Managing Conflicts of Interest
Johnson, David W., 1940-
Joining together : group theory and group skills / David W. Johnson, Frank
P. Johnson.— 10th ed.
9 Managing Conflicts of Interest 366
Basic Concepts to Be Covered in This Chapter 367
Conflict-Positive Groups 367
Nature of Conflicts of Interest 368
Conflicts Can Be Destructive or Constructive 369
Conflict and Aggression 370
Conflict Management Strategies: What Are You Like? 373
Controlling the Occurrence of Conflicts 377
The Nature of Negotiations 378
Two Types of Negotiating 385
The Integrative Negotiating Procedure 390
Defining the Conflict as a Mutual Problem 393
Try, Try Again 407
Negotiating in Good Faith 410
Refusal Skills: This Issue Is Non-Negotiable 411
Intergroup Conflict 419
Third-Party Mediation 435
Summary 436
Basic Concepts to Be
Covered in This Chapter
In this chapter a number of concepts are defined and
discussed. The major ones are in the following list. Divide into heterogeneous
pairs. Each pair is to (1) define each concept, noting the page on which it is
defined and discussed, and (2) ensure that both members of the pair understand
the meaning of each concept. Then combine into groups of four. Compare the
answers of the two pairs. If there is disagreement, look up the concept in the
chapter and clarify it until all members agree on and understand the
1. Conflict-positive group
2. Conflicts of interest
3. Negotiation
4. Smoothing
5. Forcing
6. Compromise
7. Withdrawal
8. Distributive, win—lose negotiations
9. Integrative, problem-solving negotiations
10. Dilemma of trust
11. Dilemma of openness and honesty
12. Norm of reciprocity
13. Goal dilemma
14. Steps of integrative negotiating
15. Psychological reactance
16. Attribution theory
17. Fundamental attribution error
18. Self-fulfilling prophecy
19. Super ordinate goal
20. Mediation
If groups are to be effective, they must resolve the
conflicts of interests among members constructively. Groups can be either
conflict negative or conflict positive (Tjosvold, 1991b; Table 9.1). In a
conflict-negative group, conflicts are suppressed and avoided and, when they
occur, are managed in destructive ways. In a conflict-positive group, conflicts
are encouraged and managed constructively to maximize their potential in
enhancing the quality of decision making and problem solving and group life in
general. Group members create, encourage, and support the possibility of
Table 9.1 Conflict-Negative and Conflict-Positive Groups
Conflict-Negative Group
Sees conflict as unitary
Sees conflict as the problem
Avoids, suppresses, contains conflicts
Believes conflict is inherently destructive
Sees no value to conflict
Conflicts create anxiety and defensiveness
Individuals go for a "win"
Recognizes different types of conflicts
Sees conflict as part of the solution
Seeks out and encourages conflicts
Believes conflict is potentially constructive
Sees many values to conflict
Conflicts create excitement, interest, focus
Individuals try to "solve the problem"
In order to create a conflict-positive group, you must
1. The nature of conflicts of interest
2. The five strategies most commonly used to manage
conflicts of interest
3. The nature of distributive and integrative negotiations
4. The steps for using integrative negotiations
5. The nature of intergroup conflict
6. How to apply constructive procedures to intergroup
According to the World Book Dictionary, a conflict is a fight, struggle, battle,
disagreement, dispute, or quarrel. A conflict can be as small as a disagreement
or as large as a war. The word conflict is derived from the Latin con flatus,
meaning a "striking together with force." There are times when group
members' wants and goals "strike together" and produce disruptive
effects. To understand what a conflict of interest is, however, it is first
necessary to define interest.
We are all unique individuals with separate wants, needs,
and goals. Therefore, within joint efforts, conflicts of interest inevitably
result. To understand conflicts of interest, you must first understand what
wants, needs, goals, and interests are (Johnson & Johnson, 2005; Table
9.2). There are many things each of us wants. A want is a desire for something. Each person basically has a unique
set of wants. A need is a necessity
for survival. Needs are more universal. Every person needs to survive and
reproduce (have access to water, food, shelter, and sex), belong (experience
loving, sharing, and cooperating), have power, have freedom, and have fun (Glaser,
1984). On the basis of our wants and needs, we set goals. A goal is an ideal state of affairs that
we value and are working to achieve. Our goals are related through social
interdependence. When we have mutual goals we are in a cooperative relationship;
when our goals are opposed we are in a competitive relationship. Our interests
are the potential benefits to be gained by achieving our goals.
