Persuasive Trash Cans Activation of Littering Norm by Design
Persuasive Trash Cans
Activation of Littering Norm by Design
Yvonne A. W. de Kort
L. Teddy McCalley
Cees J. H. Midden
Eindhoven University
of Technology
Please reference to source, this paper for note only |
Two studies tested littering norm activation
by trash can design. The first was a scenario study using a 4 (norm type:
social injunctive vs. social descriptive vs. personal vs. control) ×2
(activation type: explicit vs. implicit activation) between-group design, with
judgments of a litterer as the dependent variable. Explicit norm activation was
more effective than implicit activation. A field study subsequently tested the
effect of personal norm activation on actual littering behavior, following a 2
(explicit activation: no vs. yes) ×2 (Implicit activation: no vs. yes)
between-group design. Here, both explicit activation through a verbal prompt
and implicit activation through design had significant effects, reducing the
amount of litter by 50%. A post hoc survey revealed significant effects of age
and gender on the personal norm against littering. These findings helped
explain the absence of norm activation effects in the youngest age group as
found in the field study.
littering; environmental behavior; norm activation; persuasive design
Note: This research was
supported by funding from Stichting Nederland Schoon, CROW (kenniscentrum voor
verkeer, vervoer en infrastructuur), and NVRD (vereniging voor afval-en
reinigingsmanagement). We are grateful to Claudia Antonissen, Thomas Frijns,
Arjan Geven, Janny Stapel-Kaars, and Carmen Wijermans who performed parts of
this work. The authors thank two anonymous reviewers for their valuable
comments and suggestions. Please address correspondence to Yvonne A. W. de
Kort, Faculty of Technology Management, Human-Technology Interaction Group,
Eindhoven University of Technology, PO Box 513, 5600 MB, Eindhoven, the
Netherlands; e-mail:
Littering is generally considered antisocial,
unhealthy, and visually distasteful. It is also harmful to the environment and
uses up a substantial part of community funds for cleaning. Yet litter is
ubiquitous and, as experience teaches us, difficult to prevent. In the service
of prevention, education programs and better parenting are generally advocated
(e.g., Beverage Industry Environment Council, 1997) based on the assumption
that if people are littering they were not raised to have the proper norm.
Unfortunately, the benefits of education programs cannot be evaluated for many
years after their inception and remain, at this time, expensive and uncertain.
Earlier studies, such as that of Burgess,
Clark, and Hendee (1971), have shown that giving incentives is an effective
means to reduce littering, however, incentives are costly and the desired
behavior stops when the incentives stop. Therefore, Geller, Witmer, and Tuso
(1977) state that the most economical procedure for stimulating
ecology-constructive behaviors on a large scale is to provide response-priming
instructions at appropriate times. But in fact very few studies have directly
compared strategies for litter control (Dwyer, Leeming, Cobern, Porter, &
Jackson, 1993). Those studies that did were not always able to establish
differences in effectiveness between treatment conditions, even when they were
as diverse as reinforcement and prompting (e.g., Baltes & Haywood, 1976;
Cope & Geller, 1984). Nonetheless, Dwyer et al. concluded that, in general,
antecedent strategies (i.e., strategies that prevent the occurrence of
littering behavior) appear more cost-effective than consequence strategies (i.e.,
strategies that come after the fact, such as rewards or punishment).
In the present research, different types of
norm activation are compared to change littering behavior. Moreover, these norm
activations were all implemented via persuasive trash can design.
Persuasive Design
There is a growing body of work on persuasive
technologies—those intentionally designed to change a person’s behavior or
attitude (Fogg, 2003). Although interactive (i.e., computer) technologies are
presently recognized as particularly suited to the task of persuasion (e.g.,
IJsselsteijn, de Kort, Midden, Eggen, & van den Hoven 2006; McCalley &
Midden, 2002), noninteractive environments and objects (through their physical
form) also influence the way we think and act. In this sense, design is
inherently persuasive, but the field is witnessing the emergence of a design
emphasis on more deliberately persuasive objects (Redström, 2006).
