The Problem Phase
26 Applying Social Psychology
Problem Phase: From
Problem to a Problem
problems are everywhere around us. Open up a newspaper, watch television or
listen to the radio, and suddenly you are confronted with a rich variety of
social issues, many of which have a social psychological
dimension. Regardless of whether it concerns the problem of teenage pregnancies,
smoking and health, divorce, anti-social behaviour in residential
communities, school truancies, prejudice towards ethnic minority members or even
global warming, social psychological factors play a role in all of them. Indeed, as
societies grow larger and individuals live and work more closely together, social and
environmental problems are bound to rise, affecting an ever larger proportion of the
population (Gardner & Stern, 1996; Van Vugt et al., 2000). Hence, there is an urgent need
for the involvement of social psychologists to study these problems, and to offer
solutions while working together with fellow scientists and policy makers (see, for example,
Aronson, Wilson & Akert, 2002; Brehm, Kassin & Fein, 2005; Hewstone, Stroebe
& Jonas, 2005; Hogg & Vaughan, 2005; Kenrick, Neuberg & Cialdini, 2005; Myers,
2005). This is not to say, of course, that all or most societal problems can be directly
attributed to social psychological factors.
For example, the primary cause of lung cancer is
smoking, and pollution is primarily caused by the use of cars. Hardly
social psychological matters, so it seems. Yet social psychologists will try to
understand why, despite the widespread knowledge about the health risks,
so many individuals still continue to smoke (Gibbons, Gerrard & Lando, 1991; Stroebe
& Stroebe, 1995). Or they will investigate why most people continue to drive cars,
although there are sometimes much better travel options available (Joireman, Van Lange
& Van Vugt 2004; Van Vugt, Meertens & Van Lange, 1995).
Perhaps the clearest illustration of the important role
for social psychology can be seen from a sample of headlines that
appeared in British newspapers in the week that this chapter was being
written. This list reads as follows:
1. Treeplanting schemes may help to reduce
carbon emissions.
2. Sale of the
'morning-after' pill on the increase.
3. Government to build a
network of health care walk-in centres near companies.
4. Workplace bullying on the
increase with nearly 80 per cent of human resources departments saying it exists in their
firm, according to a new survey.
5. One in seven UK students
drops out of university.
The Problem Phase 27
6. Efforts to promote
'lifelong learning' using computers have done little to increase the number of adults in
7. Threatening or abusive
youngsters targeted as part of a new crackdown on anti-social behaviour.
8. Police use of anti-terror
laws leading to arrests of the wrong people, according to think tank's study.
9. Nottingham charity says
fewer people are willing to get involved because of commitments in modern life.
10. Police are looking for more
ethnic police officers to join the force.

Towards a Problem Definition
do we mean by a problem description? By this we mean a clear and precise description of what the problem is, why and for whom it is believed to be a
problem. Also we should identify the target group for intervention in the
problem definition. In addition, a problem definition should
give some insight into some possible causes and key aspects of the problem, such as
whether this particular problem is an applied, concrete and social
psychological problem, and whether the problem is solvable or relievable.

28 Applying Social Psychology
behaviour in society and leave it to applied psychologists
to use their insights for developing intervention.
Yet even in articles with a more applied focus, a
systematic problem analysis is often lacking. As an illustration, research
articles on environmentally sustainable behaviours, such as household recycling,
household energy use or carpooling, often begin by stating that there is a problem
(the depletion of environmental resources) and then quickly move into the particular
behaviour under investigation (for examples from our own work, see Van Vugt, 2001;
Van Vugt et al., 1995). However, a more systematic problem analysis would reveal that
domestic energy use, for example, represents only a third of total energy consumption in
a country (Gardner & Stern, 1996). Thus, from an intervention point of view, it
would make more sense to concentrate on energy savings from bulk consumers, such as
businesses and factories.
elegant example of research based on a problem definition is work on
volunteering by Mark Snyder (see Box 2.1), Allen Omoto and
colleagues (Kiviniemi, Snyder & Omoto, 2002; Omoto & Snyder,
1995; Omoto, Snyder & Martino, 2000). In their research they first recognized, through
surveys and interviews, that the act of volunteering — to assist people with HIV/AIDS — served
different psychological functions for different volunteers. Some volunteers were primarily
driven by a pan-altruistic motivation to help others, while others were motivated more by
a specific attachment to the community of people with HIV/AIDS or by the effects
of volunteering for their personal growth and development. On the basis of these results, they argued that
it would be wise to develop a volunteer recruitment campaign that would target
individuals on the basis of their main motive for volunteering. They were
indeed more successful in their recruitment if they tailored their message to a specific target
audience of potential volunteers (Kiviniemi, Snyder & Omoto, 2002). Below is an
interview with Professor Mark Snyder, from the University of Minnesota, about his applied
social psychological research.
Box 2.1 Interview with Professor
Mark Snyder of the University of
Minnesota (USA)'As a
psychologist, I wear many hats. I am a basic scientist, and I am an applied researcher. I work in
the laboratory,
and I work in the field. I address problems of theoretical significance, and ones of practical concern. Rather than keeping these various facets of my
professional identity separate from each other, I have worked to integrate them. Thus,
I have a particular fondness for research that, at
one and the same time, advances the state of
theoretical understanding and also speaks to the challenges that confront society.
my belief that social science should contribute to solving the problems of
society has been a longstanding fascination with people who themselves take
action for the benefit of society. In my research, I have sought to
understand how and why people become actively involved in doing good for others and for society. Such
involvement can take the form of participation in volunteerism and philanthropy, community
and neighbourhood organizations, social activism
and political movements. In this research on social action, my collaborators and I are discovering why individuals
become involved in various forms of social action, what sustains their involvement over
time, and the consequences of such action for individuals and for society.
'A defining feature of my work is its focus on real people involved in
real social action in real settings. For instance, in our studies of
volunteerism, we have followed volunteers over the entire course of their service with
community-based organizations, thereby allowing us to chart their life histories as
volunteers and to study the unfolding processes of volunteerism. Such work
can be time-consuming and effortful but has been well worth it. For such
research is contributing meaningfully, I believe, to an emerging understanding of the nature of
volunteerism and other forms of social action. Moreover, it is speaking
directly, I believe, to critical concerns with the role of individual and collective
involvement in society. And, for me, it is extremely rewarding to be engaged in
scientific activity in ways that can deliver
benefits to science and to society— a 'win-win' situation for all concerned,
I believe.'
Interested in Mark Snyder's work? Then read, for instance:
Snyder, M., Omoto, A.M. & Lindsay, J. (2004).
