multidimensional intrinsic motivation, waste reduction and recycling
Two Shades of (Warm) Glow: multidimensional intrinsic motivation,
waste reduction and recycling
Alessio D’Amato, Susanna Mancinelli, Mariangela Zoli
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Although waste minimization is considered a priority to face the
waste problem, EU targets on waste prevention are very recent and most policy
interventions have been oriented towards increasing recycling rates. As a
result, signiFIcant improvements in recycling performance have been attained,
but there is still no clear evidence of increased waste prevention. A possible
explanation of different trends in waste minimization and recycling rates may be
found in the existence of interactions between the two waste related behaviors
as well as between policies and householdsípersonal motivations. The aim of the
paper is to investigate both theoretically and empirically the impact of waste
policies on recycling and prevention decisions of individuals. In the
theoretical analysis, we model the role played by policies, intrinsic and
extrinsic motivations in affecting waste decisions by explicitly allowing for
complementarities or substitutabilities between recycling and waste reduction efforts
in the utility function. Theoretical results suggest that policies, social
norms and intrinsic motivations may affect recycling and prevention both
directly and indirectly, through their reciprocal interactions. Theoretical
predictions are then tested in a structural equation model, by using data for
England from the Survey of Public Attitudes and Behaviours toward the
Environment (Defra, 2010). Our empirical investigation shows that waste
prevention and recycling activities reinforce each other, supporting the
existence of complementarities between them. Nevertheless, when we consider
also indirect effects among the involved variables, our results suggest that
recycling policies may be not very effective in stimulating waste prevention
whilst policy measures acting through intrinsic motivations may have stronger
1 Introduction
Municipal solid waste (MSW) is the most visible and
pernicious by-product of the consumer-based lifestyle which characterizes many
of the worldís economies (Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata, 2012). Despite the
increasing awareness of the external effects of waste production/disposal and
the multiplicity of policy initiatives undertaken by governments and
international organizations, global waste volumes are increasing rapidly as a
result of higher incomes and urbanization rates, increased consumption of goods
and services, and more intensive use of packaging materials1.
In response to the challenges posed by the growing waste
levels, minimization of waste production has been identified as a key policy
option towards a sustainable waste management strategy2. Waste
prevention is, for instance, at the top of the "waste hierarchy"
introduced by the EU Waste Framework Directive in 2008 (Article 4), being the
most desirable action to be promoted compared to recycling, re-use and
recovery, and especially to landFIlling (which at the opposite is considered as
the last resort and should be reduced). To move up the waste hierarchy, Member
States are required to establish national waste prevention programmes and to
set out appropriate specific targets to assess their progress (Article 29).
More recently, also the Roadmap to a Resource Eficient Europe (COM (2011) 571)
has recognized the importance of waste minimization and has highlighted the
need of introducing specific incentives for waste prevention and recycling.
Whilst significant improvements in recycling performance have
been realized in the EU in latest years3, the amounts of municipal
waste generated are still not decreasing. According to the European
Environmental Agency, municipal waste prevention can be assessed by analyzing
trends in the amounts of municipal waste generated. On the basis of this
indicator, there is no clear evidence of improved waste prevention in 32
European countries between 2001 and 2010.4 Besides larger costs and dificulties
of implementing actions resulting in waste reduction, this suggests that policy
efforts at EU and national level have provided stronger incentives towards
increasing recycling than towards waste prevention (Cecere et al., 2013;
Mazzanti and Zoboli, 2009).
1According to World Bank projections, global MSW generation
levels are expected to increase from current 1.3 billion tonnes per year to
approximately 2.2 billion tonnes per year by 2025, corresponding to an increase
in per capita waste generation rates from 1.2 to 1.42 kg per person per day
(Hoornweg and Bhada-Tata, 2012)
2Waste minimization is considered a priority action in order
to face the waste problem by the Basel Convention on the Control of
Transboundary Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal, the
Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the European
Environment Agency (EEA) as well as the United States Environment Protection
Agency (EPA), for instance (The Secretariat of the Basel Convention, 2012).
