Efficacy of the Theory of Planned Behaviour
Efficacy of the Theory of
Planned Behaviour:
A meta-analytic review
Armitage, C. J., & Conner, M. (2001). Efficacy of the
theory of planned behaviour: A meta‐analytic
review. British journal of social psychology, 40(4), 471-499.
The Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) has received
considerable attention in the literature. The present study is a quantitative
integration and review of that research. From a database of 185 independent
studies published up to the end of 1997, the TPB accounted for 27% and 39% of
the variance in behavior and intention, respectively. The perceived behavioural
control (PBC) construct accounted for signi. cant amounts of variance in
intention and behaviour, independent of theory of reasoned action variables.
When behaviour measures were self-reports, the TPB accounted for 11% more of
the variance in behavior than when behaviour measures were objective or
observed (R2s =
.31 and .21, respectively). Attitude, subjective norm and PBC account for
signi. cantly more of the variance in individuals’ desires than intentions or
self-predictions, but intentions and self-predictions were better predictors of
behaviour. The subjective norm construct is generally found to be a weak
predictor of intentions. This is partly attributable to a combination of poor
measurement and the need for expansion of the normative component. The
discussion focuses on ways in which current TPB research can be taken forward in
the light of the present review.
Since Wicker’s (1969) review of research examining
the relationship between attitudes and behaviour, and his conclusion that
attitudes probably do not predict behaviour, social psychologists have sought
to improve the predictive power of attitudes. In recent years, the main
approach within this area has been to develop integrated models of behaviour,
including additional determinants of behavior such as social norms or
intentions (Olson & Zanna, 1993). Arguably the most widely researched of
these models are the Theories of Reasoned Action (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980;
Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975) and Planned Behaviour (Ajzen, 1988, 1991). The
Theory of Planned Behaviour (TPB) is essentially an extension of the Theory of
Reasoned Action (TRA) that includes measures of control belief and perceived
behavioural control (see Fig. 1).
*Request for reprints should be addressed to Chris
Armitage, Centre for Research in Social Attitudes, Department
of Psychology, University of SheYeld,
Western Bank, SheYeld S10 2TP, UK.
Ajzen (e.g. 1991) extended the TRA to include a
measure of perceived behavioural control—a variable that had received a great
deal of attention in social cognition models designed to predict health
behaviours (e.g. health belief model, protection motivation theory; see
Armitage & Conner, 2000; Conner & Norman, 1996a). Perceived behavioural
control (PBC) is held to in uence both intention and behaviour (see Fig. 1). The rationale behind the
addition of PBC was that it would allow prediction of behaviours that were not
under complete volitional control.
Thus, while the TRA could adequately predict
behaviours that were relatively straightforward (i.e. under volitional
control), under circumstances where there were constraints on action, the mere
formation of an intention was insuYcient to predict behaviour. The
inclusion of PBC provides information about the potential constraints on action
as perceived by the actor, and is held to explain why intentions do not always
predict behaviour.1
With respect to the in uence of PBC on
intention, Ajzen (1991, p. 188) states that: ‘The relative importance of attitude, subjective norm, and
perceived behavioral control in the prediction of intention is expected to vary
across behaviors and situations’. That is, in situations where (for example)
attitudes are strong, or where normative in uences are powerful, PBC may be
less predictive of intentions. Thus, Ajzen (1991)
argues that the magnitude of the PBC–intention relationship is dependent upon
the type of behaviour and the nature of the situation. Indirect evidence for
this claim has been demonstrated in studies that have shown that measures of
attitude strength (e.g. Sparks, Hedderley, & Shepherd, 1992) and individual
diVerences in sociability (e.g. Tra.mow & Finlay, 1996) increase
the relative predictive power of attitudes and subjective norms, respectively.
In general, individuals are more disposed (i.e.
intend) to engage in behaviours that are believed to be achievable (cf.
Bandura, 1997).
PBC is also held to exert both direct and interactive
(with behavioural intentions) eVects on behaviour. This is based on the following
rationale: that however strongly held, the implementation of an intention into
action is at least partially determined by personal and environmental barriers,
thus: ‘The addition of perceived behavioural control should become increasingly
useful as volitional control over behavior decreases’ (Ajzen, 1991, p. 185).
Therefore, in situations where prediction of behaviour from intention is likely
to be hindered by the level of actual (i.e.volitional) control, PBC should (1)
facilitate the mplementation of
behavioural intentions into action, and (2) predict behaviour directly.
authors wish to thank Russell Spears for his helpful comments with respect to
the following section.

Figure 1. The theory of planned behaviour.
In the prediction of social behaviours, there are no
absolutes. However, it is instructive to consider Ajzen’s (1991) predictions by
examining the impact of PBC on behaviour under both optimal (i.e. complete
volitional control) and suboptimal (i.e. problems of volitional control)
In conditions of complete volitional control, the
intention–behaviour relationship should be optimal, and PBC should not exert
any in uence on this relationship.