Sacrificing time and effort for the good of others: The benefits and costs of
volunteerism. In A.G. Miller (Ed.), The social psychology of good and evil (pp. 444-468). New York:
Guilford Press. Stiirmer, S., Snyder, M. & Omoto, A.M. (2005). Prosocial emotions
and helping: The moderating role of group membership. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 88(3), 532-546.
the Problem
the above discussion, it should be clear that many of the problems stated in our 'news item' list should
be rephrased and reformulated in order to reach a more formalized problem
definition. First, many of these problems were stated in such generic terms that it is
unclear what the problem was (for example, in the case of the drop outs among UK students) or how it could be
tackled (for example, the police force wanting more ethnic police officers). When it
is stated that the sale of the morning-after pill is on the increase,
does this imply that there is actually a problem with the preventative use of contraceptives
(condoms, birth control pills)? Furthermore, if there is a
30 Applying Social Psychology
with contraceptive use, how many men and women in the UK (or in the whole of Europe or the world) are
affected by it? Finally, it does not tell us anything about where the problem lies.
For instance, do people forget to take contraceptives or are they not readily available to
them? In sum, such global statements must be made more concrete in order to be useful
for further investigation.
Second, a more detailed problem analysis could reveal
that the real problem is different from the one that is stated. For example, a lack
of volunteers for the Nottingham charity may have nothing to
do with people having other time commitments. It may, for instance, have more to
do with dissatisfaction among current and potential volunteers about the activities
of this specific charity. A systematic problem analysis could even reveal that
there is no problem at all. If after further scrutiny it appears that the `one in seven UK students'
that drop out from university finds a useful and rewarding alternative career path
(for example, as plumbers), there may be little reason for further investigation.
Third, even if it is totally clear what the problem is
then there is an array of different solutions that one could
think of for solving it. Some of them may have nothing to do with psychology. Carbon
emissions, for example, could be cut drastically if all cars were fitted with catalytic
converters (giving clean engines; see Van Vugt et al., 1995). Ensuring this happens
would involve legislation to force car companies to adopt this technology. There is
little involvement by social psychologists in this kind of intervention (although a social
psychologist could, for instance, assess the willingness of car companies to accept
Finally, if there is a clear social psychological
dimension to the problem then it is a challenge for the social
psychologist to find an appropriate theory or paradigm from a toolbox of different
theories to investigate this further. For example, the problem of bullying in the workplace
could be studied from a gender perspective (Quine, 2002) if it appears that women are
predominantly the victims, either from a power framework perspective (if it appears
that bosses bully subordinates) or from an intergroup perspective (if it appears that it
mainly occurs between departments).
In a
similar vein, the problem of absenteeism at work could be studied from a social exchange
perspective (if it appears that people feel they put more effort into their work in comparison to what
they receive in return), a social comparison perspective (if it appears that people
feel frustrated and deprived in comparison with their colleagues), or from a
commitment perspective (if it appears that a lack of organizational commitment plays a role; see Buunk &
Ybema, 1997; Geurts, Buunk & Schaufeli, 1994a and b).
The Path from a Problem to
a Problem Definition
above delineates that a social psychologist seldom proceeds from a problem to a problem definition along a
short, straight path. Rather, one travels a long and winding road and, along
the way, there are a number of important decisions to be made. Some of them are quite
straightforward. For instance, if bullying in the workplace is the focal problem, there is not much
point in studying bullying among school children, except for comparative purposes
Problem Phase 31
decisions require a more careful consideration. Applied social scientists (and
we are the first to admit this) all have their own hobby
horses in terms of favourite topics and theories and will therefore
see a particular problem in a particular way. For example, whereas an economist
might stress the financial benefits of carpooling, a social psychologist might emphasize the
benefits of carpooling in terms of companionship (Van Vugt, Van Lange, Meertens, &
Joireman, 1996). In promoting contraceptive use, some social psychologists would pay more
attention to the role of social cognitive factors in promoting contraceptive use (for
example, a knowledge gap), whereas others would focus more on affective and
motivational factors (for example, the desire to have unprotected sex; see Buunk, Bakker, Siero, van
den Eijnden, 1998). It is good to be aware of such tendencies as they may colour a
particular problem analysis (Kok, Schaalma, De Vries, Parcel and Paulussen, 1996).

Examples of Interviews Example of a Bad
Chief 'We are experiencing problems recruiting
officers from Arab, Asian and African
backgrounds into the police force. My colleagues in other police forces around the country tell
me that they have the same problem.'
32 Applying Social Psychology
Social psychologist: What do you mean?'
`Well, when we hold officer
recruitment days for the public, hardly anyone from these communities turns up. And
if they do, they don't submit the application form that they receive at the end
of the day.'
Social psychologist: `So, if I understand you
correctly, you want to recruit more officers from an ethnic minority background.'
Chief` That's correct, but I also
want to make sure that we retain our best ethnic officers. Quite a few of them
have left recently, and we don't know why.'
psychologist: `If
I understand you correctly, the problem seems to be a lack of enthusiasm among the
ethnic community for doing police work.' Hm ... yes, I believe so.'
`OK, I'll find some literature on job
satisfaction and employee motivation and get back to you.'
this example, the social psychologist and their client may decide to focus on
the lack of enthusiasm among ethnic officers for doing police work. Yet it is clear that they have
developed, at best, an incomplete problem definition and, at worst, a problem definition that
is plainly wrong. There are key questions that remain unanswered here. Is this a
recruitment problem, a retention problem or is it both? For whom is it a
problem — for the police, the community, the government? Is this really about a lack of interest in doing
police work? Can the problem be attributed entirely to the ethnic community, or is the
police force itself (also) responsible for causing these problems? Furthermore,
when have these issues first been noticed, and if these problems have emerged only
recently, how does that inform the search for possible causes? The next
conversation provides a better example of the development of an adequate
problem definition.
Example of a Better
Chief 'We are experiencing problems recruiting
officers from Arab,
Asian, and African backgrounds into the police force. My
in other police forces around the country tell me that they have the same problem.'
psychologist: 'What seems to be the problem?'
Chief 'Well, when we hold officer
recruitment days for the public,
hardly anyone from these communities turns up. And if
they do, they don't submit the application form that
they receive at the end of the day.'
Social psychologist: 'Why is this a problem?'
Chief: 'Well, there have been
targets set by the government for the
of ethnic officers, and so far, we have failed to reach any of these targets.'
Problem Phase 33
psychologist: `What
is the relevance of these targets?'
`We're operating in an
ethnically diverse community, and it seems
to us that the police force should be a fair reflection of the community in terms of its ethnic make-up.'
Social psychologist:
Social psychologist:
psychologist: `Why
is this important?'
rely a lot on cooperation from the community in preventing and reporting crimes. At
the moment, we're not getting this help. There's a lot of unreported
crime in this area. When I talk to members of the public, particularly ethnic
members, there seems to be a lot of suspicion about the police force.'
are these suspicions about?'
believe that we pay less attention to crimes when the victims are of Asian or
African background. People also accuse us of being prejudiced in terms
of who we stop and search on the streets.'