At present, numerous examples of such
persuasive designs exist and are being developed. Yet instead of having to rely
solely on the instincts and insights of designers, psychology is contributing
to this domain based on a vast body of theory and research on persuasion and
behavior change. The present research represents an effort to test the efficacy
of psychological insights in norm activation for designing persuasive trash
The Activation of Norms
Recent research on littering has concentrated
on the activation of norms, both social and personal, as a means to change
behavior. The focus theory of normative conduct (Cialdini, Reno, &
Kallgren, 1990; Kallgren, Reno, & Cialdini, 2000) posits that norms affect
human behavior systematically and significantly but only in situations where
the norm is salient (focal) for the individual. In other words, this theory
suggests that individuals may well have internalized an antilittering norm, but
without activation through attention-focus procedures, it will not necessarily
guide behavior in a prosocial direction. A series of studies performed by
Cialdini et al. (1990) demonstrated this mechanism for various types of norms.
Originally, Cialdini et al. (1990) focused on
two types of norms, descriptive and injunctive, each reflecting a separate
source of human motivation. According to Reno, Cialdini, and Kallgren (1993), a
descriptive norm refers to what most people do in a particular situation, or
what is, and motivation for action comes from seeing what other people do. An
injunctive normis defined as what the particular culture approves or
disapproves of and can be described as an oughtnorm. An injunctive norm
motivates action through the threat or promise of social sanction.
Later, a third type of norm, the personal
norm, was incorporated in the studies (Kallgren et al., 2000). Personal or
internalized norms differ from social norms in that sanctions attached to them
are tied to the self-concept (Schwartz, 1975). In this respect, Grasmick,
Bursik, and Kinsey (1991) refer to threats of embarrassment when violating a
social norm, in contrast to threats of shame that result from noncompliance
with one’s personal norm. As was found for social norms, persons having strong
personal antilittering norms do not necessarily behave accordingly if their
attention is not focused on the litter (Kallgren et al., 2000).
Which Norm to Activate: Efficacy of
Different Types of Norms
Cialdini et al. (1990) compared the utility
of descriptive and injunctive littering norms. Their first study showed that
littering was reduced only when the descriptive norm (what is typically done in
a given setting) was activated in a clean environment. If it was activated in a
littered environment, littering increased. This led to the conclusion that
activating a descriptive littering norm only encourages prosocial behavior in
already clean environments. However, activating an injunctive norm should shift
attention away from the antisocial littering behavior exemplified by the
littered environment and direct attention to the social consequences of actions,
thus motivating prosocial behavior.
A subsequent experiment by this group of
researchers (Reno et al., 1993) showed that the activation of the descriptive
norm was situation specific, not carrying over into another environment.
Consequently, it was suggested that there is a practical advantage in activating
the injunctive norm rather than the descriptive norm.
Activation of the personal norm has also been
demonstrated to influence littering behavior (e.g., Kallgren et al., 2000) and
behavior in other social dilemmas (e.g., Nordlund & Garvill, 2003). However,
no comparison of effectiveness has been made between the activation of social
norms and personal norms. Both types have demonstrated strong effects, but it
was never investigated whether one would be more efficacious than the other.
One could argue that because social norms
motivate action through the threat or promise of social sanctions, activating
these might only result in positive effects in situations where these social
sanctions are expected, such as in situations where behavior is visible to
others. Personal norms motivate action through sanctions tied to the
self-concept (e.g., feelings of guilt, loss of self-esteem) and via this
mechanism might have different effects on behavior, but statements with regard
to the relative effectiveness of activation of the personal norm versus the
social norm remain speculative.
How to Activate: Explicit Versus Implicit Activation
An issue that has received very little
attention in the literature is whether it is more efficacious to activate norms
in a direct and explicit way, for instance, via verbal statements or in an
indirect or implicit way, for instance, through modeling, cleanliness of the
environment or, as in the present case, through trash can design.
Most areas of psychology—including domains of
attitudes and persuasion, social perception and judgment, and goal
pursuit—recognize the unconscious activation of mental representations (Bargh,
Gollwitzer, Lee-Chai, Barndollar, & Trötschel, 2001). Aarts and
Dijksterhuis (2003) have demonstrated how norms can be activated automatically,
for example, speaking softer on being primed with a picture of a library.
Cialdini et al. (1990), Kallgren et al.
(2000), and Reno et al. (1993) have in fact mainly used implicit norm
activation in their experiments and have demonstrated strong effects, as have
Krauss, Freedman, and Whitcup (1978) and Reiter and Samuel (1980). Yet explicit
norm activation may be more direct and, therefore, stronger than implicit
activation, because it is harder to miss and states very clearly what is
expected. Earlier experiments with written prompts, on or near trash cans, have
never compared the efficacy of explicit versus implicit statements (e.g.,
Finnie, 1973; Geller, Brasted, & Mann, 1980; Geller, Winett, & Everett,
1982; Huffman, 1995).