In contrast, where the behaviour is not under complete volitional control, PBC
should moderate (see Baron & Kenny, 1986) the relationship between intention
and behaviour. Under such conditions, greater PBC should be associated with
stronger intention–behaviour relationships. In earlier versions of the TPB, Ajzen
(e.g. 1985) emphasized the fact that the interaction between behavioural intention
and PBC should be independently predictive of behaviour. That is, under conditions
where volitional control is relatively low (i.e. where intention is only weakly
related to behaviour), increased PBC should facilitate the implementation of intentions
into action. However, in his meta-analysis of the TPB, Ajzen (1991) reported
that only one study had found the (marginally) signi. cant (p<.10) intention–PBC interaction that would support
this moderator hypothesis. Ajzen (1991) argued that this . nding re ected
the fact that linear models
account well for psychological data—even if interaction terms are known to be
present. Yet, several, more recent studies (e.g. Terry & O’Leary, 1995)
have found signi. cant PBC–intention interactions, and the present
meta-analysis examines these to test this moderator hypothesis.
Following the lack of evidence for the interactive eVects
of PBC on the intention–behaviour relationship, Ajzen (1991) argued for a
direct relationship between PBC and behaviour which more closely . tted the
available data. Thus, Ajzen argues that under conditions where behavioural
intention alone would account for only small amounts of the variance in
behaviour (i.e. where there are problems of volitional control), PBC should be
independently predictive of behaviour. This is based on the rationale that
increased feelings of control will increase the extent to which individuals are
willing to exert additional eVort in order successfully to perform a particular
behaviour. In contrast, under conditions of very high volitional control,
behavioural intention should be the only predictor of behaviour. This ceiling eVect
occurs because where the behaviour is relatively straightforward, exerting
additional eVort to engage in the behaviour will not impact on the actual
performance of the behaviour, over and above the eVects
of intention.
that by ‘problems of volitional control’, we are referring to environmental and
personal constraints on
behaviour. For example, consider cigarette smoking:
here, an environmental barrier might be that everyone at work
smokes; a personal barrier might be the level of
craving for cigarettes (for further discussion of these issues see
Armitage & Conner, 1999a, 1999b).
However, predictions concerning the eVects
of PBC on behaviour are clouded by the explicit assumption that PBC is an
accurate representation of actual (volitional) control. Indeed, Aizen3 states
that ‘When PBC is inaccurate all kinds of possibilities open up’ (I. Aizen,
personal communication, 8 November 1999). Thus, where PBC and actual control
are discrepant, the eVect of PBC on behaviour is more problematic. Given the extant
literature on ‘illusions of control’ (e.g. Langer, 1975; Lerner, 1977), it
seems likely that PBC will rarely re ect actual control in a very accurate way. In short, adequate tests of predictions
concerning the eVects of PBC on behaviour would either (1) experimentally
manipulate individuals’ levels of perceived control, or (2) obtain independent
measures of volition (actual control). These are matters for future research,
and cannot be adequately addressed using meta-analysis.4
As we have already noted, within the TPB, PBC is held
to aVect both intentions and behaviour. There are two further
antecedents of intention: subjective norm and attitude toward the behaviour,
which are retained from the earlier TRA. Subjective norm refers to the
individual’s perceptions of general social pressure to perform (or not to
perform) the behaviour. If an individual perceives that signi. cant others endorse
(or disapprove of) the behaviour, they are more (or less) likely to intend to perform
it. Attitude towards the behaviour re ects the individual’s global
positive or negative evaluations of
performing a particular behaviour. In general, the more favourable the attitude
towards the behaviour, the stronger should be the individual’s intention to
perform it.
The antecedents of attitude, subjective norm and PBC
are corresponding beliefs, reflecting the underlying cognitive structure. Each behavioural belief links a given
behaviour to a certain outcome, or to some other attribute, such as the cost incurred
in performing the behaviour. The attitude towards the behaviour is determined
by the strength of these associations, and by the beliefs that are salient at
the time. This works on the principle of Fishbein and Ajzen’s (1975) Expectancy-value
Model: the subjective value of a given outcome aVects the attitude in direct
proportion to the strength of the belief. Subjective norm is considered to be a
function of salient normative beliefs. While subjective norm relates to
perceptions of general social pressure, the underlying normative beliefs are
concerned with the likelihood that speci. c individuals or groups (referents)
with whom the individual is motivated to comply will approve or disapprove of
the behaviour. According to Ajzen (1991), control beliefs are the antecedents
of PBC, and are concerned with the perceived power of speci. c factors to
facilitate or inhibit performance of the behaviour. Like the other beliefs, the
equation takes account of the relevance of the belief to the individual, in
this case by taking a measure of the frequency of occurrence of the promoting
(or inhibitory) factor.
that ‘Ajzen’ recently changed his name to ‘Aizen’.
number of previous meta-analyses have suggested that the TPB adds very little
explained variance beyond that bnwhich is explained by the TRA (e.g. Sutton, 1998).
One possibility is that as volitional control decreases, the in uence of PBC on intention and behaviour
increases, although even studies designed to directly test this hypothesis have not produced clear-cut . ndings (e.g.