`So what is your main problem? That you are not
recruiting enough ethnic police officers, that many
crimes are unreported, or that some members of the community think
the police are biased?'
`All three really. But if we can do something about
people's suspicions regarding our policing work, that
would be a major step in the right direction.'
`So the main problem seems to be a lack of trust in the
police force among the ethnic members of the
community, which may or may not affect recruitment strategies —
we don't know that yet. And you would like to know how trust can be
this example, the problem definition is being shaped more clearly through the specific questions the social
psychologist asks regarding the various attributes of the problem: what is the problem, why is it a problem and for whom? As a consequence, the problem has switched from
specific recruitment to a more general issue regarding the relationship between the
police force and ethnic community members.
It may seem that this is complicating matters
unnecessarily. Yet think about the implications in terms of
intervention. Had the social psychologist concentrated exclusively on the recruitment
problem then he might have suggested organizing a recruitment campaign directly
targeted at members of the ethnic population, for example, by advertising in mosques,
temples or churches. Knowing that the recruitment failure might possibly result from
a more widely held negative perception of the police force suggests that such an
intervention is doomed to fail, because it does not directly alter the image of the police
force. However, there are yet more issues to be raised by the social psychologist to
establish a more complete problem definition.
Applying Social Psychology
Social psychologist: `Are
there any other aspects to the problem'?
Over the past few years, I've also noticed an increase in turnover
among ethnic officers, some of them were really the pick
of the crop when they started here.'
Social psychologist:`Do you
know why they left the force?'
`Well, we havn't done any
systematic research, but some at least felt
isolated in their working units. They didn't get enough support from colleagues in their units. They also felt
under threat from members of
their own community who didn't approve of them working for the police force.'
Social psychologist:`Have you
interviewed the chief officers in the units about the problems
that the ethnic officers experienced?'
`Not yet,
I haven't had the time to go around the units and gather information.'
Social psychologist:`But you
think it's an important problem and that it may be related to what we
previously mentioned, a lack of trust in the police force among the ethnic
the best ethnic officers is paramount for our force. I think
these problems are related, but, as I said before, where do we start?'
Social psychologist:`What are
your ideas about who best to focus our efforts on? Whose cooperation is
necessary for the problem to be solved?'
`Well, of course members of the ethnic
community should be addressed. But in
my opinion, a lot also depends on the chief unit officers. They
talk on a daily basis with their officers and are responsible for the atmosphere in the unit. It is the task of the chief unit officer to stop bullying and
discrimination among his officers.'
to summarize, we've now established that there are problems with regard to both
the recruitment and the retention of ethnic police officers in this force. And
improving recruitment and retention is important in order to increase the
quality of police work in the community, and also importantly, to meet government
targets. You see it as a priority in your force to tackle these Problems. We
don't know it for sure yet. but a possible cause of these problems may be lack
of trust in the police force among members of the ethnic population. This may
prevent ethnic person frm applying to the force and it may promote the turnover
of ethnic police officers. You believe that we should focus our effort
especially on members of the ethnic population and the chief unit officers. Is
that a correct representation of what you said?’
Chief ‘Yes, I would agree
with that analysis’
35 Applying Social Psychology
Furthermore, it addresses a number of questions
relevant to establishing an adequate problem definition, such as:
1. What is the problems?
2. Why is it a problems?
3. For whom the problems?
4. What are the possible causes of the problem?
5. What is the target group?
6. What are the key aspects of the problem?
Is it an applied
Is it a concrete
Is it a social
psychological problem?
… Also, there will be importen social
psychological aspects to
36 Applying Social Psychology
the proposed intervention programme, such as trust-building, reducing prejudice, and increasing the legitimacy of the police force.
Can the problem be solved or relieved? From the above, it appears that there
are enough clues
to reassure the social psychologist that the problems are solvable or
relievable, at least in principle.
Moreover, there is clearly a willingness on the part of the client to work towards reducing the problem.
The Problem Phase 37
that a client says and also open-minded about what the true causes of a
particular problem might be.
A few years ago, one of the authors of this book was
asked by the board of a water company to examine residential water use and
conservation attitudes during a shortage. Some initial research was carried out, which
revealed that residents with a water meter acted much more responsibly in
response to the shortage than residents without a meter (Van Vugt, 1999;
Van Vugt & Samuelson, 1999). In presenting his findings, he suggested that the problem should
be refocused on how to get residents to voluntarily adopt water meters. This
problem definition did not agree with that of the board of the water company, who did not
want to introduce widespread metering because of the costs involved. Instead,
the board wanted to focus on changing the conservation attitudes of those
households without meters.
Another concern is that problems are often stated in
terms that are too generic to be useful. For example,
suppose a council officer notices that there is a lot of litter in certain areas within a city.
He also observes that many people are using cars to drive their children to school. He
therefore concludes that the residents are not environmentally conscious enough and asks
a social psychologist to look into strategies to make people more environmentally
aware. Yet the stated problem 'residents are not environmentally aware' is probably too
general to be of much use in finding strategies to solve the problem. Indeed, an
anti-littering campaign would probably emphasize the norm that one ought not to litter, but in
anti-car campaigns such normative pressures are likely to be ineffective (Cialdini,
Kallgren & Reno, 1991; Van Vugt et al., 1996).

is important for social psychologists to ask why a particular issue is
perceived as a problem
in the first place. How does the problem express itself? What are the
consequences of the problem? What makes it problematic?
When did it first emerge? If the vice-chancellor of a university approaches a
social psychologist with a question on what to do about university drop out
rates, they must first establish why it is a problem that some students do not finish
their studies. Is it largely a financial matter for the university, or is there (also) a concern
about the self-esteem and well-being of such students? Furthermore, if the
vice-chancellor believes it has something to do with the 'motivation' of particular students, the
social psychologist should ask them to specify what they mean by this rather abstract
term. Is it a question of them not attending lectures (in which case compulsory attendance may
be considered) or did they have the wrong expectations about the study or university
life in general (leading to an intervention to alter prospective students'
course expectations)? Thus, answering the why question does not just help
to specify the problem, it also suggests directions for the proposed
intervention programme.
It may take some effort to find out which problems
really bother a client. A first impression about the Chief Constable is that
he is concerned with meeting the targets set by the government about
the intake of ethnic officers. This may indeed be an immediate concern, but it is
only after further enquiry that the social psychologist finds out that it is really the
quality of police functioning and a lack of cooperation from the
38 Applying Social Psychology
that concern him. If the problem is solely defined in terms of meeting targets then the success
of interventions will be based on this criterion. This may not necessarily be desirable in
the long run. In the police example, the force may use substantial incentives to
recruit ethnic officers in order to meet the intake targets, but new recruits may not have the
right attitude and motivation to continue in the job, eventually dropping out. Hence,
it is vital not to be persuaded by the quick-fix solutions that clients themselves may
offer by simply looking at their perspective on the problem. Equally, however, one
should be careful to define the problem entirely within the subjects' interests. For
example, ethnic police officer recruits should be subject to the same stringent criteria for
admission into the force and should therefore not be seen as getting an easy ride
(Heilman, Simon & Repper, 1987; Maio & Esses, 1998).