A conflict of
interest exists when the actions of one person attempting to maximize his
or her benefits prevent, block, interfere with, injure, or in some way make
less effective the actions of another person attempting to maximize his or her
benefits (Deutsch, 1973). Conflict among interests can be based on (1)
differences in wants, needs, goals, and values, (2) scarcities of certain
resources, such as power, influence, money, time, space, popularity, and
position, or (3) rivalry. Conflicts of interest both occur naturally and are
deliberately created, and so are common. The management of conflicts of
interest is an important aspect of group effectiveness (Figure 9.1).
Inherent in any conflict is the potential for destructive
or constructive outcomes (Deutsch, 1973; Johnson, 1970; Johnson & Johnson,
1995, 2005). On the destructive side,
conflicts can create anger, hostility, lasting animosity, and even violence.
Conflicts can result in pain and sadness. Conflicts can end in lawsuits,
divorce, and war. Destructively managed conflicts are highly costly to a group,
destroying the group's effectiveness, ripping apart relationships, sabotaging
work, delaying and decreasing teaching and learning efforts, and devastating
individuals' commitment to the group's goals, sense of security, and personal
feelings (Jan & Tjosvold, 1985). Poorly managed conflicts result in group
members spending time brooding and fighting rather than working to achieve the
group's goals.
Conflicts, however, carry the potential for many important positive outcomes. Conflicts can focus attention
on problems that need to be solved, and can energize and motivate group members
to solve them. Conflicts can clarify how members of the group need to change.
Patterns of behavior that are dysfunctional are highlighted and clarified by
conflicts. Conflicts can clarify what and whom group members care about and are
committed to. Conflicts clarify group members' identity and values. Conflicts
help group members understand the values and identities of group mates.
Conflicts keep the relationships among members clear of irritations and
resentments and strengthen members' confidence that they can resolve conflicts
constructively. Conflicts can release anger, anxiety, insecurity, and sadness
that, if kept inside, make a person mentally and physically ill. Conflicts can
be fun. Life would be boring if there were no conflict.
It is not the presence of conflicts but the way in which
they are managed that determines whether they are destructive or constructive. Conflicts are constructive
to the extent that they
1. Result in an agreement that allows all participants to
achieve their goals. The agreement maximizes joint outcomes, benefits everyone,
and is in all participants' best interests.
2. Strengthen the relationship among participants by
increasing their liking, respect, and trust for one another.
3. Increase participants' ability to resolve future
conflicts with one another constructively.
There is a considerable literature that links destructively
managed conflicts with interpersonal aggression. Aggression is physical (e.g., striking,
kicking, shoving) or verbal
(e.g., insulting, cursing, threatening) behavior intended
to injure another (Baron & Richardson, 1994; Bushman & Anderson, 2001).
Three important aspects of this definition are that aggression is behavior (as
opposed to thoughts), it is intended or purposeful (as opposed to accidental),
and it is aimed at hurting another person. Aggression may be distinguished
from assertiveness, which is behavior intended to express
confidence or dominance. Aggression with malicious intent is also distinguished
from playful aggression (which is characterized by frequent smiling and
A further distinction is made between indirect and direct
aggression. Indirect aggression involves an attempt to hurt another person
without obvious face-to-face conflict, such as through malicious gossip. Direct aggression is behavior aimed at
hurting another person to his or her face.
Emotional aggression, hurtful
behavior that stems from out-of-control anger, may be distinguished from instrumental aggression, hurting another
person to accomplish a goal (Berkowitz, 1993). Finally, displaced aggression refers to instances in
which people behave aggressively toward a person who is not the causal agent of
the instigating provocation (Dollard, Doob, Miller, Mowrer, & Sears, 1939; Marcus-Newhall,
Pedersen, Carlson, & Miller, 2000). A meta-analysis of the research
indicates that the magnitude of displaced aggression is strongly moderated by
the similarity between the provocateur and the target of the displaced
aggression (MarcusNewhall, Pedersen, Carlson, & Miller, 2000).
Aggression tends to be related to a variety of factors,
including depersonalization (e.g., Zimbardo, 1970), the existence of primes for
aggression (e.g., Anderson, Benjamin, & Bartholomew, 1998 ; Berkowitz &
LePage, 1967), temperature and other environmental triggers (e.g., Anderson,
Anderson, Dor•, DeNeve, & Flanagan, 2000), the utilitarian need to achieve
desired goals (Berkowitz, 1993), and provocations (Bettencourt & Miller, 1996).