Madden, Ellen, & Ajzen, 1992). We therefore attempted to code studies for ‘level of volitional control’. On
3-point scales, raters were asked to judge whether the behaviour in question was under volitional control, not under
volitional control, or whether it was unclear. Initial analysis of coding reliability indicated 68% agreement. Following
discussion, this increased to 79%, leaving over 20% of cases unresolved. Analyses of the categories revealed no
substantive diVerences between groups, and no decrement in between-study variance. An alternative
procedure—suggested by one of our anonymous reviewers—was therefore adopted, which is set out in the Appendix.
PBC will therefore be increased by salient beliefs
concerning adequate resources and opportunities and fewer anticipated obstacles
or impediments. Reviews have provided support for the TPB (e.g. Blue, 1995;
Conner & Sparks, 1996; Godin, 1993; Jonas & Doll, 1996; Manstead &
Parker, 1995; Sparks, 1994), as have four previous meta-analyses (Ajzen, 1991;
Godin & Kok, 1996; Hausenblas, Carron, & Mack, 1997; Van den Putte,
1991). However, these meta-analyses have been limited in scope and sampling.
For example, although Van den Putte (1991) reported that PBC explained an
additional 14% of the variance in intention and 4% in behaviour (over and above
attitude and subjective norm), discussion of issues surrounding this . nding
was limited because the focus of his study was the TRA.5 Ajzen’s (1991) meta-analysis of
the TPB found an average multiple correlation of attitude, subjective norm and
PBC, with intention of R = .71 (19 correlations), and an
average multiple correlation of R = .51 (17 correlations) for
prediction of behaviour from intention and PBC. However, these analyses
considered only the direct antecedents of intention and behaviour, and were
based upon a limited data set, including studies that have never been
published. Godin and Kok’s (1996) meta-analysis found that PBC contributed a
mean additional 13% of variance to the prediction of intentions and 12% to the
prediction of behaviour. However, Godin and Kok considered only health
behaviours, and reported values that were derived only from studies that
reported the relevant data. The tendency for authors to report only signi. cant
. ndings may have in ated the reported values (cf. Rosenthal, 1979). Finally, Hausenblas et al. (1997) report a meta-analysis on applications of
the TRA and TPB to exercise behaviour. They conclude that the TPB is more
useful than the TRA, but base this conclusion solely on the magnitude of
correlations between PBC, intention and behaviour.
More generally, previous meta-analyses of the TRA/TPB
have tended to analyse data from participants more than once, have failed to
report reliability statistics, and treated all studies as equivalent, with no
attempt to weight their data in favour of studies with more participants.
However, in spite of these weaknesses, evidence from narrative and meta-analytic
reviews suggests that the TPB is a useful model for predicting a wide range of
behaviours and behavioural intentions. The present meta-analysis aims to
overcome some of the methodological weaknesses of previous meta-analyses and to
focus on several of the issues in current TPB research.
Issues surrounding the TPB
Behavioural decision-making models such as the TRA
and TPB have tended to rely on self-reports, despite evidence to suggest the
vulnerability of such data to self-presentational biases (e.g. Gaes, Kalle,
& Tedeschi, 1978). To a great extent, this has been ignored in the
literature pertaining to the TRA/TPB, in spite of the threat to the validity
and reliability of the models. Beck and Ajzen (1991) provided an exception,
applying the TPB and a Marlowe–Crowne Social Desirability Scale (SDS; Crowne
& Marlowe, 1964) to predicting dishonest intentions and actions (cheating,
shoplifting and lying). SDS scores were entered into a regression equation and
accounted for 5% of the variance in intentions, providing some evidence to
suggest that individuals may provide socially desirable answers in terms of
their attitudes and intentions.6 Six months later, TPB variables were able to account
for between 12% and 55% of the variance in self-reported behaviour. In contrast,
however, Armitage and Conner (1999c) reported few eVects
of social desirability on relationships between TPB components.
More closely related to the concerns of the present
study, Hessing, ElVers, and Weigel (1988) examined the TRA in relation to tax
evasion, and contrasted self-reports with oYcial documentation. Findings
indicated that attitudes and subjective norms signi. cantly correlated with
self-reported behaviour, but did not correlate with documentary evidence, in
spite of considerable eVort to maintain the anonymity of respondents. The implication was
that self-reports of behaviour were unreliable, compared with more objective
behaviour measures (see also Armitage & Conner, 1999a, 1999b; Norwich &
Rovoli, 1993; Pellino, 1997). In terms of the present study, we expected TPB
variables (i.e. intention and PBC) to predict self-reported and observed
behaviour, but that prediction of objective behavior would be less accurate.
It has already been noted that the diVerence
between the TRA and TPB lies in the control component of the TPB. Ajzen (1991)
argues that the PBC and self-efficacy constructs are interchangeable. However,
several authors (e.g. Terry, 1993) have suggested that self-efficacy and PBC
are not entirely synonymous. For example, Bandura (1986, 1992) has argued that
control and self-efficacy are quite diVerent concepts. Self-efficacy is
more concerned with cognitive perceptions of control based on internal control
factors, whereas PBC also re ects more general, external factors. Researchers such as de Vries, Dijkstra, and
Kuhlman (1988) have advocated the use of measures of self-efficacy, as opposed
to PBC in the prediction of intentions and behaviour. Further, Dzewaltowski,
Noble, and Shaw (1990), in a comparison of the theories of reasoned action,
planned behaviour and social cognitive theory, found that self-efficacy, rather
than PBC, had a direct impact on behaviour.