To answer the why question, it may help to ask since when
it was a problem. This might reveal important clues about the potential
causes and solutions of the problem. By asking these questions a social
psychologist attempts to build an historical picture of the problem, which can be quite
informative. First, it can reveal that what appears to be a problem may not necessarily be a
problem after all. For example, sales of the `morning-after' pill at chemists around the country
may appear to be rising, but a brief investigation may reveal that this is really due to
the government being able to give a more precise sales figure for the first time. Second, an
historical analysis might point to a particular time when the problem first started to emerge
or be noticed. For example, citizens and nations first started to become aware of issues
regarding environmental conservation after the oil crisis in 1972, when
oil-producing countries cut their supplies (Gardner & Stern, 1996).
Similarly, the drought in England in the summer of 1995 made
English people suddenly aware of the finiteness of important
water supplies. Knowing this might help a social psychologist to propose an intervention
programme using the salience of this crisis (Van Vugt,
1999; Van Vugt & Samuelson, 1999). Third, a brief historical
analysis may indicate reasons why a problem has suddenly
increased in severity. For example, the sudden rise in sales of the `morning-after' pill at
chemists may be due to the difficulty some underage teenagers have in getting the
contraceptive pill from their doctor without parental consent.
Of course, it is also possible that the issue has been
ongoing for a much longer time, but suddenly has been perceived as a problem by
the client because of some ulterior reason. It is important to be aware of
this. The Chief Constable in the police example may have known about the
recruitment failure of ethnic officers for a long time, but only been willing to
consider it a genuine problem because of the intake targets recently set by the Government. If
a social psychologist is unaware of this, he or she may be tempted to propose a
quick-fix solution to the problem rather than one that would prove successful in the long
For Whom is it a Problem?
are the parties involved in the problem? It is instructive to know whether the
problem involves just the client or whether there are also other
parties involved. The latter is
usually the case. The recruitment failure in the
example is of concern not just to the chief (who may lose
his job if targets are not met) or the force (which may face a
The Problem Phase 39
penalty), but also to those members of the community who wish to join the
force, and even of concern to the entire community itself (namely, if there is
a lack of trust in the police, the community welfare
may be at risk: see Tyler & Blader, 2002; Van Vugt et al., 2000). A
subsequent step is to ask oneself if the other parties perceive the problem in the same way.
It may be instructive to spend some time investigating this. Often it will emerge that
parties agree about the problem definition. However, we should not automatically
assume that this is the case. As an extreme illustration, one of the authors of this book
was asked by the chair of a professional football club to investigate why the club's
youth academy was not producing enough first team players. In a subsequent interview with
the director of the youth academy, he plainly denied that such a problem existed
and pointed to evidence which contradicted the chairman's claims. It is obvious
that these contrasting perspectives made it very difficult for the social
psychologist to accept this assignment.
Sometimes, involved parties will notice the existence of
a problem but they may not necessarily agree on the kind of problem
they face. The more complex problems are, the more likely this
seems to be the case. For example, the managing director of a firm may believe
that the cause of absenteeism in the company is a lack of monitoring of workers by supervisors.
However, an interview with the workers may reveal an entirely different picture. They may perceive their
absences as being caused by extensive control and policing by their supervisors.
If problems are defined so differently by the parties involved, this
is in itself a problem. In such cases, before engaging in any further work, a social
psychologist must consult with all the parties involved to agree on a version of the problem
that all can endorse.
Finally, it is significant to note that even actors
within the same party may have a different version of the story. For example,
in a firm where some female employees feel discriminated against, it
is good to find out if all females in the company experience these problems in the
same way. Only through interviews with several members of the party involved can a
social psychologist develop an adequate problem definition, incorporating the multitude of
perspectives that exist about the origins of the problem.
What are the Possible
Causes of the Problem?
this question a social psychologist can build up a picture of the background to
and potential causes of the problem. He can also determine
if there is a social psychological dimension to the problem, and if so,
can use this to create a preliminary causal model (see Chapter 3).
Note that the purpose of establishing a problem definition is not to be
definite about the exact causes underlying the problem. At this stage, it is
more important to get a first impression of the causal model and the possible
social psychological
processes involved.
Building a preliminary causal model is facilitated by
asking two interrelated questions:
1. What causes this problem?
2. How do these causes
affect the problem?
40 Applying Social Psychology
the volunteering example, the Nottingham charity experienced difficulties in
recruiting volunteers and they attributed this problem to a potential cause,
which is that people
nowadays have many other commitments. Suppose this is true, how would this cause then affect the
problem? A straightforward causal explanation would be that because people nowadays
work at the weekend more, they will have less time to engage in other activities,
such as volunteering.
It is also important at this point to distinguish between immediate causes and more distal causes. By making this distinction, one can develop a model of
the causal process
leading to the problem. For example, the Chief Constable conveyed that the force was failing to
recruit ethnic officers and noticed an immediate cause of the problem: members of ethnic
groups simply not attending officer recruitment days in large numbers. The social
psychologist then has to delve deeper into this problem by asking what causes this. Suppose
the chief suggested that ethnic community members have little interest in
joining the police and suffer from a lack of motivation. The social psychologist should then
ask why this might be the case and the Chief Constable might answer that there is a
lack of trust in the police force among the ethnic community. What causes this? Perhaps
they feel that the police are prejudiced against their community. Why may this be
the case? The chief might then reveal a number of high-profile incidents whereby
crimes against the ethnic population, including some racial crimes, were never solved.
He may also point to the failure of current ethnic officers to get promotion, which
may have caused grievances in the population. A process-like causal model now emerges
leading all the way from unresolved racial crimes (a distant cause), to the failure
to recruit ethnic officers, with a number of more immediate causes in between
(accusations of prejudice, a lack of trust in the police, a lack of motivation to do police
Establishing the process of events reveals a number of
different clues about the causal model underlying the problem as well
as the proposed intervention programme to tackle it. Nevertheless, at this
stage it may not be clear what exactly the causal chain of events leading to the
problem is or which factors play a major or minor role in causing the problem. This is
not a worry. In the next steps of the model it will become clear what the
causal model looks like through further research and theorizing. And yet, the factors that have been
identified in the problem definition could certainly play a role in choosing the theories to
develop the causal model.
What is the Target Group?
though we are in the earliest stage of defining our problem, a social
psychologist should already get some idea of the target group. Whom should be
convinced of the problem? Whose cooperation is necessary for the problem to be
solved? In the police example, a social psychologist may decide
to bring it to the attention of police officers and try to influence their
attitudes. He may approach members of the ethnic community, especially those
between 20 and 30 years old, and encourage them to apply for a place in the police
force, or he may do both. He may even focus his efforts on Members of Parliament, and try to
persuade them to lower the strict targets the government has set for the intake of
ethnic officers.
