telah ada peningkatan ...

Integrative Themes in the Current Scienc (Ind)

PART I. FOUNDATIONS OF THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION 1-Integrative Themes in the Current Science of the Psychology of Religion ********************************************************************************** Integrative Themes in the Current Science of the Psychology of Religion RAYMOND F. PALOUTZIAN CRYSTAL L. PARK Bahwa agama adalah kekuatan terbesar untuk kebaikan dan kejahatan dalam sejarah dunia adalah suatu kebenaran sehingga kita ragu-ragu untuk memulai bab pembukaan buku ini dengan mengatakan begitu. Tapi kita sorot di awal karena, sebagai bab terungkap, agama, dalam rentang yang luas dari bentuk dan ekspresi, ditunjukkan lagi dan lagi untuk berhubungan dengan cara yang positif dan negatif untuk seluruh jajaran perilaku manusia, pengalaman, dan emosi. Terlepas dari ini, bagaimanapun, ilmu psikologi telah dibayar hanya perhatian sporadis untuk proses psikologis yang mendasari religiusitas manusia. Bahkan, untuk sebagian besar abad ke-20, ps...

Integrative Themes in the Current Science of the Psychology of Religion

PART I. FOUNDATIONS OF THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION 1-Integrative Themes in the Current Science of the Psychology of Religion ********************************************************************************** Integrative Themes in the Current Science of the Psychology of Religion RAYMOND F. PALOUTZIAN CRYSTAL L. PARK That religion is the greatest force for both good and evil in the history of the world is such a truism that we hesitate to begin the opening chapter of this handbook by saying so. But we highlight it at the outset because, as the chapters unfold, religion, in its vast range of forms and expressions, is shown again and again to relate in positive and negative ways to the whole range of human behaviors, experiences, and emotions. In spite of this, however, the science of psychology has paid only sporadic attention to the psychological processes underlying human religiousness. In fact, for much of the 20th century, academic psychology did not address it (Be...

Mystical, Spiritual, and Religious Experiences

HANDBOOK OF THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY--- RAYMONDF. PALOUTZIAN CRYSTALL. PARK (p.348-364) ************************************************************* 19 Mystical, Spiritual, and Religious Experiences RALPH W. HOOD, JR. The one undisputed classic in the field of psychology of religion isThe Varieties of Religious Experience (James, 1902/1985), a text that Miller and Thorensen (1999, p. 7) say might be titledThe Varieties of Spiritual Experienceif published today. It is worth emphasizing that the subtitle of this classic is "A Study in Human Nature" and that James claimed that the "root and centre" of personal religion is in mystical states of consciousness (1902/1985, p. 301). Thus psychologists ought to be interested in mystical, spiritual, and religious experiences insofar as they are part of human nature. Since there are major current reviews of the research on both mysticism (Hood, 2002b; Spilka, Hood, Hunsberger, & Gorsuch, 20...

Religion and Forgiveness

Dari :  HANDBOOK OF THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY--- RAYMONDF. PALOUTZIAN CRYSTALL. PARK (p.394-411) 22 Religion and Forgiveness MICHAEL E. MCCULLOUGH GIACOMO BONO LINDSEY M. ROOT The concept of forgiveness has gone from complete scientific obscurity as recently as 1980 to remarkable visibility in the first few years of the 21st century. The boom in forgiveness research can be appreciated by examining Figure 22.1, in which we have displayed the annual number of items catalogued in PsycINFO that include the word stem "forgiv*" in their abstracts (1980-2004). This figure clearly shows that whereas forgiveness was a psychological concept that received negligible empirical attention in the 1980s, social scientists have been producing scores of publications on the topic annually for the last several years. Psychologists have given sustained attention to several aspects of forgiveness, including (1) the development of reasoning about f...

Religion, Morality, and Self-Control

23 Religion, Morality, and Self-Control Values, Virtues, and Vices ANNE L. GEYER ROY F. BAUMEISTER All known societies have moral rules that identify certain classes of action as right or wrong. In general, these moral rules condemn selfish, impulsive, shortsighted actions and instead promote acts that provide benefits in larger perspectives-for example, by being good for society as a whole or by bringing long-term gains. The capacity to make such choices is rare in nature and arguably uniquely human. From an evolutionary perspective, the capacity for moral thought and moral action may be uniquely human, which suggests that that capacity is a recent addition onto a psyche that in other respects resembles that of other animals, including being selfish, impulsive, and shortsighted. Put another way, human beings may have many tendencies and impulses that are similar to what most other animals have, but humans have also developed a capacity to restrain and override those t...

Hubungan Religiosity and Spirituality dengan Kesehatan Mental dan Psychopathology

Di Translate oleh Mister google dari:  HANDBOOK OF THE PSYCHOLOGY OF RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY--- RAYMONDF. PALOUTZIAN CRYSTALL. PARK p.460-478 25 Relationships of Religiosity and Spirituality with Mental Health and Psychopathology LISA MILLER BRIENS. KELLEY Tujuan bab ini adalah untuk menggambarkan cara di mana religiusitas dan spiritualitas berinteraksi dengan fungsi psikologis dan penyangga terhadap, atau memperburuk, penyakit mental. Dalam mengatasi agama dan kesehatan mental, penting untuk menyadari bahwa tidak adanya patologi tidak selalu berarti "kesehatan mental," juga tidak menjamin kebahagiaan atau optimis pandangan dunia, dua faktor bahwa kehidupan rohani sering imbues di penganutnya. Juga, keyakinan dan praktik yang mencirikan kehidupan rohani berfluktuasi selama umur, waxing (bertambah besar)  dan memudarnya dalam menanggapi keadaan hidup dan kemajuan pembangunan. Untuk alasan ini, hal ini berguna untuk memikirkan hubungan religiusitas terhadap k...

Ramadhan Berkah Ramadhan 1434 H

Pada bulan  Ramadhan  1434 H insyaAllah akan  kami    usahakan untuk menampilkan tulisan-tulisan tentang Spiritual dan Religius yang kami ambil dari buku berbahasa Inggris " HANDBOOK OF THE PSYCHOLOGY  OF RELIGION AND SPIRITUALITY" ================================= ©2005 The Guilford Press A Division of Guilford Publications, Inc. 72 Spring Street, New York, NY 10012 All rights reserved No part of this book may be reproduced, translated, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, microfilming, recording, or otherwise, without written permission from the Publisher. Printed in the United States of America This book is printed on acid-free paper. Last digit is print:987654321 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Handbook of the psychology of religion and spirituality / edited by Raymond F. Paloutzian, Crystal L. Park. p. cm. Includes bibliogr...