Terry and colleagues have closely examined the
distinction between PBC and self-efficacy. For safer sex behaviours, White,
Terry, and Hogg (1994) reported that PBC only had an eVect
on a behavioural measure of discussing the use of condoms with any new partner,
while self-efficacy had a strong eVect on intentions to discuss and
intentions to use condoms. Consonant with White et al. (1994), Terry and O’Leary (1995) found that self-efficacy
only predicted intentions, while PBC predicted exercise behaviour. These
studies therefore provide support for a distinction between self-efficacy and
PBC (see also Manstead & van Eekelen, 1998).
this analysis was presented in the introduction to his meta-analysis of the
this . nding must be interpreted with extreme caution, as SDS measures were not
taken at the same time
as the six-month self-report of behaviour. Perhaps
more importantly, SDS also rely on self-report.
More recently, Sparks, Guthrie, and Shepherd (1997)
have proposed a distinction between ‘perceived diYculty’ and ‘perceived control’
(see also Chan & Fishbein, 1993). These authors argue that items which tap
‘perceived diYculty’ are both more meaningful to participants and are closer to
Ajzen’s (1991) original conceptualization of PBC. Sparks et al. (1997) report two studies to support their position.
In their study 1, although they found diVerences in the pattern of
intercorrelations, neither ‘perceived diYculty’ nor ‘perceived control’
predicted intention. In study 2, ‘perceived diYculty’ independently predicted
intention but ‘perceived control’ did not. These . ndings were interpreted as
evidence to support the use of ‘perceived diYculty’ over ‘perceived control’.
Armitage and Conner (1999a, 1999b) have critiqued this approach, arguing that
asking individuals about the ‘ease’ or ‘diYculty’ of performing a
particular behaviour does not allow discrimination between ease or diYculty
in relation to external (e.g. ‘availability’) and internal (e.g. ‘con. dence’)
factors. Moreover, the Sparks et al. study employed a
cross-sectional design, with no data to test the eVects
on subsequent behaviour, which formed the basis of Terry and colleagues’
distinction. Armitage and Conner (1999a, 1999b) also provide evidence to
support a distinction between self-efficacy and ‘perceived control over
behaviour’, utilizing measures that do not rely on perceived ease or diYculty.
The present study sought meta-analytic evidence to support this position.
Behavioural intentions
The intention construct is central to both the TRA
and TPB. Intentions are assumed to capture the motivational factors that in uence a
behaviour and to indicate how hard people are
willing to try or how much eVort they would exert to perform the behaviour (Ajzen,
1991, p. 181). In applications of the TRA/TPB, researchers have not always
employed measures that clearly tap the intention construct. For example,
Sheppard, Hartwick, and Warshaw’s (1988) review of the TRA argued for the need
to consider both behavioural intentions and selfpredictions when predicting
behaviour. Warshaw and Davis (1985) noted a number of diVerent
ways in which intentions had been measured, and distinguished measures of
behavioural intentions (e.g. ‘I intend to perform behaviour x’) from measures
of self-predictions (e.g. ‘How likely is it that you will perform behavior x?’).
Sheppard et al. (1988) went on to argue that self-predictions
should provide better predictions of behaviour as they are likely to include a
consideration of those factors which may facilitate or inhibit performance of a
behaviour, as well as a consideration of the likely choice of other competing
behaviours. Sheppard et al.’s meta-analysis supported this view: measures of
self-predictions were found to have stronger relationships with behaviour (mean
r = .57) than did behavioural intentions (mean r = .49), although attitude and subjective norm
accounted for more of the variance in intentions (mean R = .73) than self-predictions (mean R = .61).
In the TPB, the PBC construct should tap perceptions
of the factors that may facilitate or inhibit performance of behaviour. One
might therefore expect little diVerence in the predictive power
of intentions vs. self-predictions once PBC is taken into account. More speci.
cally, the relationship between PBC and behavior should be stronger when
intention (as opposed to self-prediction) measures are used, because intention
measures do not take facilitating/inhibiting factors into account.
Beyond this, Bagozzi (1992) has suggested that
attitudes may . rst be translated into desires (e.g. ‘I want to perform
behaviour x’), which then develop into intentions to act, which direct action.
From this perspective, one might expect that desires would inform intentions,
upon which behavioural self-predictions are partly based. Given that desires
take no account of facilitating/inhibiting factors, PBC should contribute more
unique variance to the prediction of behaviour when measures of desires are
employed than self-predictions. Congruent with the view that desires do not
take account of facilitating/inhibiting in uences on behaviour, PBC should be more closely associated with
self-predictions than with desires. On the other hand, intentions are held to
mediate the relationship between desires and self-predictions, suggesting that
eVects associated with intentions will fall between the desire and
self-prediction . ndings. The present meta-analysis considers the role of
intentions, desires and self-predictions in the context of the TPB.