Having a weapon in sight, for example, intensifies aggression, especially
against members of outgroups (Carlson, Marcus-Newhall, & Miller, 1990). In
conflict situations, aggression usually provokes counteraggression, as well as
feelings such as fear, anger, and a desire for revenge. It is therefore
typically a sign of destructive conflict management.
The link between frustration and aggression is one of the
oldest social psychological explanations of hostility and physical violence
(Dollard, Doob, Miller, Mowrer, & Sears, 1939). The frustration - aggression process can be summarized in the following way
(Berkowitz, 1978). Individuals who are unable to attain the goals they desire
because of personal limitations or external influences sometimes experience
This frustration produces a readiness to respond in an
aggressive manner, which may boil over into hostility and violence if
situational cues that serve as "releasers" are present. Negotiators
can become frustrated and, at any sign of belligerence or hostility by others,
release verbal and, in some cases, physical violence.
An interesting aspect of intergroup aggression is those
groups members often aggress against outgroup members who have never done them
any harm. Lickel, Schmader, and Miller (2003) define such vicarious aggression
as a member of a group committing an act of aggression toward outgroup members
for a provocation that had no personal consequences for him or her but which
did harm a fellow ingroup member. Mob violence is an example of vicarious
aggression, as most if not all members of a mob have not been harmed by the
actions of the victims.
Your Conflict
Management Strategies
Different people learn different ways of managing
conflicts. The strategies you use to manage conflicts may be quite different
from those used by your friends and acquaintances. This exercise gives you an
opportunity to increase your awareness of what conflict strategies you use and
how they compare with the strategies used by others. The procedure is as
1. Form groups of six. Make sure you know the other group
members. Do not join a group of strangers.
2. Working by yourself, complete the following questionnaire.
3.Working by yourself, read the accompanying discussion of
conflict strategies. Then make five slips of paper. Write the names of the
other five members of your group on the slips of paper, one name to a slip.
4. On each slip of paper write the conflict strategy that
best fits the actions of the person named.
5. After all group members are finished; pass out your
slips of paper to the persons whose names are on them. In turn, you should end
up with five slips of paper, each containing a description of your conflict
style as seen by another group member. Likewise, each member of your group
should end up with five slips of paper describing his or her conflict strategy.
6. Score your questionnaire, using the table that follows
the discussion of conflict strategies. Rank the five conflict strategies from
the one you use the most to the one you use the least. This will give you an
indication of how you see your own conflict strategy. The second most
frequently used strategy is your backup strategy, the one you use if your first
one fails.
7. After drawing names to see who goes first, one member
describes the results of his or her questionnaire. This is the member's view of
his or her own conflict strategies. The member then reads each of the five
slips of paper on which are written the views of the group members about his or
her conflict strategy. Next the member asks the group members to give specific
examples of how they have seen him or her act in conflicts. The group members
should use the rules for constructive feedback. The person to the left of the
first member repeats this procedure, and so on around the group.
8. Each group discusses the strengths and weaknesses of
each of the conflict strategies.
Dealing with conflicts of interest is like going swimming
in a cold lake. Some people like to test the water, stick a foot in, and enter
slowly so that they can get used to the cold gradually. Other people like to
take a running start and leap in so that they can get the cold shock over
quickly. Similarly, different people use different strategies for managing
conflicts. Usually, we learn these strategies in childhood, so that later they
seem to function automatically on a preconscious level—we just do whatever
seems to come naturally. But we do have a personal strategy, and because it was
learned, we can change it by learning new and more effective ways of managing
When we become engaged in a conflict, we have to take two
major concerns into account (Johnson & Johnson, 2005):
1. Reaching an agreement that satisfies our wants and meets
our goals. We are in conflict because we
have a goal or interest those conflicts with another person's goal or
interests. Our goal may be placed on a continuum ranging from unimportant to
highly important.
2. Maintaining an appropriate relationship with the other
person. Some relationships are temporary
; Some are permanent. Our relationship with the other
person may be placed on a continuum between being of little importance to being
highly important.
The dual-concern model of conflict resolution has its
origins in Blake and Mouton's (1964) managerial grid and has been articulated
by several theorists (Cosi& & Ruble, 1981; Filley, 1975; Johnson, 1978;
Pruitt & Rubin, 1986; Rahim, 1983; Thomas, 1976).
Other labels are sometimes given to the two concerns, such as
concern for self and concern for other.