3Between 2001 and 2011, recycling and composting of municipal
waste increased from 27% to 40% in the EU-27, while landFIlling reduced from
56% to 37% (Eurostat, 2013).
4Specifically, twenty-one countries increased their
production of municipal waste per capita in 2010 compared to 2001, whereas
eleven countries cut their waste generation in the same period. The same FIgures
for the years 2001 and 2008 (according to which twentysix countries recorded an
increase and six countries a decrease in their waste production), however,
suggest that the reduction in municipal waste generation per capita may be the
result of the economic downturn started in 2008 (EEA, 2013).
We provide a possible argument explaining why improvements in
recycling rates have not been accompanied by comparable achievements in waste
minimization can be related to the existence of potential interrelationships between
individualsírecycling and waste prevention behaviors. In fact, waste policies
can have two different effects on waste management behaviors. The FIrst one may
be positive, since policy intervention and incentives to recycling may have the
effect of stimulating a pro-environmental lifestyle. This, in turn, may have
positive effects on waste reduction as well.
On the other hand, waste policies may not affect (or they can
even negatively affect) individual waste behaviors, since a sort of
multi-tasking effect (‡ la Holmstrom and Milgrom, 1991) may prevail: if the
agent is encouraged to recycling (by both incentives and controls), less effort
may be devoted to the less incentivized activity, that is waste reduction (if
the latter features marginal costs which are increasing in the amount of
recycling and/or lacks proper incentives). This may imply a crowding-out effect
of recycling activities over waste minimization efforts. Moreover, waste
policies can feature crowding-in or crowding-out effects also through their
impacts on other determinants of individualsípro-environmental behaviors, as
psychological and social factors.
In this paper we aim at investigating both theoretically and
empirically the impact of waste policies on recycling and prevention decisions
of individuals, by explicitly accounting for potential interactions
(complementarity vs substitutability) between the two waste-related behaviors
and taking into account all the involved drivers. We also account for the
possibility that waste policies affect individual waste management behaviors
directly as well as indirectly, through their impacts on other determinants of
individualsí behaviors.
This paper draws on the wide literature that investigates the
determinants of individual waste behaviors. Indeed, waste disposal decisions of
households have received huge research attention in several disciplines and from
different perspectives, ranging from economics, environmental psychology, sociology
and engineering. The early literature exploring households participation in
recycling programmes dates back to the early 1970s: in this initial stage,
research was focused on socio-demographic characteristics and economic rewards
to stimulate recycling behaviors. Afterwards, a deeper analysis of social and
psychological motivators for personal recycling behavior has been carried out
(Hornik et al., 1995), investigating a multiplicity of reasons for recycling
behaviors, including barriers, motivations, values and beliefs. As noted by
Miafodzyeva and Brandt (2012), the investigated variables vary greatly among different
studies and thus it is dificult to formulate general statements from the
results, even though it is clear that recycling behavior and other
environmental behaviors are complex and diverse. Barr (2007) argues that three
groups of independent variables can be identified as affecting the relationship
between household attitude and environmental behaviors: environmental values,
situational variables and psychological factors.
On the basis of this taxonomy, the author investigates the
determinants of three waste management behaviors (recycling, reuse and
reduction), by adopting the Theory of Reasoned Action (TRA) as conceptual
framework for examining the relationship between environmental intentions and
One of the main result of the study is that different waste
management strategies must be considered as different behaviors, because different
predictors explain each of them. Furthermore, whilst recycling behavior can be
encouraged quite easily, reduction and reuse behaviors are less simple to stimulate,
being affected by strong environmental values, good knowledge of environmental
policy issues and other factors that require innovative policy measures.