The Problem Phase 41
a target group narrows down the broad field of actors that may play a role in
the problem. It clarifies the problem and makes it more specific. This in turn
makes it easier to come up with strategies to help solve the problem (see
Chapter 5). Should the social psychologist later discover
that the target group is too difficult or costly to aim his intervention at,
he can always backtrack and redefine the problem. Remember, the PATH model is not a
rigid process and going from problem to intervention is usually an iterative
process that includes moving back and forth between the different steps in the
What are the Key Aspects
of the Problem?
capture the main aspects of the problem, social psychologists have to ask to
what extent the problem is a) an applied problem; b) a concrete problem; c) a social psychological problem; and d) to what
extent the problem can be dealt with.
Is it an Applied Problem?
problem definitions set by psychologists are concerned only with finding the causes for a particular
problem, for example, what gene is responsible for aggression? These fundamental
research problems are very important but they are not the kind of problems we are
interested in here. The issues we are interested in, and this should be clear by now, are those
that require an intervention to be developed. Finding an effective solution to a problem is
not the primary concern of fundamental research in psychology, but it is the
priority of most applied psychological research. Nevertheless, even in applied research there is
a distinction between research questions that primarily focus on finding the causes of
a particular problem, like divorce, burn-out, racism, or environmental
pollution, and questions that are directed toward finding solutions (for example, how can we tackle
In this regard, it is important that the 'why is it a problem?' question
also incorporates a question about the way a particular problem
could be solved. Because it is not always clear at the beginning what
the intervention programme will look like, some problem definitions are merely stated in
terms of identifying the cause of the problem (for example, why do police
forces find it difficult to recruit ethnic officers?). To frame it in this way,
however, would be a mistake because the ultimate goal of the problem task is to
actually do something
about the issue (namely, how to recruit more ethnic officers). It is important
not to forget this when designing a problem
definition because it provides a standard against which any work done by
the social psychologist will be evaluated .
Thus an example of a good problem definition would be:
'Why does the police force find it difficult to recruit ethnic
officers, and what can be done to increase the intake of ethnic officers'? This is
not to imply that the problem then immediately shifts towards searching for a quick-fix
solution. It is only by building a good causal model of the problem using social
psychological theory and research that a social psychologist will be able to suggest an
intervention programme that is likely to succeed. Only by finding out exactly why there is
a lack of interest from the ethnic community in joining this police force can a
coherent programme of intervention be put together.
42 Applying Social Psychology Is it a Concrete Problem?
is also important that the problem is formulated in sufficiently concrete
terms. All its important aspects must be operationalized
appropriately if they are to be useful. For example, a problem
definition aimed at doing something about bullying in the workplace should try to define
bullying in a manner which makes it sufficiently clear to everyone what it means, such as
'the act of intimidating a less powerful person into doing something against their wish'
(see the Wordnet definition at Once the behaviour has
been operationalized, it is much easier to recognize it and measure the frequency of
bullying behaviour in the workplace.
Furthermore, it is sensible to specify the properties of
the particular sample of people who experience or cause the
problem in as much detail as possible. Rather than stating the problem as 'the
failure to recruit ethnic officers', one could specify the backgrounds of the
recruits the force is looking for (for example, officers of Pakistani and
Indian descent). This makes it easier to find out if an intervention has been
successful or not.
Finally, one should be clear in the problem definition
about the kind of specific behaviours that one wants to tackle with an
intervention. A problem concerning the anti-social behaviour of
teenagers in urban neighbourhoods can only be dealt with if a social psychologist has
not only defined the behaviour, but also has a clear indication of the specific
behaviours that fit within the general domain of anti-social behaviour. This could include such
diverse acts as littering, graffiti, vandalism, joy-riding or verbal and/or
physical aggression against other children or adults. Only by being clear about the set of
behaviours is a social psychologist able to develop and test the effectiveness
of an intervention programme.
To encourage specifying the problem, a social
psychologist is advised to step into the shoes of a researcher.
Suppose you are asked to develop a research programme measuring bullying in the
workplace — how would you measure this behaviour? What questions would you ask the
employees in the company that you are investigating, and what behaviours would you be
interested in observing? You may decide that you are interested primarily in finding
out whether male employees make any derogatory comments about female colleagues or
about females in general in the presence of other staff. In order to do this, you may
decide to interview staff members and get permission to record conversations and
email exchanges between staff members. Once you have established the prevalence
of the problem, you may suggest a possible intervention to the client (for
example, informing staff that email traffic will be monitored). Because you have specified the
bullying problem that you are interested in, you can then go on to measure the
effectiveness of this intervention.
Is it a Social Psychological
question will have been addressed, at least in part, by answers to the previous questions. There are two
related concerns here. Are there any causes other than social psychological causes of the
problem, and, if there are, are these perhaps more important than the social
psychological determinants? For example, there is little point in asking a social psychologist
to solve a shortage of hospital beds because this is largely a financial and administrative
matter. Similarly, if we know that the major factor
The Problem Phase 43
residential water use is the presence of a water meter, a social psychologist
can do little in terms of social psychological interventions to influence people
to conserve
more water (Van Vugt, 1999).
A second, related, question is what contribution a
social psychological perspective on the problem could make,
especially in relation to other perspectives such as an economic, political, or
engineering perspective. Of primary interest to social psychologists are problems that are associated
with how individuals behave and respond to their social environments. If problems are
primarily an issue of money (say, hospital beds), politics (for example, EU laws), or
technology (say, cleaner energy sources), then a social psychological approach is likely
to be ineffective. Similarly, if a problem is primarily clinical (for example, anorexia among
young females) or cognitive (say, improving performance on intelligence tests),
there is also less need for social psychological expertise.
But the same problem can be looked at from different
angles, only one of them being a social psychological angle. For example,
in studying the origins of anti-social behaviour among teenagers one could take a
social psychological perspective, examining how such activities are
informed by peer pressure and a conformity to social norms. A psychological problem
orientation would involve looking at whether there were differences between teenagers
in their preparedness to engage in anti-social behaviour that could be
explained by facets of someone's personality (for example, extraversion, agreeableness).
Similarly, one could take a developmental-psychological view, examining ontogenetic differences
between teenagers who engage in anti-social behaviours versus those who do not.
Finally, one may be interested primarily in the societal causes underlying anti-social
behaviour among teenagers, for example, understanding the relationship between
anti-social behaviour and age, family income, type of housing or the professions of parents.
Each of these perspectives helps to foster an understanding of the problem and, in
collaboration with other social science disciplines, social psychology provides an essential
part of the problem analysis.