The present research studied the efficacy of
different types of norms and different types of norm activation implemented
through persuasive designs of trash cans. Specifically, we sought to
investigate which type of norm— social injunctive, social descriptive, or
personal—had the strongest effects on perceptions of littering behavior and
actual littering behavior. In addition, the effects of explicit versus implicit
activation on perceptions and behavior were tested. Two studies—one scenario
study and one field study—were performed to test the efficacy of these
different types of norm activation to affect reduction of litter. In both
studies, norm activation was implemented via trash can design. A third study
(post hoc survey) investigated the effects of age and gender on having a
well-developed personal norm against littering.
Study 1: Scenario Study
In the first study, the effects of three
types of norms (plus a control condition) and two types of activation on social
perceptions were compared. Using a scenario format, the expectation was that
judgments on acts of littering would be harsher when antilittering norms were
activated. Although social perceptions are not the same as actual behavior,
they reflect similar psychological mechanisms and hence suggest similar
patterns in the experimental manipulations. Social perceptions were thus
considered valid approximations of actual behavior. Taking into account the
literature to date and the design of the scenario (described below), the
following hypotheses were tested:
Hypothesis 1: Explicit norm activation will show stronger effects than implicit
norm activation.
Hypothesis 2: The activation of a social descriptive norm in the
(slightly) littered scenario will yield less disapproval of a litterer than no
norm activation (control condition).
Hypothesis 3: The activation of a personal norm or a social injunctive
(ought) norm will yield stronger disapproval of a litterer than the other
Based on the literature, no hypothesis could
be formulated regarding the relative effectiveness of personal versus social
injunctive norm activation.
Design. The scenario study followed a 4 (norm
type: social injunctive vs. social descriptive vs. personal vs. control) ×2
(activation type: explicit vs. implicit activation) between-group design. Age
was explored as a covariate.
Participants. A total of 315 persons
participated (68% female, 32% male), ranging in age from 17 to 60 years (mean
=31.2 years). Participants were recruited at random in a shopping center in
Eindhoven, and they volunteered when asked to participate in a short survey
regarding assessments of other people. Respondents were randomly assigned to
experimental conditions and filled out a questionnaire (Table 1). They received
a piece of pastry for their participation.
Materials. A scenario design was chosen to
investigate different types of norm activation. The scenario portrayed a person
littering in a slightly littered, and thus somewhat ambiguous, setting:
John (35 years old) is a team
manager in a large firm. He has to attend a meeting in Utrecht. From his
company he received a season ticket for public transport, which is why he is
going by train. Unfortunately, his earlier meeting ran a bit late, and he is in
a hurry to catch his train. At the office he was just able to take along a
quick cup of coffee, which he drank along the way. Running to the platform,
John notices his train is ready to leave. Accidentally, he drops his paper cup,
but he does manage to jump into the train.
A second, unrelated scenario (about drinking
and driving) was added to camouflage the purpose of the study.

Two factors were manipulated: type of norm
and type of activation. Both were implemented via trash can design, which was
presented in a picture above the scenario. Each trash can was pasted into this
picture of a train platform, as shown in Figure 1. In the explicit conditions,
norm activation was carried out by placing a text message directly on the trash
can. The various explicit norm activations are presented below:
Control: No message placed on the
trash can.
Personal: “Do you leave your
litter lying around?”
Social injunctive: “This is how it
should be done here!”
Social descriptive: “Eindhoven
keeps it clean.”
For all statements, positive wording was
preferred over negative wording, as this is sometimes reported to be an
important determinant of prompt effectiveness (e.g., Durdan, Reeder, &
Hecht, 1985). Second, trash cans were designed to implicitly activate the same
norms as the explicit statements, preferably in similar ways to keep
conspicuity and attractiveness constant. For this a pilot study was performed.
The pilot involved 45 students from the Eindhoven area. Eight trash cans were
designed with different arm gestures that could implicitly communicate
antilitter norms. For each trash can, participants indicated to what degree
they thought the trash can refer to each of the four experimental conditions
listed above. The four designs judged to typically refer to one type of norm
and not, or hardly, to the other types were selected. Figure 2 presents all 8
trash cans used in the experiment, both the explicit ones with the written
statements on it and the corresponding implicit ones with the arm gestures.