However, Barrís analysis does not consider potential linkages between recycling
and waste minimization activities. The relevance of the relationship between
attitudes and recycling behaviors is recognized also by Schwab et al. (2012),
even though they highlight the need to examine the direct effects of
othersíbehavior on individual attitudes and behaviors. According to this study,
accounting for the social context in which attitudes and behaviors are formed
and expressed allows for a better comprehension of recycling behaviors.
Very recently also the economic literature started to explore
the ináuence of intrinsic and extrinsic motivations on individual waste
disposal decisions.
Viscusi et al. (2011) empirically investigate the role of
social norms in reinforcing proenvironmental behaviors, where social norms are
deFIned in terms of what is "normatively appropriate". Their analysis
aims at assessing both the role of personal norms (that a person imposes on
others), and external norms that people perceive as imposed on them by others.
Their FIndings (relating to recycling of plastic water bottles in US) show that
whilst the variable for the internal private value is signiFIcant, the social
norm variable, reáecting the individualís potential guilt with respect to
neighborsí attitudes if one does not recycle, turns out to be not statistically
This suggests external pressure cannot be considered as an effective
way to drive changes in recycling. Cecere et al. (2013) test how motivations
affect waste related behavior when people face the collective management of waste
(focusing on food waste), FInding that extrinsic motivations increase the
likelihood of producing more waste and, more generally, that the nature of
social preferences matters. The authors also show relevant implications of
their analysis for the policy makers to achieve waste reduction results.
Abbott et al. (2013) perform an analysis which is close to
our own: they examine (theoretically and empirically) how social norms and
warm-glow affect the link between the quality of recycling facilities and the
recycling effort, showing that a social norm for recycling exists. The issue of
the existence of a "warm glow" in determining pro social behaviour is
strictly related to the public-private dynamics in the provision of public
goods (see Pollitt and Shaorshadze, 2011 for a review): if individuals are
ìwarm-glow givers", their intrinsic motivation for contributing to public
goods may be reduced by the provision of monetary incentives (the so-called
ìcrowding out hypothesis").
This view has been empirically supported by Gneezy and
Rustichini (2000) FInding that ìcompensating" people for socially
desirable actions could in fact be counterproductive, leading to lower levels
of voluntarily provided goods. It has also been argued that public instruments
devoted to reducing demand for environmentally damaging activities (e.g.
tradable permits, Pigouvian taxes) may exert a crowding-out effect on
individualís environmental moral due to the shift of individual locus of
control to the institutions (Frey, 1999; Frey and Stutzer, 2006). All the above
considerations suggest that waste related behavior is likely to depend on
personal motivations that might interact with existing policies as well as with
personal characteristics.
We innovate with respect to the existing literature as, to
the best of our knowledge, our paper is the FIrst attempt to explicitly
consider, theoretically and empirically, the possibility that recycling
decisions interact with reduction decisions, reinforcing or weakening each
other, and which explore how waste policy might affect individual disposal
decisions both directly and indirectly through the potential interaction
between recycling and reduction behaviors.
The paper is organized as follows. Section 2 presents the
theoretical model and describe the main relations to be tested empirically.
Section 3 introduces the data, while Section 4 presents the empirical specifications
and estimation results. Section 5 concludes.
2 The Model
We model a setting featuring n individuals. As we assume that
none of the individuals perceives her own impact on the choice of other
individuals, we will focus, without loss of generality, on a single individual.
Individual utility depends on the following variables: it increases with
environmental quality, which is labelled as G and is assumed to increase
directly with the effort exerted by the individual in waste recycling and in
waste reduction, implying the existence of a "warm glow" effect.
Recycling and waste prevention efforts are labelled, respectively, as eR and
eM. Utility also increases with leisure time (l), and with the degree of peer
approval from recycling (pa), that will be discussed below. The utility funtion
can therefore be written as follows:
U(l; G; eR; eM; pa); (1)
All standard assumptions concerning decreasing marginal
utility are satisfied. Also, and importantly, as our model is devoted to the
investigation of the consequences of complementarities and/or
substitutabilities between the two waste related behaviors, i.e. the effort
levels, we assume that cross derivatives between all other variables than eR
and eM are equal to 0; so that, for example,

to vary.