44 Applying Social Psychology
Box 2.2 A Case Study: The Modification
of Driving Behaviour
in a Large Transport Organization
in a Large Transport Organization
The depletion of fossil fuels is a huge problem facing the
world. Traditional energy sources, such as oil, are being used up at an
increasing rate, and, as a consequence,
become more expensive. Alternative sources of energy need to be developed, but
that takes time. For now, saving energy is therefore of vital importance. Social psychologist Sjef
Siero and his colleagues at the University of Groningen (The
Netherlands) were asked by The Netherlands Postal and Telecommunications Services
(PTT) to develop an intervention programme to change the driving behaviour of
mail-van drivers so as to encourage energy savings.*
social psychologists first conducted a pilot study to identify the determinants of the driving behaviour of the mail-van
drivers. A questionnaire was sent to 628 drivers that contained
questions about the drivers' driving styles, beliefs about the possible
consequences of energy-saving driving, the opinions of colleagues and
superiors (social norms), and the PTT organization.
Results from this pilot showed that thrifty drivers
differed from wasteful drivers with respect to several
beliefs, social norms, and organization-related variables. For
instance, drivers who shift gears at a higher number of revolutions (RPM) and thus drive more wastefully,
generally believe that the motor will become lazy if gears
are shifted at a lower RPM. On the basis of these results, an intervention programme was designed that
incorporated three interventions to influence driving behaviour: providing information about economical driving styles,
appointing local supervisors to control the drivers'
gasoline consumption, and providing drivers
with feedback on their gasoline consumption.
In a field experiment in a postal district the social
psychologists studied the effect of the intervention programme. Their
study showed that, compared to a control group, mail-van drivers in the experimental group
(who received the intervention) reported more positive attitudes and social norms
towards economic driving and had adopted a more economic driving style. As a
result, energy savings of more than 7 per cent were achieved.
Siero, S., Boon, M., Kok, G. & Siero, E
(1989). Modification of driving behaviour in a large transport
organisation: A field experiment. Journal
of Applied Psychology, 74, 417-423.
Is the Problem Solvable?
final issue that should be mentioned here is the judgement by a social
psychologist about whether a problem, which has been analysed carefully in
terms of its social psychological aspects,
can be solved or, at least, substantially relieved. A careful analysis of the viability of several
possible solutions is important because it could avoid a lot of
The Problem Phase 45
frustration on the part
of both client and social psychologist if they find out that the intervention they have
chosen is simply impractical or socially undesirable.
For example, based on the suggestion from the social
psychological expert, a company may develop an excellent carrot-and-stick plan to
promote cycling by building safe bike racks, showers, and reducing the
number of car parking spaces. But if it then turns out that most
employees live more than 10 miles from work it becomes a very impractical solution
indeed. Employees may feel deprived of something which they think they are entitled
to and may experience anger and resentment as a consequence (a phenomenon called 'relative deprivation'; see Buunk, Zurriaga,
Gonzalez-Roma & Subirats, 2003; Walker & Smith, 2002).

Particular interventions, however attractive they seem at
first glance, should also be avoided on ethical grounds. For example,
probably the easiest way to get more ethnic officers in the police
force is by lowering the tough selection standards for this particularly group of recruits.
One wonders though whether such affirmative action policies are morally defensible
and whether they are good for the individual officer as well. There is evidence, for
example, which suggests that employees who enter a job via an affirmative
action programme have a miserable working life because they are thus stigmatized at work (Heilman
et al., 1987). Thus, social psychologists must think very carefully when establishing a
problem definition which includes a suggestion to improve a particular situation
(which most good problem definitions do) and as to whether the interventions
that are likely to be the most effective in theory will also be possible to implement in practice.
Only via thorough analysis of the problem and interviews with the client and various
other parties will it be revealed if this is the case or not.
answer any questions pertaining to a sound problem definition, it is often
necessary to conduct some preliminary research by
collecting data from multiple sources. The primary aim of research in this
phase is to better understand the problem and its possible causes as well as to
estimate the feasibility of potential interventions. At this stage, we are not yet concerned
with an empirical test of the causal model nor with an evaluation of the intervention
programme. Nevertheless, some exploratory research could be helpful because it might
generate ideas regarding the antecedents of the problem, and provide valuable clues for
what the intervention may look like. The interview with the Chief Constable
mentioned previously can be viewed as an example of preliminary data gathering by the social
Exploratory research is often desirable for establishing
the problem definition because it ensures that the social psychologist
does not make any mistakes in identifying the
46 Applying Social Psychology
causes of or solutions to the problem. For example, in order to facilitate doctors' visits among
people with long working hours (problem), the government intends to build walk-in
health centres near main industrial zones (solution). Yet a preliminary investigation into
the feasibility of this intervention may reveal that employees are reluctant to use
this opportunity because they will not get time off work from their employer. Or
alternatively, from interviewing employees a social psychologist may conclude that the
option is not attractive because employees are fearful about their privacy if they visit a
doctor at or near their workplace. Thus, a considerable amount of time and money could be
saved by conducting preliminary research into the endorsement of particular
intervention programmes.
There may be constraints in conducting research at such
an early stage in the relationship between client and social psychologist. Clients
may not yet know whether they would want to use the services of a social
psychologist so they may be reluctant to give permission to them to
gather data. Or the problem or intervention may still be confidential, and therefore it may
be too sensitive to collect data, for example, by interviewing interested parties.
Nevertheless, a social psychologist should try to conduct a preliminary investigation into the
problem in order to establish a sound problem definition and ensure that relevant information
is not ignored. There are various sources available to collect preliminary
information about a problem.
Background Materials
some social problems there may be a variety of materials already available to
the social psychologist. Bigger social issues (for example, poverty, crime,
anti-terror policies)
usually appear in newspapers or on television and it would be worthwhile to inspect these media for
information about a particular problem. In addition, it is always sensible to do a search on
the internet — the largest database of all — for information. For us, as authors of this
book, the internet will often be the first port of call if we need to read about a particular
The facts and figures surrounding a specific problem may
be readily available. For example, if one wants to inspect crime
figures in a particular area one should consult the statistics that are
available from the local police or government. In general, national and local
governments are a great source of information on all sorts of matters and it would be advisable to
contact them with specific requests.
Finally, it is advisable not to rely exclusively on
information that has come directly from a client as this may
often be incomplete. In the police example, the Chief Constable may have had
information regarding the percentage of ethnic officers currently in the force, but he
may not necessarily have known how many had been turned down after they had
applied. Similarly, relying on a client as the sole source of information may give a somewhat
distorted picture of the problem. The Chief Constable may have ascertained that
in the past recruitment efforts had been specifically designed to recruit ethnic officers,
but present day interviews with potential and current ethnic applicants may now reveal
that they believe that they have not received any special
The Problem Phase 47
from the force. To gain more insight into a problem, it is therefore important to rely on a number of
different sources to obtain background knowledge of a particular issue.