Subjective norms
The normative component was the last addition to the
TRA (Fishbein & Ajzen, 1975), and several authors have argued that it is
the weakest component. For example, Sheppard et al. (1988) and Van den Putte’s (1991) meta-analyses of the TRA found
that the subjective norm component was the weakest predictor of intentions (see
also Godin & Kok, 1996). As a result, several authors have deliberately
removed subjective norms from analysis (e.g. Sparks, Shepherd, Wieringa, &
Zimmermanns, 1995). While these . ndings could merely re ect the
lesser importance of normative
factors as determinants of intentions in the behaviours studied, Tra.mow and
Finlay (1996) suggest that this is unlikely. Across 30 behaviours, they found
evidence to suggest a distinction between individuals whose actions are driven
primarily by attitudes, and those whose actions are driven primarily by
subjective norms.7 In addition, across several diVerent types of behaviour,
variables thought to tap diVerent facets of normative conduct (e.g. descriptive
and moral norms) have been found to be independently predictive of intentions
(e.g. Beck & Ajzen, 1991; Conner, Martin, Silverdale, & Grogan, 1996; for
a review see Conner & Armitage, 1998). The most likely explanation for poor
performance of the subjective norm component lies in its measurement: many authors
use single item measures, as opposed to more reliable multi-item scales (e.g. Nunnally,
1978). The present meta-analysis therefore considered type of measurement
as a moderator of subjective norm–intention
also Prislin and Kovrlija (1992) for an application of the TPB to high- and low
The aims of the present meta-analysis were . vefold:
(1) to test the overall efficacy of the TPB; (2) to assess the predictive validity of
the TPB in relation to observed 478 Christopher J. Armitage and Mark Conner
or self-reported behaviour; (3) to consider diVerences
in the conceptualization of intentions, and to assess the evidence for
discriminant validity between the constructs; (4) to examine the role of PBC as opposed
to self-efficacy or ‘perceived control over behaviour’, and consider the proposed
intention–PBC interaction; and
(5) to consider measurement adequacy as a moderator
of the subjective norm–intention relationship, given that this construct has
been found to be the weakest predictor in both the TRA and TPB.
Selection of studies
Mullen (1989) presents several useful strategies for
the retrieval of studies for meta-analysis. In terms
of the present study, the main approaches used were:
ancestry and descendancy; abstracting services;
on-line computer searches; the ‘invisible college’;
and browsing. In total, references to 161 journal
articles and book chapters testing the TPB (up to the
end of 1997) were found.
The decision to include only published articles
renders the present meta-analysis susceptible to
publication bias. The publication bias refers to the
assumption that studies with signi. cant . ndings
are more likely to be submitted for publication.
Several studies have examined this phenomenon (e.g.
Greenwald, 1975; Rosenthal, 1984; White, 1982),
although . ndings are inconsistent. Related to this,
the ‘. le drawer problem’ (Rosenthal, 1979) refers to
the possibility that all published articles are the
result of Type I errors, whereas all non-published
(i.e. . le drawer) studies are the remaining 95%.
Reliability of the data included in the present study
is assessed using Rosenthal’s (1984) fail-safe
number (the number of studies required to nullify the
present . ndings). All relationships in the
present study exceed this tolerance level, unless
otherwise stated.
Tables reporting meta-analytic data also include 2 values.
These allow assessment of betweenstudy
variance (i.e. the variability of (in this case) eVect
sizes around the mean presented). All 2
values in the present study indicate considerable
variability around the mean, indicating that even
moderator analysis failed to reduce between-study
variance to non-signi. cance. Used in conjunction
with Rosenthal’s fail-safe number, it is possible to
assert that the present . ndings are robust (i.e.
require large numbers of additional studies to
overturn them), but are subject to variability around the mean.
Characteristics of
The 161 articles contained 185 independent empirical
tests of the TPB. Of these, 44 contained
prospective self-reported behaviour measures and 19
prospective measures of behaviour that were
independently rated or were objective (e.g. taken
from records).8
Self-efficacy, PBC and
‘perceived control over behaviour’. The present meta-analysis distinguishes
between three types of PBC measure: self-efficacy,
PBC and ‘perceived control over behaviour’.
Congruent with Armitage and Conner (1999a, 1999b),
self-efficacy was de. ned as ‘con. dence in one’s
own ability to carry out a particular behaviour’;
perceived control over behaviour was de. ned as
‘perceived controllability of behaviour’; and PBC was
de. ned as the perceived ease or diYculty of
performing behaviour (Ajzen, 1991), and also included
studies that utilized measures of both
self-efficacy and perceived control over behaviour in
multiple-item scales.
8Note that only prospective measures of behaviour
were included in the present meta-analysis. This is because a measure of
behaviour taken contemporaneously with intention is actually a measure of past
behaviour. Measures of past behaviour have been shown to contribute unique
variance to the prediction of future behaviour, over and above TPB variables,
introducing a possible confound (for reviews, see Conner & Armitage, 1998;
Sutton, 1994).