We label the individual contribution to the public good as
g(eR; eM), which is assumed to be increasing in the effort levels, as it is
reasonable. As a result,

We assume that peer approval depends (negatively) on the
level of the social norm sn and (positively) on the recycling effort. The sn
variable is taken as exogenous, i.e. the individual does not perceive the
impact of its choices on the social norm, but we assume that it increases with
recycling policies, to capture a possible crowding-out effect. More specifically:
pa = pa (eR sn):
As a result, an increase in the social norm decreases ceteris
paribus peer approval while the recycling effort increases it (Abbott et al.,
2013). The function
This is coherent with the behavioral literature focusing on
waste behaviors, which underlines the peculiar features of waste with respect
to other issues involving a strong behavioral component (e.g. tipping, Azar,
Our individual maximizes (1) subject to the following
"budget" constraint E = l + f(wReR; wMeM) (2)
where f 0 (:) > 0; wR is a measure of the
"opportunity cost" of recycling while wM is the opportunity cost of
waste prevention.
We assume that wR is decreasing in recycling policy
strictness and in specific knowledge related to recycling. Specific knowledge
has to be intended as the degree of knowledge of the individual concerning the specific
methodologies and techniques that can be adopted to recycle. Policy strictness is
addressed in broad way, so that an increase in policy strictness might take the
form of a stricter waste related taxation (e.g. a larger landFIll tax, increasing
the opportunity cost of not recycling), of a larger subsidy to recycling or to
reuse, as well as of better waste related facilities. The opportunity cost of
waste prevention, wM; is deFIned in a similar way, although, in the absence of specific
waste prevention policies at households level5 , the interpretation of its
links with recycling policy are less straightforward. In other words, we cannot
say whether a better recycling policy increases or decreases the opportunity
cost of waste prevention. Finally, E is total available effort for non-labour
activities, i.e. total time minus time devoted to work. As a result, the
constraint in (2) requires that available effort time (that is, total time
minus labour time) equals time spent in leisure plus time/effort spent in
recycling and waste minimization activities. If we substitute for l from (2)
into (1) we get to the following maximization problem:
Max eR;eM U(E
f(wReR; wMeM); G; eR; eM; pa (eR
sn)) (3)
To simplify matters, we put additional structure on the
model, by assuming
also that f(wReR; wMeM) = wReR +wMeM and g(eR; eM) = eR +
The parameter (with
> 1) measures the degree of individual consciousness of the
superiority of waste prevention over recycling activities as a strategy to
improve environmental quality; this assumption is coherent with the relevance
recognized by policy makers to minimization strategies as the most preferred
waste management option in the long run. We interpret
as an indicator of intrinsic motivations to waste reduction (see also the discussion in Section 3). Finally, we assume a linear shape for n:
as an indicator of intrinsic motivations to waste reduction (see also the discussion in Section 3). Finally, we assume a linear shape for n:
Additional simplying assumptions are needed to improve
results interpretion: namely, we assume that utility is linear in G and l:
Albeit these assumptions are expected to affect our theoretical conclusions,
they are invaluable in terms of readability of results.
Based on these assumptions, the individual chooses effort
levels in order to maximize (3). First order conditions imply:
DeFIne the Hessian determinant as follows:

As a consequence: deM
R 0 if @
@eR@eM Q 0; meaning that an improvement in specific recycling
knowledge and/or in recycling policy implies a larger (lower) effort in waste
prevention when recycling and prevention efforts are complements (substitutes)
in the utility function.
These considerations suggest the potential existence of
multidimensional "warm glow" impacts. In other words, the marginal
utility of one effort type can increase or decrease in reaction to changes in
the other effort, depending on the existence of potential complementarities or
substitutabilities in the utility function.