In conflicts of interest, how you behave depends on how important your
goals are to you and how important you perceive the relationship to be. Given
these two concerns, five basic strategies are used to manage conflicts (Figure
1. The owl (problem-solving negotiations): Owls highly value the goal and the
relationship. When both the goal and the relationship are highly important to
you, you initiate problem-solving negotiations to resolve the conflict.
Solutions are sought that ensure that both you and the other group member fully
achieve your goals and resolve any tensions and negative feelings between the
two of you.
This strategy requires risky moves, such as revealing your
underlying interests while expecting the other to do the same.
2. The teddy bear (smoothing): To teddy bears the relationship is of great
importance, whereas the goal is of little importance. When the goal is of little
importance to you but the relationship is of high importance, you give up your
goal in order to maintain the relationship at the highest quality possible.
When you think the other person's interests are much
stronger or important than yours, you smooth and assist the other person in
achieving his or her goal.
3. The shark (forcing or win–lose negotiations): Sharks see the relationship as of no
importance and try to overpower opponents by forcing them to give in so the
shark can achieve his or her goal. When the goal is very important but the
relationship is not, you seek to achieve your goal by forcing or persuading the
other to yield. Tactics used to win include making threats, physical and verbal
aggression, imposing penalties that will be withdrawn if the other concedes,
and taking preemptive actions designed to resolve the conflict without the
other's consent (such as taking a book home that the other insists is his).
Tactics to persuade the other to yield include presenting persuasive arguments,
imposing a deadline, committing oneself to an "unalterable" position,
or making demands that far exceed what is actually acceptable.
4. The fox (compromising):
Foxes are moderately concerned with the goal and the
relationship with the other member. When both the goal and the relationship are
moderately important to you, and it appears that both you and the other person
cannot get what you want, you may need to give up part of your goals and sacrifice
part of the relationship in order to reach an agreement. Compromising may be
meeting in the middle so each gets half, or flipping a coin to let chance
decide who will get his or her way. Compromising is often used when disputants
wish to engage in problem-solving negotiations but do not have the time to do
5. The turtle (withdrawing):
-Riffles withdraw into their shells to avoid conflicts,
valuing neither the relationship nor the goal. When the goal is not important
and you do not need to keep a relationship with the other person, you may wish
to give up both your goal and the relationship and avoid the issue and the
other person. Avoiding a hostile stranger, for example, may be the best thing
to do. Sometimes you may wish to withdraw from a conflict until you and the
other person have calmed down and are in control of your feelings.
In using these strategies, there are five important points
to consider. First, to be competent in
managing conflicts, you must be able to engage competently in each strategy.
You need to practice all five strategies until they are thoroughly mastered.
You do not want to be an overspecialized dinosaur that can deal with conflict
in only one way.
Each strategy is appropriate under a certain set of
conditions and, based on the dual concerns of one's goals and the relationship
with the other person; you choose the conflict strategy appropriate to the
Second, some of the strategies require the participation of
the other disputant and some may be enacted alone. You can give up your goals
by using withdrawing and smoothing no matter what the other disputant does.
When you try to achieve your goals by using forcing, compromising, and problem
solving, the other disputant has to participate in the process.
Third, the strategies tend to be incompatible in the sense
that using one of them makes using the others less possible. For example,
although withdrawing is sometimes used in combination—say, temporarily
withdrawing before initiating problem-solving negotiations—withdrawing implies
lack of commitment to one's goals. Negotiating, on the other hand, implies high
commitment to one's goals. Forcing implies low commitment to the relationship,
whereas smoothing implies high commitment to the relationship. Essentially, the
five strategies are independent of one another, and when you engage in one, it
is hard if not impossible to switch effectively to another strategy.
Fourth, certain strategies may deteriorate into other strategies.
When you try to withdraw and the other disputant pursues you and does not allow
you to withdraw, you may respond with forcing. When you try to initiate
problem-solving negotiations and the other disputant responds with forcing, you
may reciprocate by engaging in win-lose tactics.
When time is short, problem-solving negotiations may
deteriorate into compromising.
Fifth, whether problem-solving or win-lose negotiations are
initiated depends on your perception of the future of the relationship. When
conflicts arise, the potential short-term gains must be weighed against
potential long-term losses. When you perceive the relationship as being
unimportant, you may go for the "win" by attempting to force the
other person to capitulate or give in. The relationship may be perceived as
unimportant because there will be only one or a few interactions, or perhaps
because you are so angry at the other person that only the present matters.