Measurements. After reading the scenario,
participants were asked to answer three questions on a 7-point scale.
1. What do you think of John?
(very sympathetic–very uncongenial)
2. What do you think of John’s
behavior? (very good–very bad)
3. Do you think his behavior is
understandable? (very–not at all)
Factor analysis revealed one factor with an
internal consistency (Cronbach’s α) of .72. The average score on the three
items (“judgment of John”) was calculated and used in subsequent analyses.
Participants answered the same questions for the second scenario. The
questionnaire ended with questions about participants’ gender and age.
The scores on the variable “judgment of John”
for the various experimental conditions are given in Table 1. We tested the
effects of norm type (social injunctive vs. social descriptive vs. personal vs.
control) and activation type (explicit vs. implicit) employing ANOVA with
“judgment of John” as the dependent variable and age as a covariate.
Significant main effects emerged for activation type,F(1, 304) =4.69,p =.03,
and age, F(1, 304) = 9.54,p<.01. Explicit norm activation resulted in
harsher judgments of John than implicit activation (Figure 3), confirming
Hypothesis 1. Age was positively correlated to judgment,r=.16,p=.004,
indicating harsher judgments from older participants. The effect of norm type
was only marginally significant,F(1, 304) =2.29,p=.08. The social descriptive
norm resulted in the mildest judgments, confirming Hypothesis 2. The social
injunctive and personal norm had the strongest effects, though not
significantly different from each other or the control condition, in contrast
to Hypothesis 3.
There were no significant interactions.

The scenario study tested how various types
of norms and two types of activation influence social judgments of a person
littering. The results showed that explicit activation was more effective than
implicit activation, as predicted. The effects of the various norm types were
similar for both activation types, although these effects were only marginally
The significant effect of the covariate age
is in accordance with other findings that suggest that younger people,
especially teenagers, are more likely to litter (Finnie, 1973; Krauss et al.,

The question remains whether the strong
effects of explicit norm activation would generalize to actual littering behavior.
The field study was designed to test this by employing explicit and implicit
norm activations in a real-life setting using observations of actual behavior.
Study 2: Field Study
The second study compared the differential
effects of explicit and implicit norm activations on actual behavior. Kallgren
et al. (2000) found that both social injunctive and personal norms can
stimulate prosocial conduct as was also suggested by the results of Study 1. In
this study, personal norm activation was chosen as the target norm. It was
activated explicitly, implicitly, or both and compared with a control
condition. People receiving a flyer were observed; littering behavior was
operationalized as dropping the flyer on the ground.
The personal norm was activated via increased
self-focus, instigated by a mirror over the trash can. Individuals who see
themselves in mirrors experience increased self-awareness, which is
characterized by greater attention to one’s inner states and traits (Carver
& Scheier, 1978). This leads individuals to examine their personal norms
regarding the relevant actions or behavior (Duval & Wicklund, 1972). A
similar method, employing closed-circuit TV monitor pictures, was used by
Kallgren et al. (2000) to create internal focus in a littering experiment.
We hypothesized that both types of norm
activation (i.e., explicit and implicit) would reduce littering. In line with
the first study, we expected explicit activation to have somewhat stronger
effects than implicit activation.
Design. The field study followed a 2 (explicit
activation: no vs. yes) ×2 (implicit activation: no vs. yes) between-group
design. Age and gender were controlled.
Participants. The behavior of 1,755 persons was observed
(54% female, 46% male). Their ages were estimated as follows: 23% categorized
as younger than 20 years, 48% as between 20 and 40 years, and 23% as 40 years
or older. A research confederate distributed flyers to passersby while observers
coded their behavior. At slow times flyers were offered to all passers-by,
while at busy times they were offered at random.
Environment. The observations took place in a
well-visited pedestrian shopping area in the center of Eindhoven. A straight
piece of street was chosen, approximately 8 m wide, in which one standard trash
can stood.
Other than this one, no trash cans were
available within 75 m. A research confederate distributed flyers to passersby
walking in the direction of the trash can. The distance was such that
participants could easily read the flyer before passing the can.