Studies were coded as measuring self-efficacy if they
included items such as: ‘I believe I have the
ability to . . .’; ‘To what extent do you see
yourself as being capable of . . .’; ‘How con. dent are you
that you will be able to . . . ’; and ‘If it were
entirely up to me, I am con. dent that I would be able
to . . .’ (N of studies = 28). ‘Perceived
control over behaviour’ was coded when items such as
‘Whether or not I do x is entirely up to me’, ‘How
much personal control do you feel you have over
. . .’, and ‘How much do you feel that whether you do
x is beyond your control?’ were employed
(N = 7). Items that assessed
perceived ease or diYculty were not included when coding for
self-efficacy or ‘perceived control over behaviour’.
Where studies employed mixed measures (i.e. any
combination of the above or ‘easy–diYcult’
items) these were coded as ‘PBC’ (N = 101).
Desires, intentions and
self-pred ictions. Desires, intentions and
self-predictions were coded
according to the criteria discussed in Bagozzi
(1992), Fishbein and Stasson (1990), Norman and Smith
(1995), Sheppard et al. (1988) and Warshaw and Davis (1985). Brie y, ‘desire’ was coded if studies
employed items such as ‘I want to perform behaviour
x’; ‘self-prediction’ was coded for measures such
as ‘I will perform behaviour x’ or ‘How likely is it
that you will perform behaviour x?’; and ‘intention’
was coded for studies that employed only measures
such as ‘I intend to perform behaviour x’. Where
studies employed some combination of the above, these
were coded as ‘mixed’ measures. We were
able to locate 88 studies that used mixed measures of
behavioural intentions, 20 with measures of
intention, 40 with measures of self-prediction, and
six of desire.
Subjective norms. Studies were also coded for measurements of the
subjective norm component.
These fell into six categories: multiple-item scale (N = 32), single item (N = 52), general social
pressure multiplied by motivation to comply (N = 14), normative beliefs9 as direct predictors of
intention (N = 26), social support (N = 1) and unspeci. ed (N = 12).
Analyses are based on bivariate correlations: where
the appropriate statistics were not reported in the published article, the
authors were contacted, and several have generously supplied copies of their correlation
matrices. This allowed us to run additional analyses.
For the purpose of analysis, rs were converted to Fisher z scores, weighted by sample size (N 3), before a mean Fisher z was calculated (see Hedges & Olkin, 1985). The
weighted mean Fisher zs were then converted back to rs, for the purpose of reporting the results. R2 change values (for eVects of PBC controlling for TRA
variables) were converted to r, and combined in the same way
as bivariate correlations.
Comparisons between correlation coeYcients
were conducted using Cohen’s (1977) qs statistic, which evaluates diVerences
in the magnitude of Fisher z. For samples with unequal Ns, a harmonic mean (n ) was used. Note, however, that this only provides an estimate of
diVerences between magnitude of correlation coeYcients
because the technique ignores dependencies between variables.
In the case of the TPB, most of the interesting
comparisons involve diVerences between correlations that hold intention in common.
It has been noted that the meta-analyses of Godin and
Kok (1996) and Sheppard et al. (1988) can be criticized for
analysing groups of participants more than once. For example, in the Sheppard et al.
(1988) meta-analysis, two groups of participants from
Warshaw and Davis (1985) were treated as independent tests of the TRA and
included 18 times in the analysis. Clearly, this threatens the validity of
meta-analysis. In order to avoid this, where studies examined more than one
behaviour with one group of participants (e.g. Madden, Ellen, & Ajzen,
1992), the rs were converted to Fisher zs and meta-analysed in their own right before
inclusion in the main data set.
Finally, because meta-analytic data tend to be based
on large sample sizes, even the smallest correlations are likely to reach
statistical signi. cance. Cohen (1992) presents a useful guide to interpreting
the magnitude of eVect sizes: medium eVect sizes are de. ned as those
that approximate the average eVect sizes across a variety of . elds of research.
Small eVect sizes are ‘noticeably smaller than medium, but not so small as
to be trivial’; large eVect sizes are ‘the same distance above medium as small was below
it’ (Cohen, 1992, p. 156). These eVect size categories equate with
correlations of .10 (small), .30 (medium), and .50 (large), and this provides a
useful heuristic that acts as a standard of comparison.
‘normative beliefs’, we are referring to a summed scale derived from the
product referent beliefs and
motivations to comply.
The present meta-analysis provides evidence
supporting the use of the TPB for predicting intention and behaviour, although
the prediction of self-reported behaviour is superior to observed behaviour.
Moreover, there is some evidence for discriminant validity between desire,
intention and self-prediction, and for a distinction between self-efficacy and
perceived control over behaviour. Finally, subjective norm shows a reasonably
strong relationship with intention when appropriately measured with
multiple-item scales.
Overall findings
The present meta-analysis of the TPB compares
favourably with previous metaanalyses.
