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Sicial influence/Pengaruh sosial

sumber: Sicial influence /Pengaruh sosial mengacu pada cara orang mempengaruhi keyakinan, perasaan, dan perilaku orang lain. Studi tentang pengaruh sosial telah lama digeluti di psikolog sosial selain juga di banyak ilmu-ilmu sosial lainnya (misalnya, pemasaran, perilaku organisasi, politik sains dll).   Teori  biasanya membedakan empat jenis pengaruh sosial.     Kepatuhan/ Compliance adalah ketika seseorang mengubah perilakunya dalam menanggapi permintaan eksplisit atau implisit yang dibuat oleh orang lain.   Kepatuhan sering disebut sebagai bentuk aktif dari pengaruh sosial dalam hal itu biasanya sengaja dimulai oleh seseorang.   Hal ini juga dikonsep sebagai bentuk eksternal pengaruh sosial yang fokusnya adalah perubahan perilaku terbuka.   Meskipun kepatuhan kadang-kadang terjadi sebagai akibat dari perubahan dalam keyakinan dan / atau perasaan i...

The Impact of Culture on the Perception

Ini hanya sebuah catatan mohon rujuk sumber aslinya   The Impact of Culture on the Perception of Employees and Organizational Productivity in Pharmaceutical Industries in Karachi Anjum, Mehmood;   Zia, Syed Mohammad;   Shamsi, Aamir Firoz;   Aziz, Abdul.   Global Management Journal for Academic & Corporate Studies 3.1   (2013): 210-218.   Abstract The research was conducted to test the hypotheses that suggested that there is a relationship between the culture   of an organization and its impact on organizational productivity and employees' performance. The study maintains the variables; organizational   culture   accountable for business efficiency and also gives credit for the enhanced employee job overall performance. Using stratified and simple random sampling technique and survey questionnaire, outcomes were produced that were examined against the possible hypotheses; organizational   culture   has no imp...

What good is strategic culture?

What good is strategic culture?: A modest defence of an immodest concept Haglund, David G.   International Journal 59.3   (Summer 2004): 479-502   Abstrak (ringkasan) Abstrak Be that as it may, the debate between enthusiasts of Verstehen and advocates of Erklaren   is   an old one in the history of ideas, with echoes going back far longer than a century, and detectable even today in the manner in which the concept, strategic   culture , gets used. Erklaren   is   associated with a Galilean approach to causal explanation in science (as in, "this took place because that did"), while Verstehen makes appeal to an Aristotelian approach, stressing teleological accounts (as in, "this happened so that that should occur"). But it was only in the late nineteenth century that the social sciences experienced their own "great awakening," with the emergence of a "positivism" displaying clear affinities to the Galilean tradition. Opposed t...


MENJELAJAHI NIAT UNTUK MENGGUNAKAN KOMPUTER: PEMERIKSAAN EMPIRIS DARI PERAN MOTIVASI INTRINSIK, MOTIVASI EKSTRINSIK, DAN PERSEPSI KEMUDAHAN PENGGUNAAN Fagan, Mary Helen; Neill, Stern; Wooldridge, Barbara Ross. The Journal of Sistem Informasi Komputer 48.3 (musim semi 2008): 31-37. Catatan: Suami HANYA Catatan, JANGAN digunakan Astra Honda Motor sebagai rujukan Abstrak (RINGKASAN) TerjemahkanAbstrak Penelitian ini menggunakan Integrated Model of Technology Acceptance (IMTA) untuk mempelajari niat untuk menggunakan komputer di antara manajer lini pertama dalam organisasi menengah manufaktur (n = 172). Sebagai hipotesis, penelitian ini menemukan 1) hubungan positif antara motivasi ekstrinsik dan niat perilaku untuk menggunakan komputer, 2) hubungan positif antara persepsi kemudahan penggunaan dan niat perilaku untuk menggunakan komputer, 3) hubungan positif antara motivasi intrinsik dan motivasi ekstrinsik, 4) hubungan positif antara persepsi kemudahan penggunaan dan motivasi ekstri...