When you perceive the relationship as important, then you will try to solve the
problem in a way that achieves the other person's goals as well as your own.
The relationship is perceived to be important because it is ongoing and
long-term, or because there are strong positive emotions (such as liking and
respect) that bond you to the other person.
The shadow of the future looms largest when interactions
among individuals are durable and frequent. Durability ensures that individuals
will not easily forget how they have treated and been treated by others. Frequency promotes stability by making the
consequences of today's actions more salient for tomorrow's dealings. When
individuals realize they will work with one another frequently and for a long
period of time, they see that the long-term benefits of cooperation outweigh
the short-term benefits of taking advantage of the other person. In ongoing
relationships, the future outweighs the present, so that the quality of the
relationship is more important than the outcome of any particular negotiation.
Field studies have found problem solving to be strongly
associated with constructive resolution of conflicts and high organizational
performance, whereas forcing the other person to accept one's position is
associated with ineffective conflict management (Burke, 1969, 1970; Lawrence
& Lorsch, 1967). Experimental studies have found that high concern about
one's own and others' outcomes produces high joint outcomes. High concern about
one's own outcomes but low concern about others' outcomes tends to result in
attempts to dominate and persuade. Finally, low concern about one's own
outcomes but high concern about others’ outcomes results in low joint benefits
(Ben-Yoav & Pruitt, 1984a, 1984b; Carnevale & Keenan, 1990; Pruitt
& Syna, 1983).
Not everything that
is faced can be changed but nothing can be changed until it is faced.
James Baldwin
When a conflict of interest arises, usually the best course
of action is to face the conflict and resolve it. You can control the
occurrence of a conflict when you understand the circumstances that brought
about the conflict and the entry state of the participants. The circumstances
that surround the conflict include both the barriers to the beginning of
negotiations and the events that trigger
the conflict (Walton, 1987). Barriers that prevent the conflict from
being expressed can be internal or external.
Internal barriers include
negative attitudes, values, fears, anxieties, and habitual patterns of avoiding
conflict. External barriers may
include task requirements, group norms for avoiding conflict, pressure to
maintain a congenial public image, and perceptions of one's vulnerability and
others' strength. Physical separation is a frequently used barrier to the
expression of conflicts of interest. Placing members in different locations,
avoiding being in the same room with certain other members, and removing a
member from the group can all suppress a conflict of interest. A triggering event may be as simple as two
group members being physically near one another or as complex as two members
being in competition.
Negative remarks, sarcasm, and criticism on sensitive
points are common triggering events, as is the feeling of being deprived,
neglected, or ignored. Some events may trigger a destructive cycle of conflict
and others may trigger problem solving; group members should try to maximize
the occurrence of the latter type of triggering event.
From discovering the barriers to negotiation and what
triggers open expression of the conflict, group members can choose the time and
place to deal with the conflict. If an appropriate time is not immediately
available, the conflict may be avoided by increasing the barriers to expressing
the conflict and removing the triggering events. If the time seems appropriate,
the conflict may be faced by strengthening the triggering events and decreasing
the barriers.
The second factor in controlling the occurrence of a
conflict is the entry state of the disputants.
Entry state is the person's ability to deal constructively with the
Important aspects of a group member's entry state include
the member's level of self-awareness, ability to control one's behavior, skills
in communicating, and general interpersonal effectiveness (see Johnson, 2006).
A group member may be too anxious, defensive, psychologically unstable, or
unmotivated to resolve a conflict effectively. The entry state of a group
member may be improved by support from and consultation with group mates.
Not every conflict of interest is resolvable. It is a
mistake to assume that you can always openly resolve a conflict. There are
times when conflicts are better avoided. Usually, however, through careful
attention to the entry state of participants and the circumstances that trigger
or prevent a conflict, a time optimal for constructive resolution can be
Negotiation is
woven into the daily fabric of our lives. Negotiating with skill and grace,
however, is not easy. It must be learned.
Negotiation is a process by which people with shared and opposed
interests attempt to reach an agreement that specifies what each gives to and
receives from one another (Johnson & Johnson, 2005). Negotiation may
involve distributive issues, where one member benefits only if the other member
agrees to make a concession, or integrative issues, where two people work
together to seek a solution that will benefit both (Figure 9.3). You spend a
great deal of time negotiating even when you do not think of yourself as doing
so. You can tell you are negotiating by using the following checklist:
Is there another person involved, and are you dependent on
one another for information (about what is a reasonable agreement) and an
agreement (you get what you want only if the other person agrees, and vice
Are both cooperative elements (we both wish to reach an
agreement) and competitive elements (we both wish the agreement to be as
favorable to ourselves as possible) present in this situation?