The present study found R = .52 (R2 = .27) for the multiple correlation of intention and PBC with
behaviour; previous meta-analyses have reported similar . ndings (range of R = .46–.58). Further, congruent with these studies,
PBC was found to contribute uniquely to the prediction of behaviour,
demonstrating the efficacy of the PBC construct. Similarly, the
intention–behaviour correlation from the present meta-analysis is comparable
with those of recent meta-analyses devoted to intention–behaviour relations.
The intention–behaviour correlation in the present meta-analysis is r = .47. Randall and WolV (1994) report a corresponding relationship
of .45 (98 studies), while Sheeran and Orbell (1998) reported a mean correlation
of .44 (28 studies of condom use).
Table 5. Meta-analysis of single vs. multiple-item measures
of subjective norms in regression with intentions
N of tests
N 2
Multiple items
Single item
52 .28 17,936
Subjective norm Motivation to comply
Social support
Normative beliefs
Unspeci. ed
Note. aWeighted by sample size
Further support for the efficacy of the TPB over the
TRA is provided by the multiple correlation of attitude, subjective norm and
PBC with intention. The . ndings of the present meta-analysis are comparable
with those of previous studies (Rs = .64–.71). More importantly,
from the present meta-analysis, PBC adds—on average—6% to the prediction of
intention, over and above attitude and subjective norm. Therefore, it would
appear that PBC in uences behaviour directly and indirectly, independent of TRA variables, and therefore represents
a useful addition to the TRA.
Self-report vs. objective
It is clear that many TPB studies do not employ
prospective designs or measure behaviour. Where behaviour is measured, it is
typically through self-report.
Congruent with Hessing et al. (1988), intention and PBC were better predictors of
self-reported behaviour than observed behaviour. Clearly this is not a problem speci.
c to the TRA/TPB, but provides indication of the wider debate within social psychology.
Potentially, however, this may simply reflect the
fact that measurement correspondence
is typically maximized where subjective measures of
behaviour are used (cf. Fishbein, 1980). For example, in a study of low-fat
diet consumption, Armitage and Conner (1999a) reported a comparable discrepancy
between self-reported ehaviour (e.g. ‘I ate a low-fat diet’) and a more
objective assessment of behavior (validated measure of percentage of calories
derived from fat). While the divergence between the two may represent a
subjective–objective distinction, it may also re ect the fact that the
subjective measure of behaviour directly mapped onto the prior measure of intention, whereas the objective
measure could not. Sutton (1998) has suggested that showing participants the
measure of behaviour on which they will later be assessed is one way of
circumventing such problems. Researchers should be cognizant of the problems of
self-report data and, wherever possible, take accurate multiple measures of
actual behaviour.
Desire, intention and
self-pred iction
The present study provides some support for work
proposing a distinction between intention, desire and self-prediction (e.g.
Bagozzi, 1992). TPB variables were most closely associated with desires,
although PBC contributed relatively little additional variance. In turn,
desires were the weakest predictors of behaviour, with PBC contributing the
most additional variance. PBC contributed most additional variance to the
explanation of intention and self-prediction, and contributed least to
prediction of behaviour when intention and self-prediction were statistically controlled.
These . ndings can be accounted for by the fact that PBC takes account of
factors that may facilitate or inhibit behaviour; under such circumstances, one
would expect little diVerence between intention and self-prediction.
Overall, the present . ndings provide some support for
Bagozzi’s (1992) position: intentions and self-predictions were superior
predictors of behaviour than desires; attitudes, subjective norm and perceived
control (i.e. self-efficacy, PBC or perceived control over behaviour) were the
best predictors of desires. Thus, individuals may . rst translate their
attitudes into desires, taking perceptions of social pressure and (to a lesser
extent) control into account. However, these desires are weak direct predictors
of behaviour, but may instead be mediated by intentions or selfpredictions,
or may co-determine behaviour with perceived control.
Further evidence for this is reported in Bagozzi and Kimmel (1995), who showed
that the impact of attitudes on intention was almost entirely mediated by
desires. Future work is required to test the proposed causal relationships
between these variables.
Perceptions of control
The present meta-analysis found diVerences
between measures of PBC, self-efficacy and perceived control over behaviour.
Self-efficacy and PBC were significantly more strongly correlated with both
intention and behaviour than was perceived control over behaviour. Congruent
with this, analysis of the proportion of additional variance explained
indicated that the . ndings for perceived control over behaviour were both weak
and unreliable. In general, self-efficacy accounted for the most additional
variance in intention, and both PBC and self-efficacy accounted for equivalent
proportions of variance in behaviour. The implication is that individuals form
intentions that they are con. dent they can enact (i.e. those they perceive self-efficacy
over), and that translation of intention into action may be facilitated both by
self-efficacy and an assessment of more external factors tapped by PBC.