Impact of health education on community knowledge

Impact of health education on community knowledge, attitudes and behaviour towards solid waste management in Al Ghobeiry, Beirut/ Impact de l'éducation sanitaire sur les connaissances, les attitudes et les comportements de la communauté en termes de gestion des déchets solides, Al Ghobeiry (Beyrouth) Karout, N; Altuwaijri, S. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal18.7 (Jul 2012): 777-85. Please reference to source, this paper for note only Karout, N., & Altuwaijri, S. (2012). Impact of health education on community knowledge, attitudes and behaviour towards solid waste management in al ghobeiry, Beirut/Impact de l'éducation sanitaire sur les connaissances, les attitudes et les comportements de la communauté en termes de gestion des déchets solides, al ghobeiry (beyrouth). Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal, 18(7), 777-85. Retrieved from ABSTRACT   The risks posed by accumulation of solid waste are most obvious in d...

Reduction of waste and electricity demand in the Netherlands

Reduction of waste and electricity demand in the Netherlands: A hypothetical intervention Slingerland, Stephan; Paulien De Jong. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management 41.2 (Mar 1998): 195-208. Slingerland, S., & Jong, P. D. (1998). Reduction of waste and electricity demand in the netherlands: A hypothetical intervention. Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, 41(2), 195-208. Retrieved from ABSTRACT A n important question in the present reorganization and liberalization of infrastructure networks in many countries is what kind of regulatory regimes can provide incentives for demand management and reduction in a future situation. In this paper, the present situation in the Dutch waste and electricity sectors is analysed. It is concluded that a quantity-based tariff system and the entwined interests of organizations are key impediments to effective demand management in these two sectors. A hypothetical intervention i...

Toward a Coherent Theory of Environmentally

Toward a Coherent Theory of Environmentally Significant Behavior Paul C. Stern National Research Council Stern, P. C. (2000). New environmental theories: toward a coherent theory of environmentally significant behavior. Journal of social issues, 56 (3), 407-424. Re-product From: ect.   This article develops a conceptual framework for advancing theories of environmentally significant individual behavior and reports on the attempts of the author’s research group and others to develop such a theory. It discusses definitions of environmentally significant behavior; classifies the behaviors and their causes; assesses theories of environmentalism, focusing especially on value-belief-norm theory; evaluates the relationship between environmental concern and behavior; and summarizes evidence ...

An analysis of intentions to recycle household waste

An analysis of intentions to recycle household waste: The roles of past behaviour, perceived habit, and perceived lack of facilities Knussen, C., Yule, F., MacKenzie, J., & Wells, M. (2004). An analysis of intentions to recycle household waste: The roles of past behaviour, perceived habit, and perceived lack of facilities. Journal of Environmental Psychology , 24 (2), 237-246. doi: 10,1016 / j.jenvp.2003.12.001  INI HANYA CATATAN PRIBADI, sILAHKAN RUJUK KE SUMBER ASLINYA Abstract The theory of planned behaviour (TPB) was used to guide an analysis of intentions to recycle household waste in a geographical area (Glasgow, Scotland) with relatively poor recycling facilities. A sample of 252 members of the public completed a questionnaire (response rate of 66%). In addition to TPB variables, the contributions of past recycling behaviour, perceived habit of recycling, and perceived lack of recycling facilities were considered. The TPB components contributed 29% to ...

Environmental Problems and Quality of Life

Environmental Problems and Quality of Life: Situational Factor as a Predictor of Recycling Behaviour silakan rujuk sumber asli. ini hanya sbg catatan pribadi yang di dapat di inet Saripah Abdul Latif a , Mohd Shukri Omar a , Yeop Hussin Bidin a & Zainudin Awang b* a Faculty of Business Management, Universiti Teknologi MARA Kelantan Campus, Machang 18500, Malaysia b Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science, Universiti Teknologi MARA Kelantan Campus, Machang 18500, Malaysia Abstract Failure in managing solid waste could result in environmental deterioration, which affects the quality of life. Recycling is argued to be a better solution to the problem. Although consumers’ aw areness is increasing, participations in recycling are still low. The objective is to examine the influence of situational factors on recycling behaviour. Using cluster sampling, 300 respondents from selected urban areas in Malaysia were identified as samples. Data is analysed using structu...