Before moving to other relevant comparative statics results,
notice that an equivalent analysis concerning wM would not be very informative
theoretically; indeed, as argued before, no straight conclusion is possible in
terms of the changes in wM resulting from changes in the recycling policy.
Related impacts are therefore mostly an empirical issue.
relevant comparative statics refer to the impact of
and the indirect impact of policy and specific knowledge through peer approval. Comparative statics lead us to the following:
and the indirect impact of policy and specific knowledge through peer approval. Comparative statics lead us to the following:

A stricter
policy or, more generally, a more ambitious social norm impacts the recycling effort
level (through peer approval) in a positive way, while the impact on
minimization effort depends again on complementarity/substitutability between efforts
in the utility function. If the two efforts are complements, a larger
prevention effort emerges as a result of a stricter social norm; we cannot
however exclude that social norm can have "perverse" effects on
prevention (or even no effect at all).
supposed direct relationships emerging from the theoretical model are summed up
by the conceptual path in Fig. 1.
3 The data
Our empirical
estimation is based on data provided by the 2009 Survey of Public Attitudes and
Behaviours toward the Environment 6, which is representative of the
population in England (Thornton, 2009). Consisting of 2,009 observations, the
survey reports either the opinion or the stated actual behavior of the
respondent (or both) on a wide range of environmentally relevant daily
activities. These activities are grouped according to a number of issues
including energy and water use, purchasing behaviors, recycling habits and
waste production and reuse, food purchasing/consumption and food waste, and
travel. Besides information about individual activities that may have an
environmental impact, the survey includes a number of questions to gauge the
respondentsíknowledge of, and attitudes towards, various environmental issues
as carbon offsetting, biodiversity, use of green spaces as well as the degree
of involvement in volunteering for environmental organizations.
Survey is commissioned by the Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs
(Defra), together with the Energy Saving Trust. The data for 2009 release was
collected in February/March of the same year.
dataset appears then as particularly suitable for the purposes of our
analysis.To the best of our knowledge, there are no other datasets providing
comparable information.
To derive
the latent dependent variables used in the empirical model, we have selected
the following variables as indicators of:
1. waste
disposal behaviors:
How frequently do you recycle items (recbeh1 )
How frequently do you compost your householdís
food and/or gardenwaste (recbeh2 )
How frequently do you take your own shopping
bag when shopping (recbeh3 )
How frequently do you decide not to buy
something because too much packaging (minbeh1 )
How much uneaten food would you say you
generally end up throwing away (foodmin)
How much effort do you and your household go
to in order to minimize the amount of uneaten food thrown away (eff_food) 2.
intrinsic motivation:
Level of knowledge about climate change
Level of knowledge about global warming
Level of knowledge about carbon footprint
To what extent throwing uneaten food away
bother you personally (fw_bother )
Attitude towards own lifestyle and the
environment (envfeel) 3. recycling opportunity cost:
Presence of bottle bank or recycling bank
where taking bottles, cans or paper to recycle (rec_bank)
Level of knowledge about the type of materials
that can be put for a council recycling or composting collection (sp_kn) 4.
peer approval:
Degree of agreement with the statement ìPeople
have a duty to recycleî
statistics for the selected variables are reported in Table 17. As far as waste
behaviors are concerned, we have used answers to questions where respondents
are asked to consider their current behaviour in relation to different types of
recycling/reusing, composting8 and prevention decisions.
To evaluate
the impact of waste policy on recycling and reduction behaviors, we use a
variable indicating the presence of kerbside facilities in the area of
residence9. This type of information is commonly adopted as a proxy for waste
policies, as kerbside policy is considered as a key instrument for policymakers
to affect householdsí recycling decisions through the activation of the social
norm to recycle and the increased individualsíperception of competence and
autonomy in carrying out recycling activities (Abbott et al., 2013).
