
Habit Kecil untuk Hasil yang Besar

12 Little Habits You Can Do Right Now for Big Results

Cultivating a new habit can be tough. There’s always plenty of distraction in our day-to-day lives, with too much to do and never enough time. So how can you make the changes that will help you be successful?
The answer lies not in a drastic overhaul but in small incremental changes. It’s an approach that makes change approachable, accessible, and achievable. If you want to do great things, start small.

Cultivating a new habit can be tough. There’s always plenty of distraction in our day-to-day lives, with too much to do and never enough time. So how can you make the changes that will help you be successful?
The answer lies not in a drastic overhaul but in small incremental changes. It’s an approach that makes change approachable, accessible, and achievable. If you want to do great things, start small.
Here are some great areas to begin. Break these habits into little, manageable actions, and get started. You can work on one every day or try a new one every week. There is always great power in the willingness to change — start by breaking these habits down today!
1. Cultivate optimism.
People who are happy are generally people who do well. Promise yourself that you will be strong and that nothing will disturb your peace of mind.
2. Take care of your health.
Physical health gives you mental energy; mental energy helps you hold focus, and focus helps you develop a clear purpose. Start with the most important steps, and keep going from there.
3. Find balance.
Don’t overload on work or play, but strike a balance between both.
4. Treat others the way you want to be treated.
Be very conscious of how you speak and behave around your peers, co-workers, employees, service people, even family members. Give everyone the same respect and consideration you would want to receive.
5. Practice forgiving.
In business and in life, things happen that cause problems. It takes a strong person to forgive and put it behind them, but it’s the healthiest way to move on.
6. Nurture your relationships.
The happiest people are those who have the deepest, most meaningful relationships. Feeling meaningfully connected with others — whether romantic partners, friends, or family members — is life-changing.
7. Model the way.
If you want your leadership to empower others, start by living the most empowered version of your own life first. You’re never too old or too young to set the example.
8. Live with honor and kindness.
Your wealth or status does not make you great — your kindness and character certainly does.
9. Embrace new ideas and challenges.
Don’t limit your challenges; challenge your limits. Do all you can to embrace new ideas and learn ways to push and overcome.
10. Pursue your passion.
Allow your passion to become your purpose, and it may one day become your profession. Anything that gets your blood racing is probably worth doing.
11. Express gratitude.
When you make a habit out of appreciating what you have, what you have has a tendency to appreciate in value. There is always something to be grateful for. What went right today? What deal went through? What call made a difference? What relationship came around?
12. Forge your own path.
You are not in this world to live up to other people’s expectations, nor should you feel that others have to live up to yours. What success means to each of us is totally different, so forge your own way.
It’s going to keep you busy for a long time, but if you can find small ways to begin cultivating these habits into your life and leadership, practicing them in your professional life as well as in your personal life, you will never waste your time wondering about what could have happened to your success.

Kopi paste: pada 22 des 2018


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