Are both primary and secondary gains a concern?
Are there contractual norms on how negotiation should be
Is there a beginning, middle, and an end?
Do you wish to propose an agreement that is favorable to
yourself but not so one-sided that it drives the other away from negotiations?
Each of the items in the checklist needs to be
discussed. First, three types of
interdependence are inherent in any negotiations: participation
interdependence, outcome interdependence, and information interdependence. Participation interdependence exists because
it takes at least two to negotiate, whether it is two individuals, two groups,
two organizations, or two nations.
Outcome interdependence exists because an agreement can be reached only
if the other disputant agrees. To resolve a conflict, disputants must commit themselves
to an agreement, and therefore, each is dependent on the other for the
outcome. Information dependence exists
because negotiators depend on one another for information about a possible
agreement. Such information can be secured in one of two ways: negotiators can
openly and honestly share their expectations, or they can induce what the other
expects from his or her behavior during the negotiations. This is a complicated
issue; because negotiators often do not know what their own expectations should
be until they learn what the other negotiator's expectations are. To the point
that negotiators know both what the other wants and what is the least the other
will accept, they will be able to develop an effective negotiating position.
Information dependence sets up two dilemmas, the dilemma of
trust and the dilemma of honesty and openness. The dilemma of trust involves a
choice between believing and not believing the other negotiator. To believe the
other negotiator is to risk potential exploitation. Disbelieving the other
negotiator reduces the possibility of any agreement being reached. The dilemma
of honesty and openness involves the risk of either being exploited for
disclosing too much too quickly or seriously damaging the negotiating
relationship by refusing to disclose information and thereby seeming deceitful
or distrusting.
Second, in negotiations there are both cooperative and
competitive elements. The mixed-motive situation is created by the desire to
reach an agreement and the desire to make that agreement as favorable to one as
possible. The two motives can seriously interfere with one another. The balance
between the cooperative and competitive elements determines how negotiations
are conducted.
Third, both primary and secondary gains must be attended to
in negotiations. The primary gain is the main benefit each party gains from the
agreement. The more favorable the agreement is to a member's interests, the
greater his or her primary gain. The secondary gain is determined by the impact
of the agreement on the negotiator's future well-being, the well-being of
relevant third parties, and the factors influencing the effectiveness of the
group, such as the member's relationships with group mates and important third
parties' reactions to the agreement.
Fourth, during negotiations contractual norms are developed
that spell out the ground rules for conducting the negotiations and managing
the difficulties involved in reaching an agreement. Two common norms are the
norm of reciprocity (a negotiator should return the same benefit or harm given
him or her by the other negotiator) and the norm of equity (the benefits
received or the costs assessed by the negotiators should be equal).
Fifth, negotiations have important time dimensions. There
is a beginning, middle, and end. The strategies and tactics used to initiate
negotiations, exchange proposals and information, and precipitate an agreement
can be quite different and sometimes contradictory.
Sixth, in negotiations disputants face a goal dilemma: how to reach an agreement favorable to oneself
but not so one-sided that the other negotiator refuses to agree. In resolving
the goal dilemma, negotiators must decide on a reasonable proposal, one that
will not only get the most for themselves but will also have a good chance of
being acceptable to the other. Inasmuch as there is rarely any obviously
correct agreement, each negotiator must decide during the negotiations what a
reasonable outcome is for self and for the other negotiator.
When you use negotiations to resolve a conflict of
interest, you have a choice. You can go for a win by acting like a shark and
using forcing or distributive procedures, or you can go for solving the problem
in a mutually beneficial way by acting like an owl and using integrative or
problem-solving procedures (Table 9.3). Both are appropriate under certain
Distributive Negotiations: Win—Lose Negotiations
People . . . are trying to either shun conflict or crush
it. Neither strategy is working. Avoidance and force only raise the level of
conflict. . . . They have become parts of the problem rather than the solution.
DeCecco and Richards (1974)
When the negotiation is with a person whose continued
goodwill and cooperation are not necessary (such as a car salesperson), then
you negotiate to win, which means the other person loses. In distributive
negotiations the goal is to maximize your outcomes while minimizing the other
person's outcomes. You try to reach an agreement more favorable to you than to
the other person. You go for the win when your wants, needs, and goals are
important and you have a temporary, ad hoc relationship with the other person.