Scientific Literature
It may also be
instructive to conduct a brief review of the available scientific literature at
this point. Although a more systematic literature review will be done at a
later stage, it is good to know what information is out there in order to
facilitate the search for potential
problem causes and solutions. Going back to the example of threatening and abusive teenagers, a
brief summary of the social psychological literature may provide a wealth of data that
can give a valuable insight into the problem of aggression among children. A
closer scrutiny of the literature could be made by consulting PsychINFO, PsychARTICLES or Google
SCHOLAR (electronic databases that comprise all scientific articles and books
in the field of psychology between 1872 and today). An investigation of these sources may, for instance,
reveal that:
1. Boys are more aggressive than girls.
2. Aggression is more
common in so-called cultures of honour.
3. The literature
distinguishes between instrumental aggression, that is aggression to achieve a goal, and emotional
aggression, that is aggression that stems from anger and frustration.
4. Violence is often
associated with alcohol intake.
5. The hotter it is on any
given day, the more common violence is.
6. The presence of an
'aggressive' object, such as a knife or baseball bat, increases people's aggression if they are
7. Children can learn
aggression by watching violence on television or in video games.
8. Punishment decreases
aggression if the punishment is prompt and certain.
9. Aggression can be reduced
by improving communication skills.
closer scrutiny of the literature may also yield a number of additional
perspectives and explanations that could shed further light on the prevalence
of anti-social behaviour and aggression
among youngsters. These may be used to develop hypotheses about the causal
model and, ultimately, to set up a plan for intervention. In the problem phase,
the main purpose is to generate as many ideas as possible about the possible
antecedents of the problem, which would facilitate the establishment of a
causal model to develop later on.
is good to talk. Even though there may be plenty of background and scientific
materials available on a
particular issue, it is always good practice to organize interviews with those individuals
who are party to a particular problem (the for whom question). This helps to
get an intuitive understanding of the problem, which is not as easy to get from
studying the literature alone. Interviews also enable social psychologists to
get a better picture about how the parties experience their
problems and, importantly,
48 Applying Social Psychology
they view matters in a similar or in a different way. Only through interviews can a problem definition be
developed that all parties recognize and are willing to sign up to.
In general, it is advisable to interview the members of
all relevant parties, that is, those who experience the problem, those who
may cause the problem, and those who are responsible for solving
the problem. In the latter category, one should interview the key figures in an
organization who are responsible for finding solutions to the problem. In the police example, the
social psychologist had already interviewed the Chief Constable, but it would
also be advisable in this case to interview the key staff members who are responsible
for recruitment and training. They may be part of the problem, but even if they are they
may have valuable observations and insights to offer. In addition, the social
psychologist here may want to approach the chief constables of other forces to find out if they
are experiencing a similar problem.
It is, of course, equally important to interview people
who are affected by the problem and have experienced the negative consequences
themselves. In the above example, these would be those ethnic officers who have left
the police force (or are thinking about leaving) and the
ethnic members of the community who have an interest in doing police work or in other
examples, those teenagers who have been the victims of antisocial behaviour. The
perpetrators of bullying must be interviewed by the social psychologist
These initial interviews ought to have a number of
important features in order to be useful. First, they must
be relatively unstructured as they should enable the interviewer plenty of room to interact
freely with the interviewees based upon what they raise. Unstructured interviews
are the best way to gather information at this stage of the investigation. One would only
need a checklist of different topics and questions to use as a guideline for the
interview. The rigorous scientific standards of objectivity and reliability do not apply as much to
this stage of data collection as they do to the more advanced stages of this
methodology. This is not to say that just about anything can be raised in these interviews, but it is
important not to be too prejudiced about certain explanations or
interpretations that interviewees might bring up. Even a rather unlikely
explanation should not be dismissed a priori. If the
interviewee believes it then he or she will judge any problem definition or
intervention in terms of dealing with the explanation they offer. For example, the
Chief Constable may prove genuinely convinced that members of ethnic populations are
not very interested in conducting police work full stop. Although this may be proven
to be untrue at a later stage, he will most likely not accept a problem definition that
excludes this as a possibility.
Another feature of these interviews is to investigate if
there are differences between interested parties in their perspectives on
a problem. If all parties perceive the problem in the same way, it will be
much easier to solve the problem. However, the mere fact that they have hired a
social psychologist to intervene suggests that the different parties may have a different
version of what has caused the problem. Interviewers should be focused on detecting these
differences as they provide useful information. For instance, the social psychologist
who investigates the lack of enthusiasm for doing volunteer work at a charity would
interview not only the board of the charity, but also current and
The Problem Phase 49
former volunteers. After an initial impression from the
charity board that people are `simply too busy to want to get involved in
charity work these days' the social psychologist might become a bit more
sceptical about this version of events when they had interviewed current and
ex-volunteers who indicated that:
1. the charity needs to raise more money to be successful (which
partly answers the whatis the problem question);
2. the charity has just
replaced its director (which partly answers the issue for whom it is a problem);
3. there are conflicts
between the paid staff and volunteer staff members (which partly answers the question regarding the causes of the problem);
4. the charity has not made any
major recruitment efforts (which partly answers whether the problem is solvable);
5. the charity has approached
the wrong people (target group) to volunteer, that is mainly students and working mothers.
Although they might want to, both students and working mothers are generally just too busy to do volunteer
it can be difficult to work towards a problem definition by collecting material from interviews
alone. Interviewees may have such different views on a problem that it will be
extremely difficult to generate a problem definition that is universally agreed
upon. Equally, it is possible that there can appear to be a sense of unanimity among interviewees about a
problem, but the social psychologist involved is a bit suspicious about
whether everyone is telling the entire truth. Some issues, such as institutional racism or sexual
harassment in the workplace, are so sensitive to deal with that it may be in the interests
of all parties to hide important information in the interviews. In such cases, a social
psychologist may want to rely on an indirect method, such as observation, to gather
more reliable data about a specific issue.
There are various methods of observation that may be
informative in establishing a problem definition. First, one could rely on
a more unstructured observation method where no formal observation
and coding scheme is necessary. As with the interviews, one could prepare a
checklist of different topics that one would like to pay attention to in a
particular setting. For example, in studying anti-social behaviour among
youngsters it may be helpful to go into the neighbourhoods in which these
youngsters live and actually observe their social interactions. In studying
household recycling, one could observe and analyse the contents of
recyclable and non-recyclable bags to see what people put in them — which
is what we did in a recent project (Lyas, Shaw & Van Vugt, 2002). In companies with
high levels of absenteeism, it may be relevant to have a look around the workplace to
investigate under what conditions employees do their work and to what extent
absenteeism is accepted in work teams (Buunk, 1990).