Materials. In all the experimental conditions, a sign
was placed over the trash can. This was a large, bright red, wooden sign, 2 m
high and 75 cm wide (see Figure 4). In explicit norm activation conditions, a
written statement was placed on the sign, “Laat jij je afval slingeren?” (Do
you leave your litter lying around?). This was the same statement used in Study
1 to activate the personal norm. In the implicit norm activation (self-focus)
conditions, a mirror (50 ×70 cm) was mounted on the sign. In the combined condition,
both statement and mirror were visible; in the control condition, the sign was
empty. Prior to the study, the visibility of a person’s reflection was checked
and found to be recognizable from 50 m with (corrected to) normal vision. The
sign was not removed in the control condition to keep conspicuity of the trash
can equal to the experimental conditions.

The distributed flyers were printed on
colored paper (A6, approximately 100 ×150 mm). The information on it was
meager, noninformative, and not relevant to the majority of people, 1 so most
would want to dispose of it as soon as they got it.
Measurements. After receiving a flyer, individuals were
observed unobtrusively by three observers standing by the side of the street.
Every individual was observed by one of the observers. The observers scored
gender, estimated age, and one of the following categories of behavior:
1. Flyer is dropped on the street.
2. Flyer is taken along.
3. Flyer is thrown in trash can.
4. Person disappears from sight prematurely.

Prior to the study, interrater reliability
for the age judgment was confirmed using Cohen’s κ(κ=.75; n=120).
Procedure. The field study lasted 4 days. On all 4
days, every condition was tested. The order of the conditions was
counterbalanced over the 4 days to control for time of day and weather.
Of the 1,755 people observed, about 400
disappeared from sight prematurely (behavior category 4). These data were
discarded. The remaining 1,352 observations were categorized into three types
of behavior. In Table 2 and Figure 5, frequencies and percentages of behaviors
are reported.
The data demonstrate powerful effects of all
manipulations. In the control condition, 19% of the flyers were littered,
whereas the experimental conditions show only 10%, 11%, and 12% of flyers
littered. These are reductions of almost 50%. Chi-square analysis shows
significant differences between conditions (χ 2 =27.9, 6 degrees of freedom, p
Analysis of the adjusted residuals
demonstrated a significantly high percentage in the control condition (adjusted
residual =3.9) and a low percentage in the implicit condition (adjusted
residual =−2.0).
But interesting differences also occurred
between the three experimental conditions. Although littering percentages were
low in all three conditions, behavior differed in terms of what was done with the
flyer instead of dropping it in the street. Whereas in the explicit norm
condition more flyers were dropped in the trash can (58%) than taken along
(31%), both behaviors were almost equally likely (47% vs. 43%) in the implicit
norm condition. The combined condition shows intermediate percentages for both

An analysis of age differences did render
significant results. The chi-square of a cross-tabulation with the three age
groups and two types of behavior (littering vs. not littering) was highly
significant (χ 2 =54.7,p< .001). Young people were more likely to litter
than the people in older age groups (Table 3), and persons of different ages
reacted differently to norm activations. The middle group (age 20 to 40 years)
responded best to explicit activation of the personal norm, whereas the oldest
age group reacted strongest to implicit activation of the norm. However, the
youngest age group did not respond to personal norm activation at all.
When activated, positive personal norms
should reduce the amount of litter, because people are more likely to act
consistent with their norm and hence not drop their flyer on the ground. In the
field study, personal norm activation was manipulated in two ways: a written
statement and a mirror. The significant reduction of littering in the three
activation conditions indicates that all changes to the trash can were
effective and that both types of activation will lead to reductions in
littering behavior. Conspicuity was kept constant over conditions, so this
effect cannot be due to the trash can in the control condition attracting less
attention. In contrast to the scenario study, the field study showed that
implicit norm activation is as effective as explicit norm activation.
Although both types of norm activation
significantly reduced littering, alternative behavior strategies were chosen.
Persons in the implicit (mirror) condition took more flyers with them than in
any of the other experimental or control conditions. A possible explanation is that
the explicit norm activation—through its wording—referred stronger to a “litter
here” instruction than did the implicit norm activation, making a more explicit
appeal to a specific “correct” behavior. Alternatively, people may have felt
uncomfortable approaching the trash can on account of the mirror mounted on
top. Unfortunately, data do not allow for more detailed analysis as expected
cell counts are low. More research on this matter is needed.