In some cultures, where bargaining is a way of life, this type of negotiating
is both recreation and an art form.
Table 9.3 the Two Types of Negotiating Strategies
Distributive (Win—Lose) Integrative
(Problem Solving)
Presenting an opening offer very favorable to oneself and
refusing to modify that position.
Gathering information about what the other considers a
reasonable agreement from the other's opening offer and proposals.
Continually pointing out the validity of one's own position
and the incorrectness of the other person's.
Using a combination of threats and promises to convince the
other person that he or she has to accept one's offer.
Committing oneself to a position in such a way that if an
agreement is to be reached, the other person has to agree to one's terms.
Agreeing if one's benefits are greater than the other's or
if no better outcome is available elsewhere.
Describing what you want.
Describing how you feel.
Describing the reasons underlying your wants and feelings.
Reversing perspectives.
Inventing at least three optional agreements that maximize
joint outcomes.
Choosing one alternative and agreeing to it.

In distributive negotiations a sequence of behavior occurs
in which one party presents a proposal, the other evaluates it and presents a
counterproposal, the first party replies with a modified proposal, and so on
until a settlement is reached (Chertkoff & Esser, 1976; Johnson, 1974 ;
Johnson & Johnson, 2005 ; Rubin, Pruitt, & Kim, 1994 ; Walton & McKersie, 1965). The
negotiators use this sequence of behaviors to obtain information that helps
resolve the dilemma of goals. On the basis of the other party's opening offer,
the proposals one receives, and the counterproposals one offers, a negotiator
can obtain an idea as to what sort of settlement the other person might accept.
A common win—lose negotiating pattern is for both negotiators to set a
relatively high but tentative goal at first; they then change their positions
on the basis of the other person's reactions and counterproposals.
This sequence of behaviors, which allows one negotiator to
assess the second negotiator's points of potential settlement, also can be used
to influence the second negotiator's assessment of the first's points. Through
their opening offers and their counterproposals negotiators can influence the
other's expectations of what they consider a reasonable agreement. Ideally, a
win—lose negotiator would like to obtain the maximal information about the
other's preferences while disclosing the minimal, or misleading, information
about the negotiator's own preferences. Helpful hints for engaging in
distributive negotiations, therefore, are
1. Identify triggering events and barriers to
negotiations. Trigger the conflict at a
moment when it is most advantageous to you and least advantageous to your
2. Make an extreme
opening offer (if you are willing to pay $1,500, offer $500) to (a) establish a
negotiating range skewed in your favor, (b) influence the other's expectations
about one's anticipated minimal terms (do not let the other person know how
much you are willing to pay), (c) change the other's beliefs about his or her
minimum terms, and (d) create an impression of "toughness."
Perceptions of toughness have considerable influence on determining how far a
negotiator thinks he can push an opposing negotiator (that is, what terms the
opponent will finally agree to).
3. Compromise slowly
(try to get the other person to compromise first). A slow rate of compromise is
aimed at creating an image of toughness and influencing the opponent's
expectations as to (a) what a reasonable outcome is for him or her and (b) what
one's expectations of a reasonable outcome are. As the opponent reconnoiters
the negotiating range for possible points of agreement, he or she seeks
information to reduce the uncertainty as to what the agreement might be. Every
action a negotiator undertakes affects the opponent's conclusions about what to
propose next.
4. Use threats,
promises, sticking doggedly to a committed position, and arguments to (a)
coerce and entice the opponent to accept one's proposal, (b) convince the other
person what he or she wants is unreasonable and unattainable, and (c) change
the other's evaluation of how many concessions are required to reach an
agreement. A threat states that if the other negotiator performs an undesired
act, you will harm him or her. A promise states that if the other negotiator
performs a desired act, you will provide benefits. A preemptive action is
designed to resolve the conflict without the other's consent (such as taking up
residence on a disputed piece of land). A persuasive argument is pointing out
the validity of your position and the incorrectness of the other's. Committing oneself to an unalterable position
makes it clear that the other negotiator is the one who has the last chance of
avoiding no agreement. Plugging up your ears until the other negotiator says
yes is an example.
5. be ready to walk
away with no agreement. Every negotiator
is faced with a continual threefold choice of (a) accepting the available terms
for agreement, (b) trying to improve the available terms through further
negotiation, and (c) discontinuing negotiations without agreement and with no
intention of resuming them. If you cannot walk away with any agreement, you
must accept what the opponent is willing to give.