In addition
to kerbside facilities, specific knowledge about the types of materials that
can be recycled is considered as a factor reducing the opportunity cost of
recycling effort. As indicator of specific recycling knowledge we have
constructed a variable that expresses the number of items the respondent can
put outside for council recycling or composting collection.
with our theoretical model, we suppose that the recycling opportunity cost is affected
by waste disposal decisions both directly and indirectly through its effects on
the social appraisal the individual enjoys by complying with the social norm.
Peer approval can be deFIned as the external rewards that derive to the
individual from his/her pro-social behavior (Cecere et al., 2013). In this
work, we assume that peer approval can be captured by the degree of agreement
with the statement "People have a duty to recycle", by considering
that the recycling duty represents a social norm and that the stronger the
level of agreement with this duty the higher the attainment of peer approval
coming from adherence to this norm.
recycling is visible to "neighboursíeyes" and can then be stimulated by
social rewards (extrinsic motivations), waste reduction is a private action
which is unlikely to be observable by others. Accordingly, we can expect that
"more private" motivations can induce waste prevention. As a proxy
for intrinsic motivations to waste minimization we have considered two
variables related to the individual attitude towards the environment (expressed
by the degree of bother the individual feels when throwing uneaten food away,
and personal feeling about the current lifestyle in relation to the
environment), and three variables expressing individual knowledge of environmental
problems. This is in line with the literature recognizing that environmental
knowledge can play a signiFIcant part in shaping waste management decisions
(see, for istance, Barr, 2007 and the concept of "abstract knowledge for
action" proposed by Schahn and Holzer, 1990).
variables have been recorded in order to assign higher values to greener attitudes
and behaviors.
recycling behaviors we have considered also composting. This is coherent with
the deFInition provided by the waste hierarchy, according to which recycling
includes "turning waste into a new substance or product, includes
composting if it meets quality protocols" (see for instance, last accessed
by the answer to the question: "Is there a bottle bank or recycling bank
in your area where you can take things like bottles, cans or paper to
4 Empirical analysis and results
In order to
test whether the theoretical results obtained in Section 2 can be conFIrmed
empirically, we use structural equation modeling (SEM). This modeling
technique, which consists of series of multiple regression equations FItted
simultaneously, appears to be particularly suited to test our theoretical model
due to the possibility of estimating the magnitude of the effects (direct and
indirect) that independent variables (either observed or latent) have on
dependent variables (either observed or latent) (Hershberger et al., 2003). The
measurement model speciFIes how latent variables depend upon the observed
variables, whereas the structural equation model speciFIes the causal
relationships among the latent variables and describes the causal effects. Both
models are speciFIed by the researcher by choosing and constraining the modelís
parameters as FIxed, constrained and free.
The use of
structural equation modeling is further suggested by the existence of a
reciprocal causation effect between the two waste behaviors in our model (and
accordingly between their residuals). Reciprocal causation between variables
requires the specification of a nonrecursive model, for which the use of a full
information technique (such a LISREL model) can be particularly useful.
As commonly
done by several authors (Anderson and Gerbing, 1988; Medsker et al., 1994;
Zattoni et al., 2012), we followed a two-stage procedure, where, in the FIrst
step, we have tested the validity of the measurement models through a conFIrmatory
factor analysis (CFA). In the second step, the complete structural equation
model was used to estimate the path coef-FIcients and test for the
relationships between constructs.

Jˆreskog and Sˆrbom (1996), the structural equation model consists of three
types of relationships. The FIrst measurement model speci-FIes the relation
between observed endogenous variables and latent endogenous variables:
y = y
+ " where y is a p1 vector of observed endogenous (or dependent)
y is a
p m (m is the number of latent variables
) matrix of regression coeficients for the effects of the latent variables
on the observed variables, is a m1 vector of latent dependent variables
and " is a p1 vector of error terms. In our specification, recycling and
minimization behavior as well as peer approval are latent endogenous variables
( ); the measurement model then identiFIes the relations between each
latent variable and the manifest variables that causes them10.