The analyses concerning the proportion of additional
explained variance contributed by perceived control over behaviour were shown
to be unreliable: more studies are required that more fully investigate this
construct. Indeed, the possibility exists that the predicted diVerential
eVects of self-efficacy and perceived control over behaviour may
vary as a function of behaviour studied (see Armitage & Conner, 1999a,
1999b; Manstead & van Eekelen, 1998). However, where the data were
reliable, perceived control over behaviour was signi. cantly more weakly related
to intention and behaviour. The . ndings also suggest that self-efficacy and PBC
are both useful predictors of intention and behaviour. While there is no clear
evidence for which is to be preferred, self-efficacy is more clearly de. Ned and
operationalized than is PBC (cf. Bandura, 1997), which consists of ‘mixed measures’
(see Method). Moreover, while self-efficacy and PBC account for equivalent
proportions of the variance in behaviour, self-efficacy explains somewhat more
of the variance in intention than does PBC. The implication is that self-efficacy
should be the preferred measure of ‘perceived control’ within the TPB, but
further research is required that more fully evaluates the impact of diVerent
operationalizations of perceived control on intention and behaviour.
In addition, researchers have paid relatively little
attention to precisely what PBC is tapping: up to the end of 1997, only 18
published studies reported control belief–PBC relationships. Given the role of
PBC as a powerful determinant of both intention and behaviour, further
exploration of both the nature and antecedents of the PBC construct is clearly
required. For example, a recent study by Armitage and Conner (1999a) provides
some evidence to suggest that control beliefs (as conceptualized by Ajzen,
1991) are the antecedents of self-efficacy, but correlate only weakly with
perceived control over behaviour.
Subjective norms
Several researchers have argued that the subjective
norm component of the TPB is inadequate and rarely predicts intention, and so
have removed it from analysis (e.g. Sparks, Shepherd, Wieringa, &
immermanns, 1995). The present meta-analysis provides some support for this
view: subjective norm was the TPB component most weakly related to intention.
However, when type of measure was used as a moderator, the poor performance of
the subjective norm component was shown to be a function of measurement.
Clearly, this component requires further empirical attention, and the present
study points to measurement as its principal weakness, given that the majority
of TPB studies have used single-item measures. Beyond this, a number of authors
have argued that the way in which norms are conceptualized within the TRA/TPB
framework fails to tap important facets of social in uence (e.g. Conner & Armitage, 1998; Terry, Hogg, &
White, 1999).
Some researchers have suggested a reconceptualization
of the mechanism by which normative pressure is exerted. Tra.mow and Finlay
(1996) have argued that the weakness in the subjective norm component stems
from a minority of individuals whose actions are driven primarily by perceived
social pressure.
Although they provide some evidence to support this
view (see also DeBono & Snyder, 1995), it seems unlikely that the majority
of people’s behaviour is unaVected by social pressure. There is also evidence to
suggest that alternative conceptualizations of norms exert independent eVects
on intentions, controlling for subjective norms.
Subjective norm is operationalized as a global
perception of social pressure either to comply with the wishes of others or not
(Ajzen, 1991). However, social pressure is rarely so direct or explicit,
leading a number of researchers to suggest alternative conceptualizations. For
example, Terry and colleagues (e.g. Terry & Hogg, 1996; Terry et al., 1999; Terry, Hogg, & White, 2000; White et al., 1994) have drawn on Self-categorization and Social
Identity Theories (see Hogg & Abrams, 1988; Turner, 1985). Speci. cally,
Terry and colleagues have shown that identi. cation with a behaviourally
relevant group moderates the eVects of group norm on intention (Terry & Hogg,
1996). In addition, they present some evidence to support a distinction between
group- and subjective-norms (Terry et al., 1999; cf. Deutsch and
Gerard’s (1995) distinction between informational and normative in uence).
Related work has investigated a number of diVerent
types of norm. Cialdini, Kallgren, and Reno (1991) distinguish between
personal, descriptive and injunctive norms. Injunctive norms map onto
subjective norms. Personal norms have been operationalized as either
self-identity or moral norms (see Conner & Armitage, 1998). A number of
studies have shown that self-identity explains additional proportions of the
variance in intentions over and above TPB variables (e.g. Armitage &
Conner, 1999a, 1999b; Sparks & Shepherd, 1992; for a review, see Conner
& Armitage, 1998). There is also evidence to support the inclusion of moral
(e.g. Beck & Ajzen, 1991; Conner & Armitage, 1998) and descriptive
(e.g. Conner et al., 1996) norms within the TPB. Further research is
required to test the suficiency of such additional variables by testing them against
adequate measures of subjective norm.
The present meta-analysis provides support for the efficacy
of the TPB as a predictor of intentions and behaviour. Although prediction is
superior for self-reported than observed behaviour, the TPB is still capable of
explaining 20% of the variance in prospective measures of actual behaviour
(i.e. a medium to large eVect size). The present . ndings therefore corroborate those of
previous TPB meta-analyses, as well as expanding on some of the theoretical
debate surrounding the model. The present study showed that PBC independently
predicted intentions and behaviour in a wide number of domains. There was also
evidence to suggest that measures of intention, self-prediction and desires
possess discriminant validity, although only relatively weak evidence for the
proposed self-efficacy–perceived control over behaviour distinction. Finally,
work on additional normative variables (e.g. moral or descriptive norms) may
increase the predictive power of the normative component of the model.
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