For a goal-oriented group, a win—lose strategy of
negotiation has some fundamental shortcomings. Although it often results in
more favorable primary gains for some group members, the damage it can cause to
future cooperation among group members significantly reduces its secondary
gains. Because a win—lose strategy emphasizes power inequalities, it undermines
trust, inhibits dialogue and communication, and diminishes the likelihood that
the conflict will be resolved constructively. Attempts to create cooperative
relations between negotiators are more effective if their power is equal
(Deutsch, 1973). Walton (1987) notes that when power is unequally distributed,
the low power person will automatically distrust the high-power person because
he or she knows that those with power have a tendency to use it for their own
interests. Usually, the greater the difference in power, the more negative the
attitudes toward the highpower person and the less likely the low-power person
is to present his or her views in a clear and forceful way. The high-power
person, on the other hand, tends to underestimate the low-power person's
positive intent and reacts with hostility whenever the lowpower person tries to
reduce his or her power. Even when an agreement is reached, losers have little
motivation to carry out the actions agreed on, resent the winner, and often try
to sabotage the agreement. The winner finds it hard to enforce the agreement.
Damage to interpersonal relationships results as winners and losers are often
hostile toward one another.
In going for the win, you assume that the relationship is
unimportant and has no future. This is often a mistake. There are very few
times in your life when you negotiate with someone you will never interact with
again. If you go for a win and then face the person the next day, sooner or
later the other person gets revenge! In most situations, therefore, you want
to.try to resolve the conflict by maximizing joint outcomes.
A famous example is the dispute between Israel and Egypt.
When Egypt and Israel sat down to negotiate at Camp David in October 1978, it
appeared that they had before them an intractable conflict. Egypt demanded the
immediate return of the entire Sinai Peninsula; Israel, which had occupied the
Sinai since the 1967 Middle East war, refused to return an inch of this land.
Efforts to reach agreement, including the proposal of a compromise in which
each nation would retain half of the Sinai, proved completely unacceptable to
both sides. As long as the dispute was defined in terms of what percentage of
the land each side would control, no agreement could be reached. Once both
realized that what Israel really cared about was the security that the land
offered, while Egypt was primarily interested in sovereignty over it, the
stalemate was broken. The two countries were then able to reach an integrative
solution: Israel would return the Sinai to Egypt in exchange for assurances of
a demilitarized zone and Israeli air bases in the Sinai.
Negotiations: Negotiating to Solve the Problem
Imagine that you and another person are rowing a boat
across the ocean and you cannot row the boat by yourself. While the two of you
may have conflicts about how to row, how much to row, what direction to row,
and so forth, you seek food and water for the other person as well as for
yourself. Otherwise, you may perish. Your conflicts become mutual problems that
must be solved to both persons' satisfaction. In integrative negotiations, the
goal is to maximize joint benefits. Maintaining a high-quality relationship
with other group members usually is more important than is getting your way on
any one issue. In a family, for example, ensuring the survival of the family is
almost always more important than winning on any one issue. Integrative
negotiations, therefore, consist of a hard-headed, side-by-side search for an
agreement that is advantageous to both sides.
In ongoing relationships, conflicts are often resolved by a
procedure known as the one-step negotiation.
Each person (1) assesses the strength of his or her interests, (2) assesses
the strength of the other person's interests, and (3) agrees that whoever has
the greatest need gets his or her way. Marital satisfaction, for example, has
been found to be higher when couples allocate decision-making power such that
each person exercises more power on decisions that matter to that individual
(Beach & Tesser, 1993). The one-step negotiation procedure only works if it
is reciprocal. Each should get his or her way half the time. Ongoing
relationships are guided by a norm of mutual responsiveness (you help them
reach their goals and they help you reach your goals). One-way relationships
never last long.
When disputants have to achieve their goals, so that the
one-step procedure is not appropriate, they engage in integrative negotiations.
There are six basic steps in negotiating a workable solution to a problem that
maximizes joint outcomes:
1. Each person explains what he or she wants in a
descriptive, no evaluative way.
2. Each person explains how he or she feels in a
descriptive, no evaluative way.
3. Each person explains his or her reasons for wanting what
he or she wants and feeling the way he or she does.
4. Each person reverses perspectives by summarizing what
the other person wants and feels and the reasons underlying those wants and
5. The participants invent at least three good optional
agreements that would maximize joint outcomes.
6. The participants choose the agreement that seems the
wisest and agree to abide by its conditions.
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