The second
measurement model speciFIes the relation between observed exogenous variables
and latent exogenous variables:

where x is a q 1 vector of observed independent
variables, x is a q n (n is the number of latent variables ) matrix of
regression coeficients,
is a n 1 vector of latent independent variables and is a q
1 vector of measurement errors. In our case, intrinsic motivations
(alpha) and recycling opportunity cost are speciFIed as latent independent
variables explained by their observed independent constructs.
the structural model speciFIes the causal relations that exist among the latent

where B is
a m m matrix of coeficients for the
latent endogenous variables, is a m n
coeficient matrix for the latent exogenous variables, ƫ is a vector of errors.
As it is
shown in Figures 2 and 3, latent variables (both dependent and independent) are
graphically represented by ovals, whilst observed (endogenous and exogenous)
variables are included in rectangles.
Since the
variables used in the analysis are ordinal, we adopt the Weighted Least-Squares
(WLS) method based on polychoric correlations and their asymptotic covariance
with the suggested relationships provided by our theoretical model, two different
specifications have been tested: in the FIrst specification, to account for the
existence of a potential direct ináuence of variables affecting recycling
opportunity cost on waste reduction effort, we have explicitly considered the
path between the two variables. As Figure 2 displays, however, the direct
relationship between "reduction in recycling opportunity cost" and
minimization behavior is not signiFIcant (t-value = -1.70); nevertheless, we
can expect that indirect effects on waste prevention efforts through impacts on
other variables may take place. The exclusion of the path between
"reduction in recycling opportunity cost" and minimization behavior
leads to the second model specification. Figure 3 shows the estimated
relationships and their standardized coeficients for the second specification11.
The model specification
is acceptable (RMSEA = 0.00, SRMR = 0.085); the goodness of FIt indices values
are as follows: Goodness of Fit Index (GFI) = 0.9842, Adjusted Goodness of Fit
Index (AGFI) = 0.9767.
By looking
at the structural model in order to assess the validity of causal structures
among latent variables, it can be noted that a lower opportunity cost of
recycling (positively affected by better knowledge of recycling opportunities and
the presence of kerbside facilities) has a positive direct effect on recycling
behaviors and on peer approval, which in turn positively affects recycling
decisions. These relations suggest the possibility that waste policy can have
also an indirect effect on recycling behaviors through its impact on peer
approval, implying that no crowding out of environmental policies and extrinsic
motivations takes place in our specifications12 .
motivations for prevention (explained by the level of knowledge of
environmental issues and the individual green attitude) positively affect waste
minimization, conFIrming previous results in the literature (Barr, 2007).
to our estimations, there are positive and signiFIcant reciprocal linkages
between recycling and minimization behaviors. These results suggest that the
two waste behaviors tend to reinforce each other, supporting the view that the
two waste related efforts are complements in the utility function. The
existence of a complementarity relation can then imply that even though
waste/recycling policy doesnít affect directly prevention efforts, they may be
stimulated indirectly through their positive impact on recycling.
In order to
uncover the overall effect that each variable may have on the others, we
calculate the total effects summarized by the different paths13. As
1 1Compared
to the FIrst model, the second specification yields gains of goodness of FIt indicators.
1 2This
partly conFIrms results obtained by Cecere et al. (2013) at the EU level.
1 3Path
analysis allows for a decomposition of the effects of one variable on another
into direct, indirect and total effects. Direct effects are the ináuences of one
variable on another that are not mediated by any other variable. Indirect effects
are ones that are mediated by at least one other variable and the total effects
are the sum of direct and indirect effects (Bollen, 1989; p. 376).