Sometimes it is better to remain unidentified as a
social psychologist. The classic Hawthorne effect tells us
that people behave differently when they realize that they are being watched
(for example, Big Brother, see also Gillespie, 1991).
This is particularly important in the study of more sensitive
social issues, such as racial prejudice and sexual harassment. For example,
in a classic study on prejudice (LaPiere, 1934), a team of
50 Applying Social Psychology
researchers in the USA
contacted various motels and hotels across the country by pretending to be interested
in renting a room. The white researcher had a much higher success rate in
getting the room than the Chinese researcher, perhaps an indication of
prejudice. It is quite clear that had the research team relied on interview
data it would have been rather unlikely that the home owners would have expressed
any open signs of prejudice. Naturally, the success of this participant observation
technique stands or falls with the quality of fit between the researcher's
profile and the profile of the sample he/she is studying.
Box 2.3 Examples of Good Problem
Below are two examples of problem definitions that social
psychologists may come up with after answering the six key
questions (see Box 2.4) and gathering additional data about the
problem through interviews and observation, thus collecting background and
scientific materials about the problem.
1: Littering in Birmingham city centre
Littering is a problem in many larger cities in Europe
and the USA (Gardner & Stern, 1996). Many inner-city
residents in Birmingham see it as a nuisance and have complained to the city council
about the amount of litter they find on their streets (the who and why questions), especially at
the weekends (the what question). It is an ongoing problem, but people are more aware of it
now that more people have started
living in the city centre. The council is reluctant to hire more street cleaners because of the extra
costs involved (the who and why questions). The main
question now is how street littering can be prevented in the centre of
Birmingham (the what question). This is an
applied problem that can potentially be solved after an intervention (problem aspects). The problem is specific in
so far as it needs to be tackled in Birmingham (the target group question), but the results
may have implications for anti-littering strategies
elsewhere (problem aspects).
There is likely to be a social psychological dimension to
the problem (problem aspects). The literature suggests
that people litter more if they see others doing it (Cialdini et al., 1991) and when they think they
can get away with it, for instance at night (the cause question). They may also
think that it is not their responsibility to clean it up (the cause question). It is possible
that the problem is aggravated by a lack of street bins in
the centre (the cause question). The problem
might be tackled through an intervention (psychological and/or
infrastructural), although it is questionable whether the problem can be completely solved.
2: Obesity among school children in the UK
According to government statistics in Britain, almost one in 10
children in the UK is
now seriously overweight, and if nothing is done this figure is likely to rise
(see http://www.nationa► Obesity is a problem
(the what question) as it is linked to a number of health
problems, such as high blood pressure,heart
and kidney problems and diabetes, which lower the life expectancy of these individuals (the who question) and lead to a
rise in the costs of health care for the nation as a whole (the why and who questions). Obese children are also more likely to be stigmatized at
school (the who question), and as a
consequence may suffer from underachievement and, more
generally, a low self-esteem (the why question; see Crandall,
preventing obesity seems to be easier than tackling it after it has emerged in
children, the main question is how obesity can be prevented in children (the what question). Although there
are basic questions that still need to be answered regarding the
causes of obesity, the problem is applied. Obesity is caused by many different
factors, but it most certainly involves unhealthy eating habits and a lack of
exercise (the cause question). Unhealthy eating
and a lack of exercise are two behaviours that have a
clear social psychological dimension, because they are influenced by, among
other factors, prevailing social norms, peer pressure, and modelling by
parents (problem aspects). The target group constitutes at a minimum obese children and their parents. As
obesity is such
a complex problem, it is likely best tackled through a mix of interventions, including incentives,
infrastructural arrangements and social psychological intervention.
Problem Phase 51
collected all the relevant information through consulting different sources in order to answer the key
questions, we can now formulate the problem definition. A problem definition
usually consists of a single paragraph that articulates the key properties of
the problem in a fluent and coherent manner. A problem definition is not a
laundry list of answers to different questions, although initially it is better
to systematically
address each question to make sure they have all been discussed. Answers, of course, are not just
phrased as simple statements like 'Yes, this is a social psychological problem'. Each answer
should carefully explain why: 'This is a social psychological problem, because
bullying is about the relationship between a powerful and less powerful person'. It
should be clear from the final problem definition what the problem is, why it is a problem,
for whom it is a problem, what are the main causes, the target group and relevant problem
aspects. Box 2.3 contains a few examples of good problem definitions.
We must stress that for educational purposes we would
recommend that researchers initially develop the problem definition by
answering systematically all the key questions on the list. Later on, once the
researcher has gained experience working with our methodology, they can
prepare a longer version for themselves and an abbreviated version for a client. This
shorter version would usually describe what the problem is, why it is a
problem, for whom it is a problem, and the background and potential causes of the problem.
52 Applying Social Psychology
Box 2.4 The Problem Phase: Steps From A Problem
To A Problem Definition
In reaching a solid problem definition you need to address
the following questions (not necessarily in the
order below. In so doing, you will have to gather data about the problem by
collecting background information, by exploring the scientific literature, by conducting interviews with
relevant parties and by relying on observations.
The following six key questions must be answered in order to establish a
problem definition.
1. What is the problem?
Describe the problem in as much detail as
possible by asking various specific questions about the nature
of the problem.
2. Why is it a problem?
Describe the consequences of the
problem in detail and make clear to what extent each of
those is perceived to be a problem. Since when is it a problem? Describe the historical
background of the problem. When did it first emerge and when was it first noticed?
Has the severity of the problem increased or decreased over time?
3. For whom is it a problem?
Describe all the parties that are involved in the problem,
both in terms of who causes the problem, who suffers from the problem, and who
is responsible for tackling the problem. Describe the different perspectives
that each of these parties has on the
problem and whether these are compatible or not. Also, describe whether
the problem definition needs to be adjusted in order to incorporate the different
takes on the problem.
4. What are the possible
causes of the problem?
Describe the possible causes and background of the problem.
What might cause it and what could explain the emergence of the
problem? Use the double question: What causes the problem and how do these
causes affect the problem?
5. What is/are the target
Describe the actors or groups that a
possible intervention should be targeted at. Whom should be convinced of the
problem? Whose cooperation is necessary for the problem to be solved?
6. What are the key aspects
of the problem?
Describe whether it is an applied problem that you are
dealing with and whether it is a concrete problem. In addition, describe the
social psychological aspects to the problem and give an indication of whether the problem
can be tackled or solved through social psychological
The Problem Phase 53
H.P., Kok, G, Bosker, R.J. & Parcel, G.S. (1996). Planned development and
of AIDS/STD education for secondary school students in the Netherlands:
Short-term effects. Health Education
Quarterly, 23(4), 469-487.
G R. & Fielder, K. (1996). Applied Social Psychology. London: Sage. (This book
many interesting applied research programmes from Europe.)
Stern, P. C. (2000). New environmental theories:
Toward a coherent theory of environmentally significant behavior. Journal
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