The data showed no additive effects of both
manipulations. In other words, a combination of both mirror and written prompt
did not result in stronger litter reductions than either of the manipulations
separately. It appears both methods were effective by themselves in inducing
the maximal reduction possible via personal norm activation.
Significant differences occurred between the
three age groups: Persons in the youngest age group were more likely to litter
than persons aged between 20 and 40 years, whereas persons in the age group 40
years and older produced the lowest amount of litter. In addition, the findings
show that age groups responded differently to norm activation: In the oldest
age group, implicit activation (mirror) had the strongest effects, whereas for persons
in the range of 20 to 40 years, explicit norm activation (text message) was
most effective. For the youngest age group, none of the norm activations showed
any effect. This latter finding is in line with Durdan et al. (1985), who found
prompting was more effective for persons older than 25 years than for persons
less than 25 years.
We hypothesized that perhaps the personal
norms of the youngest group were not as strong as those of the older age groups
and that activation did not affect their behavior. To test this, we performed a
post hoc survey study aimed at measuring the personal norms with regard to
littering behavior.
Study 3: Survey Study
The results of the survey were intended to
shed more light on the age effects found in the field study. Because norm
activation is theorized to increase the consistency between norms and behavior,
activation of the personal norm should only lead to litter reduction for people
with a positive personal norm. We therefore performed a brief post hoc survey.
The objective was to measure individuals’ personal norm regarding littering.
Seventy-one people participated (41 males, 30
females), evenly distributed over the three age groups. Participants were
recruited a few meters from the observation site of the field study on the same
day. Respondents filled out a 9-item questionnaire with 5-point scales (totally
disagree to totally agree). Items were statements reflecting a person’s norm
regarding littering (e.g., I become irritated if I see litter on the street; I
think all of us are responsible for any litter on the street). After rescaling
negative items, factor analysis and reliability analysis were performed. One
factor emerged, explaining 43% of variance. Eight items could reliably be
combined into a measure for the person’s personal norm (Cronbach’s α=.83).
An ANOVA of the scores on the personal norm
scale for age groups and gender showed significant results for both gender,F(1,
69) =4.42,p=.04, and age,F(2, 69) =16.33,p<.001. Men (M=3.79, SD =0.74)
scored somewhat lower than women (M=4.14, SD=0.59). But, more importantly, participants
in the youngest age group (M=3.39, SD=0.66) scored much lower than those in the
middle (M=3.95, SD=0.70) and oldest age groups (M=4.36, SD=0.37).
The survey suggested that indeed younger
persons had less strong personal norms than the older age groups. This could at
least partly explain why for them norm activation shows little or no effect, as
the manipulations in the present study were not meant to induce a norm but
simply to activate it. This type of manipulation will not result in differences
in littering behavior when the person’s norm is that littering is acceptable.
According to Christensen, Rothgerber, Wood,
and Matz (2004), positive emotions are associated with conforming to behavior
of the in-group and disassociating one’s self with the out-group. It is
possible that in the present research context younger people felt the social
descriptive norm suggested that littering was socially acceptable, because most
of the time litter was present. In their case, littering would place them in
the in-group. Literature does not indicate whether young people are more
susceptible to descriptive norm activation than older persons. Nonetheless, the
conclusion remains clear that, for these groups, different strategies are
needed to change littering behavior.
Discussion and Conclusion
In the first study, explicit activation of
norms was stronger than implicit activation. Possibly, the implicit messages
were too weak due to their cartoon-like character. A second study was designed
to test whether the same effects could be realized in a real-world field
setting by directly measuring behavior. Furthermore, the designs of the
explicit and implicit means of norm activation were more equal (in terms of
conspicuity and realism/feasibility), thereby creating a better comparison.
Results of the second study indicated that implicit and explicit tactics were
both successful in reducing littering by adults judged to be more than the age
of 20 years, but not for younger people. A post hoc survey showed that the two older
age groups had stronger personal norms than the younger group that appeared to
have not yet developed a personal norm against littering. It thus appears that
activation of the personal norm is only effective when that norm is well
developed and positive. An alternative explanation is that younger persons were
more strongly influenced by the descriptive social norm that may have been
activated in the—slightly littered—research site.