Table 2
shows, a reduction in the recycling opportunity cost has a positive and signiFIcant
impact on prevention effort, even though the coeficient is very low. At the
opposite, intrinsic motivations have a strong impact not only on minimization
behaviors (as noted before) but on recycling efforts as well (and the value of
the coeficient is much higher than the coeficient between wR and minimization
about total effects hence suggest that we cannot rely too much on recycling
policies to boost waste minimization, as they do not affect individual prevention
efforts directly and have only a low indirect impact.
contrasts with recent policy efforts at the EU level, that have been targeted
towards improving waste disposal management and increasing recycling facilities,
and contributes to explain why policy interventions have brought about only
minor changes in terms of reduced waste generation.
Our results
further suggest that investing in environmental education and increasing
pro-environmental attitudes of individuals may be much more effective in
stimulating waste prevention and in order to achieve long-term sustainability
5 Conclusion
This paper
analyzes potential interactions between individualsíwaste prevention and
recycling activities, focusing on the effects that different drivers may have,
both directly and indirectly, on the two waste related behaviors.
waste prevention is at the top of the waste hierarchy, it is still not a specific
policy target. On the contrary, policy attention has been mainly devoted to
recycling. It is particularly intriguing then to investigate the effects that
recycling policies may have on individualsídecisions to reduce waste.
A question
to which we have looked for an answer is what kind of effects may be induced by
recycling policies on individualsí decisions to reduce waste.
In fact,
if, on the one hand, incentives and facilities to encourage recycling may have
positive effects on waste reduction too, by stimulating a pro-environmental
lifestyle, on the other hand they may have negative effects generating a
trade-off between the two behaviors.
theoretical analysis shows that policies oriented at reducing the opportunity cost
of recycling may have positive (negative) effects also on waste reduction if
the two efforts are complements (substitutes) in the individual utility
function. The existence of a multidimensional ìwarm glowî may arise: increasing
one of the two efforts increases (decreases) the marginal utility of the other,
depending on the existence of a complementarity or substitutability
existence of complementarities (or substitutabilities) between the two efforts
determines also positive (negative) indirect effects of intrinsic motivations
on recycling behavior as well as of social norms on waste minimization decisions.
In the empirical part of the paper we investigate our theoretical predictions, by
specifying the role played by policies, personal beliefs and social norms in
determining individual waste-related actions.
Our results
suggest that recycling policies do not directly affect waste reduction
decisions. Instead, there are positive and signiFIcant reciprocal linkages
between recycling and minimization behaviors, disclosing the existence of a
relationship of complementarity between the two waste related efforts. This
implies that in our case study recycling policies indirectly stimulate waste
prevention, through their positive impact on recycling. The same relationship
of complementarity between the two efforts allows us to consider the direct and
indirect effects of intrinsic motivations and social norms on both behaviours.
What emerges by the calculus of the total effects summarized by the different
paths is of great interest.
In fact,
given the complementarity relation between the two behaviors, policies oriented
at incentivizing and facilitating recycling have indirect positive effects also
on waste prevention, nevertheless their impact is very low.
At the
opposite, intrinsic motivations that have a strong direct impact on waste
minimization, have also a strong indirect impact on recycling. Endogenous motives
that induce individuals to comply with waste minimization positively ináuence
also recycling.
If it is
true that complementarity and not substitutability emerges between the two
waste management behaviors, it is also true that the different drivers of the
diverse behaviors do not necessarily have the same strength on both waste
minimization and recycling. Multidimensional warm glow is more relevant in
explaining the indirect effect of intrinsic motivations on recycling than it is
in determining the indirect effect of waste policy on waste prevention. These
considerations help explaining the moderate impact of policy interventions aimed
at improving waste disposal management on waste reduction.
campaigns aimed at increasing individualsíawareness about the waste problem may
be much more effective in stimulating waste prevention in order to achieve
long-term sustainability targets.
Abbot, A., Nandeibam, S. and OíShea, L., (2013), Recycling:
Social Norms and Warm Glow Revisited, Ecological Economics, 90: 10-18.
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