Recycling as Habitual Behavior: The Impact of Habit

Recycling as Habitual Behavior: The Impact of Habit on Household Waste Recycling Behavior in Thailand  from: Achapan Ittiravivongs Graduated School of Business and Commerce, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan Correspondence: Achapan Ittiravivongs, Graduated School of Business and Commerce, Keio University,2-15-45 Mita, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan. Tel: 81-3-5427-1517. E-mail: Received: December 27, 2011 Accepted:January 31, 2012 Published: May 1, 2012 doi:10.5539/ass.v8n6p74 URL: The research is financed by ‘Grant for the advancement of research 2011’, Graduated School of Business andcommerce, Keio University. Abstract This research aims to permit a better understanding of factors influencing recycling behavior of Thai households in a habitual perspective. The study applied theory of interpersonal as critical framework and investigated the role of habit on recycling involvement of 381 sample s in Bangkok....

Group-level and individual-level mediators of the

Group-level and individual-level mediators of the relationship between soldier satisfaction with social support and performance motivation Weiner, H. R. (1990). Group-level and individual-level mediators of the relationship between soldier satisfaction with social support and performance motivation. Military Psychology, 2(1), 21-32. Abstrak This research examined a model predicting soldier motivation. Line soldiers (N = 1,550) who had been members of personnel-stabilized battalions for at least 6 months responded to a questionnaire assessing perceptions of support received from peers and from leaders, identification with the work unit (company or battery), job-related self-esteem, personal adjustment, and performance motivation. Perceived leader support was a stronger predictor of performance motivation than was peer support, although both predictors demonstrated significant effects. In both cases, group-level mediation of the relationship between support and motivation wa...


WORK GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS: AN EXAMINATION OF COMMITMENT AND MOTIVATION FROM A SOCIAL IDENTITY PERSPECTIVE Lefort, J. N. (2012). Work groups and organizations: An examination of commitment and motivation from a social identity perspective (Doctoral dissertation, CAPELLA UNIVERSITY). Please reference to source, this paper for note only Paradigms Researchers have based their studies of human behavior on several paradigms. Each paradigm aligns with a distinct perspective of the world and human nature. Among the paradigms most commonly incorporated into behavioral research are the economic paradigm with its links to scientific management, the individual differences paradigm which considers the individual’s personality, the human relations paradigm which considers the influence of organizations on human behavior while stressing the importance of environmental factors and the cognitive paradigm which considers the influence of the individual’s cognitive respon...
CHAPTER 4 The Psychology of Cooperation Implications for Public Policy TOM TYLER Shafir, E. (Ed.). (2013). The behavioral foundations of public policy . Princeton University Press.   p. 79-88 Note only, please refer source Social Motivations A contrasting type of motivation is social. This section will identity, measure, and show the importance of five types of social motivations. Those social motivations are attitudes, values, identity, procedural justice, and motive-based trust. In reviewing these social motivations, the general goal is to demonstrate the benefits of moving beyond using only material self-interest to motivate cooperation.

The theory of planned behaviour:

The theory of planned behaviour: Self-identity, social identity and group norms Terry, D. J., Hogg, M. A., & White, K. M. (1999). The theory of planned behaviour: Self-identity, social identity and group norms.   The British Journal of Social Psychology,   38 , 225-44.  Only note please reference to source: Abstravc The aim of the present study was to examine further the role that self- identity  plays in the theory of planned behaviour and, more specifically, to: (1) examine the combined effects of self- identity  and  social identity constructs on intention and behaviour, and (2) examine the effects of self- identity  as a function of past experience of performing the behaviour. The study was concerned with the prediction of intention to engage in household recycling and reported recycling behaviour. A sample of 143 community residents participated in the study. It was prospecti...