Many studies have been carried out in
settings where young people were the target group. Studies that have yielded
positive results have predominantly used alternative strategies to reduce
litter (e.g., reducing the costs of disposing of litter by making trash cans
more attractive and placing them nearer to the user, and reinforcement through
the use of incentives and feed-back). These latter strategies have been shown
to be quite effective among children (Burgess et al., 1971; Casy & Lloyd,
1977; Chapman & Risley, 1974; Gendrich, McNees, Schnelle, Beegle, &
Clark, 1982), and they do not seem to depend on the existence of a
well-developed personal norm.
These findings indirectly support our own
interpretation of the age effects.
However, as previously mentioned, littering
by younger people might also be explained by behavioral influence by a desire
to identify with a particular group. Indeed, it is possible that many other
factors besides personal norm development or peer pressure are involved in
determining the littering behavior of younger people, and it remains for
further research to identify those factors.
The present studies, as well as those by
Cialdini et al. (1990) and Kallgren et al. (2000), have demonstrated that the
ability of social norms to direct behavior depends on whether they are focal at
the time of the behavioral act. Earlier studies have often used modeling and
text prompts on flyers to focus attention on the social norm or video feedback
during a bogus task to focus attention on the personal norm. The results of these
studies emphasize the importance of giving some sort of prompt at, or near, the
littering site, which helps to focus individuals on already existing social
and/or personal antilittering norms. Although these strategies have been highly
successful, practical implications for litter reduction remained vague.
In the present study, norm focus was induced
through trash can design in two fundamentally different ways, showing direct
practical applications of theoretical findings and simultaneously optimizing the
effect of norm activation by directing attention focus where and when it is
most effective: at the litter site. The findings should be considered in future
trash can design so that they serve as norm activating prompts to prosocial
Some limitations of the study should be
mentioned. First, in all studies researchers addressed all passing individuals,
or at more crowded times at random. Sampling was based on self-selection.
Self-selection always implies a risk of sampling bias; however, based on the
high response rates, this risk is limited.
In the scenario study, implicit norm
activation was introduced via arm gestures. The designs used were selected
based on a pilot study among persons living in the same city as the persons in
the actual study, yet there may have been a bias toward younger age groups and
students in the pilot. This holds a risk, as the interpretation of gestures is
probably more ambiguous than that of explicit formulations. Also, there may be
cultural differences in the interpretation of certain gestures (see Goffman,
1963), which may add to the ambiguity.
In the field study, three types of behavior
were recorded: littering, using the trash can, or taking the flyer along. Of
course, as the observers could not track the persons until they were at home or
had disposed of the flyer, the possibility exists that some of those persons
still littered their flyer once out of sight. Although persons were tracked
over quite a distance, the authors do acknowledge a slight risk of
overestimating the effect of the experimental manipulations.
We conclude from these studies that norm
activation, especially social injunctive and personal, has a clear and
beneficial effect on littering behavior. Moreover, it was demonstrated that
norms can be effectively activated via design. Reiter and Samuel (1980) noted
that whereas explicit norm activations (e.g., verbal prompts) lose their
efficacy on repeated or prolonged exposure, implicit norm activation (e.g.,
employing modeling or cleanliness of the environment) does not. In line with
this argument, we would hypothesize that implicit norm activation through trash
can design should not only be equally effective as explicit norm activation,
but may well prove more effective over time. Therefore, it would be very
interesting for future research to investigate the long-term effects of both
types of norm activation.
The idea that design has potential to change
behavior is certainly not new and has been a fervent belief of many designers
and architects. Most of them have intuitively incorporated psychological
principles of persuasion into their designs. However, much potential remains
unused and could be stimulated by explicitly bringing together architecture,
product design, and environmental and social psychology, thereby engendering
more powerful and targeted persuasive effects. Naturally, ethical issues
concerning persuasive design for attitude and behavior change should be
carefully considered (as advocated in, e.g., Fogg, 2003; IJsselsteijn et al.,
2006). Yet in view of current trends in persuasive design and persuasive
technology, as witnessed in other domains, it is time for environmental
psychology to take up this challenge as well.
1. The flyer was an introduction of a student
club with the following text: “Knights of the kitchen table. We are a club for
and by students, aiming to stimulate role-playing. We provide our members with
a network, books, a space and activities.” It also had the logo of this club.
2. A comparison of littering behavior between
men and women did not render significant differences in frequencies of
littering. The data did show that men were more likely to dispose of the flyer
in the trash can than to take it with them (60% vs. 32%), whereas women were somewhat
more likely to hold on to the flyers (52% vs. 41%).
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