WORK GROUPS AND ORGANIZATIONS: AN EXAMINATION OF COMMITMENT AND MOTIVATION FROM A SOCIAL IDENTITY PERSPECTIVE Lefort, J. N. (2012). Work groups and organizations: An examination of commitment and motivation from a social identity perspective (Doctoral dissertation, CAPELLA UNIVERSITY). Please reference to source, this paper for note only   Abstract As organizations become more work-group oriented, managers are faced with the challenge of bringing together individuals and overcoming conflicting interests and goals among the work-group members. Coupled with the growing use of workgroups and other groups within the   organizational structure, organizations also face the challenges of increasing diversity. The evolution of organizations from a static structure based on the needs of smoke stack industries to knowledge-based organic organizations creates new structures and relationships among employees within the context of the organization. The s...

Pro-Environmental Motivation: An Evolutionarily Informed Approach

Pro-Environmental Motivation: An Evolutionarily Informed Approach Berlin, J. (2012). Pro-Environmental Motivation: An Evolutionarily Informed Approach (Doctoral dissertation, Arizona State University). ABSTRACT Pro-environmental goals often pit immediate self-interest against future communal interest. Consequently, the motivation to behave in pro-environmental ways can be particularly difficult to maintain over time. By framing environmental ills as threats to one’s chronic concerns, I suggest that chronic motivations, such as disease avoidance, can be leveraged to engender longer-lasting proenvironmental motivation. Specifically,     suggest that three distinct categories of environmental ills should be associated with distinct chronic concerns, and that the mechanisms that regulate these concerns should also regulate reactions to related environmental ills: pollution should engage a pathogenic disgust mechanism, wastefulness a moral disgust mechanism, and frami...

Bridging the intention-behaviour 'gap

Bridging the intention-behaviour 'gap': The role of moral norm Godin, G., Conner, M., & Sheeran, P. (2005). Bridging the intention-behaviour 'gap': The role of moral norm. The British Journal of Social Psychology , 44, 497-512.   Please reference to source, this paper for note only Abstrac This research examined whether intentions aligned with moral norms better predict behaviour compared with intentions aligned with attitudes. Six data sets predicting behaviours in the health domain (smoking, driving over speed limit, applying universal precautions, exercising) were analysed. Moderated regression analysis indicated that participants whose intentions were more aligned with their moral norm were more likely to perform behaviours compared with participants whose intentions were more aligned with their attitude. However, further analysis indicated that this moderation effect was only present when participants construed the behaviour ...

Efficacy of the Theory of Planned Behaviour

E ffi cacy of the Theory of Planned Behaviour: A meta-analytic review Armitage, C. J., & Conner, M. (2001). Efficacy of the theory of planned behaviour: A meta ‐ analytic review.   British journal of social psychology ,   40 (4), 471-499. The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) has received considerable attention in the literature. The present study is a quantitative integration and review of that research. From a database of 185 independent studies published up to the end of 1997, the TPB accounted for 27% and 39% of the variance in behavior and intention, respectively. The perceived behavioural control (PBC) construct accounted for signi. cant amounts of variance in intention and behaviour, independent of theory of reasoned action variables. When behaviour measures were self-reports, the TPB accounted for 11% more of the variance in behavior than when behaviour measures were objective or observed ( R 2 s = .31 and .21, respectively). Attitude, subjective norm ...

In-group variability and motivation to reduce subjective uncertainty

In-group variability and motivation to reduce subjective uncertainty . Jetten, Jolanda; Hogg, Michael A.; Mullin, Barbara-Ann. Group Dynamics: Theory, Research, and Practice4.2 (Jun 2000): 184-198. Abstrak Building on the subjective uncertainty reduction model of social identity processes (M. A. Hogg, in press-b; M. A. Hogg & B.-A. Mullin, 1999), it was hypothesized that homogeneous groups would be better than heterogeneous groups at reducing uncertainty and therefore that people would show more intergroup differentiation and turn more to a homogeneous in-group under conditions of uncertainty rather than certainty. Two minimal-group studies were conducted to investigate this idea. As predicted, when groups were homogeneous, more intergroup differentiation was observed under low certainty than under high certainty (Study 1). Study 2 provided evidence that group members turn actively to their group to reduce low certainty when the group is homogeneous. Low certainty le...